Just a little more info
In the War Scenario Campaign we were running alongside the VG, (I was Moderator)
We played a Rom V Fed Scenario using Fog-of-war, Each side got thier own map (using cyberboard) which meant they could only see what their sensors etc allowed them to (Hence the Rom cloak became a very powerful weapon- as it should be IMHO)
Because we could muster 4-5 peeps per Race we sped along quite nicely and soon the Roms were crossing the NZ,
However i made a fatal flaw in my rules that was misunderstood by all (Including me sometimes

I found the FOW worked really well overall and we managed some Good Battles, with the Feds losing a few Sensor posts and bases etc, Roms lost a few ships and all to play for,
But real life comes along and hence the reason you need as many per group as possible, Otherwise the hold ups will be a nightmare,
Max,s idea for taking control will work until the 1st group thinks they are being unfairly treat because they cant get online,
Solution = Lots of players per race