Well...(I dont mean to speak for max...I only speak from beta testing SFCshadows SFCoC)...first thing we'd need is some automation....
Entering all the moves etc etc....can take quite awhile...
Plus...as the thread has shown...you need some way to simulate previous battle damage and have ships load in mission accordingly.....
The biggest two hang ups when playing a cyberboard campaign....
Battle marathons....
Waiting for empire moves...waiting for reaction moves....waiting to get everyone to gether to resolve battles...
Then trying to do a marathon session to get all those battles done....
Then waiting for the map to be updated...and waiting for the empire to move...
Every asset on the board can be accounted for and controled...
No fog of war...IE...you can see where every asset is...
HUGE battles.....
6 peeps, 3 ships each , mean battles with up to 18 ships are possible...even at that...two peeps with AI wings still can do 18 ship battles...
(Side note....these were some of the hardest, most nail biting ,pucker factor ,battles I've ever flown .....trying to keep situational awareness alone os a HUGE chore....imagine trying to track one player controled enemy ship in such a malestorm...)
Did I say HUGE battles?
Yes...I think I did...
BUT...we also had a system to break those battle down so each ship could be flown by a player...
The option to break down battles ALLWAYS rested with the defenders...
More varied mission objectives...
You might have to simply pin a force by forcing en engagment....
You might get a suicide mission to attack a star base with two D7's....
Intercepts...convoy escort....base assalts...all mean something....any mistake....results in a change on the board....
Disengagment means a routed fleet for next turn....
Some things that needed some severe tweaking...
Having a force used to pin another force and having the "pinning " force refuse to engage....IE; they left the map....
Shadows answer was the "Battle pass" rules....IE..if you engaged a force on the map...you had to at least pass within 8 of your enemy on the map before disengaging....this still caused problems because the rul never said WHO must make the pass....people would hug the border and leave the map as soon as you got within 8 of them....
My answer (never tested)...in order to disengage from ANY battle...you MUST flee to the opposite side of your map that you spawned on....IE:...you can run away anytime you want (routed fleet)...but to do so...you must first get by your enemy to get off the map....
This gives the attacked force at least a chance of taking out a ship...and makes trying to pin a superior force with two small ships a REAL risk...
I'm try and dust off the old cobwebs...

Directional disengagment....(never tested).....IE...when you flee off the north side off the map...your routed fleet goes in the hex to the north...
Problem....hex mapvs square battle map......its not allways clear which hex the routed fleet should go into...
Solution...whenever possible....routed fleet flees to homeward hex of the disputed two hexes...
Other points if I may be so bold....
One good thing is you can often plan battles, on say a saturday night...good time to get 6 hours of battle done...
Problem:....sometimes those nights were tuesdays or other week nights....
MAJOR PROBLEM....trying to get battles done before deadlines on weeknights almost got me fired and temporarily ruined my marraige...been there ,,,done that....got the scars to prove it...heh heh
problem....I have a game recording of the opening moves of a campaign......after THREE MONTHS the board had only moved a bit....
It TAKES a huge amount of time to get things done....even longer when disputes arise over rules , battle results, or legal moves....
IIRC...F&E sets up that the Federation is out numbered by the Klingon empire....but the klingons have inferior ships...
The federation gets more ships in production later in the game....the klingons strech resources...
But this means the opening of the game is the klingons making a major push into federation space...first strike mentality...and the federation then fights back with superior ships and production...driving the klingons from fed space....
So..we...being the klingons...played the earth gambit.....knowing FULL well that failure to take earth with the ships we could get on site meant we would LOSE the campaign.....becauase our ship production wasnt enough alone to hold the feds off later in the game...
But when the klinks threw every ship at the feds for three turns....the feds pretty much dropped off the radar....this screwed up the whole schedual and delayed the game for weeks...
What this means is....the normal complaints that come with dyna play also accompany come with the cyberboard campaign......only it can CRIPPLE the cyber campaign.....because all play stops when one Empire is a no show......
Solution....deadlines....failure to meet a deadline means NO moves....failure to show for battles means attacker can play against AI...attackers get a cake walk...
What I have gleaned from discussions on the Taldren boards...
It IS possible to get another chat client to launch SFC into skirmish...per firesoul
It is possible to set conditions in a configurable script loaded from the "map"...../website terrain.. simlular to co-op ace or sector assault...(if SQL was all ironed out)
It is possible to record information from the battle and send it back to the map /website....
What we need...is something BETWEEN the DV and a pure PBEM campaign....
A PBEM campaign is great...its all PvP....but it takes A LONG TIME...and there is little room for people who might not be so PvP strong...
The DV is GREAT!...it allows for casual play 24/7...with no need to track and enter info...
If these two games could be distilled and combined...we might find the grail.....
With code...all things are possible

Sorry for jumping around so much...I typed this in several sessions tonight..
