Topic: General War GSA campaign  (Read 12441 times)

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Offline Max Power

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General War GSA campaign
« on: June 28, 2004, 08:10:30 am »
An update on the people who are tracking the development of this one:

1. I'm working nights again this week (as I just found out, lol). So I'll be doing a lot of work on the project this week. I should have the draft rules finished this week, with the exception of the combat section.

2. It should be noted though that in addition to the recent decline of my health (which hasn't been fully resolved) I'm also moving to Milwaukee in July. I will obviously be unavailable during that time. Again, I'm looking for volunteers to assist in doing some of the work. Skills that would be very useful would be knowledge of excel for the creation of automated accounting forms.


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Re: General War GSA campaign
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2004, 04:52:03 pm »
Argh. I know somebody has already made F&E forms for Excel.

I hate cobwebs.  :help:

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Re: General War GSA campaign
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2004, 05:19:36 pm »
Hey max...Will you be using cyberboard to send moves?

If so....could I get on the mail list?

I cant offer any help with contsruction...but when you hit playtesting stage send up a post eh? ;D

Offline Surfal

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Re: General War GSA campaign
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2004, 06:08:35 pm »
Argh. I know somebody has already made F&E forms for Excel.

I hate cobwebs.  :help:

You would think...but if nobody has, I'm a fair formbuilder with Excel, and I'm very interested in the project.  I'd like to help, so sign me up Max.

Offline Max Power

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Re: General War GSA campaign
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2004, 03:34:23 am »
Hey max...Will you be using cyberboard to send moves?

If so....could I get on the mail list?

I cant offer any help with contsruction...but when you hit playtesting stage send up a post eh? ;D

Yes. Actually the way to go will be using cyberboard and the application sharing function of MSN messenger. This allows you to share the cyberboard program (which will be the F&E strategic map) with all opponents, allowing all moves to be made in real time. Then whatever battles are generated will be resolved on GSA.

Offline Max Power

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Re: General War GSA campaign
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2004, 03:40:37 am »
Argh. I know somebody has already made F&E forms for Excel.

I hate cobwebs.  :help:

You would think...but if nobody has, I'm a fair formbuilder with Excel, and I'm very interested in the project.  I'd like to help, so sign me up Max.

Probabally, but I don't know anyone that has them. And at the same time they must be adapted to our uses. Send me an e-mail Surfal and we'll try to iron something out where we can have you make up some draft forms. Of specific interest off the top of my head would be the economic form, a production form which would hopefully take the result of the economic form and present it as a total to work from, and a form that tracks what ships are in what hexes (this is essential due to pinning rules - it's a lot easier if a form keeps track than if you have to constantly count ships).

I'm also looking for shiplist help if anyone is interested in that. Specifically, at the moment the OP 3.3+ shiplist needs to be taken and crippled versions of every ship in it need to be added; these ships will have 1/2 the weapons and internals removed from them. In addition modifications are required to add ships like the Condor-V which aren't present in the list.


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Re: General War GSA campaign
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2004, 10:51:27 am »
I would actually start with DieHard's list Max. He has already modded fighters and PF's for all races. What he has now will be a lot closer to your end product than 3.3.

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Re: General War GSA campaign
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2004, 10:56:40 am »

I'm also looking for shiplist help if anyone is interested in that. Specifically, at the moment the OP 3.3+ shiplist needs to be taken and crippled versions of every ship in it need to be added; . . .

I think we could find a better way to do this.  Is there a scripter in the house?  Anyway we get set a ships in a Muliti-player mission to already be damaged?

if not, I do not feel we need to do the entire list.  Just make a special list for the scenarios that involved crippled ships.   Most players won't out a crippled ship "on the battle line" unless they have to anyway.
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Offline KBF-Crim

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Re: General War GSA campaign
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2004, 11:01:21 am »
. Specifically, at the moment the OP 3.3+ shiplist needs to be taken and crippled versions of every ship in it need to be added; these ships will have 1/2 the weapons and internals removed from them.

Max...NTDN came out with an app that loaded damage to ships in a skirmish mission...

You could set damage from light to med,heavy, and crippled....

When the mission launched...your ship would be damage accordingly via a percentage....

You just ran it like  Co-op ace or sector assault...its was kinda a crap shoot what came up damaged....but it was alot closer to knowing what was damaged and at what point a ship was crippled for game play purposes...

I'm pretty sure I have a copy of the script on my other would need to be ported over from EAW...

BUT....there must be some script function that gives stats back and forth to a server or somewhere....because EXACT damage can be carried from mission to mission in the DV...

Using the script as a model maybe one of the guru's could make you one simular...

Offline Lepton

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Re: General War GSA campaign
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2004, 11:16:17 am »
Is there even room in the shiplist to have crippled versions of all the ships??  My recommendation some time ago was to use a smaller hull size ship in proportion to the damage received as was gone in the General War campaign awhile ago.  I do like Max's crippled ship version idea, but I am wondering how doable it is as it mirrors F&E.

Not to be a poophead, but couldn't this be done pretty quickly.  Just copy the entire shiplist in Excel, paste it into another sheet, and multiply all the relevant columns by .5, and copy the new stuff back into the original sheet??

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Offline Surfal

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Re: General War GSA campaign
« Reply #10 on: June 29, 2004, 11:38:16 am »
On Cripples and the shiplist:

Making cripple entries of every ship will be painful.  You can make formulaic entries that will produce a ship with 1/2 power, hull, shuttle, etc., or even some more reasonable breakout that nukes the soft spots hit early in the DAC but keeps the latter spots in some decent shape.   The big problem will come in two areas:  1) you'll need an alternate shipname for every cripple entry, which isn't hard but is a PIA, and 2) you'll need to do the cripple reduction of weapons by hand because of how many weapons are individually listed on their own hardpoints in the shiplist.

On an excel sheet to cobble the economics, track the fleets and such:  very doable, I'm assembling a prototype now.  I'll pass you a note from home later Max.

Offline Lepton

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Re: General War GSA campaign
« Reply #11 on: June 29, 2004, 01:00:37 pm »
Do the hardpoints really need to be edited?  I have no idea myself, but if you take out the equivalent of the SSD box, won't that do it??

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Offline Surfal

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Re: General War GSA campaign
« Reply #12 on: June 29, 2004, 01:40:49 pm »
Do the hardpoints really need to be edited?  I have no idea myself, but if you take out the equivalent of the SSD box, won't that do it??

F-CA hardpoints:

2 Phot FA, 2 Phot FA, 1 ADD6, 1 DroG, 2 Ph1 FH, 2 Ph1 FRRX, 2 Ph1 FLLX, 2 Ph1 RH, 2 Ph3 All
following the divide by 2 rule and rounding up you'd end up with
1 Phot FA, 1 Phot FA, 1 ADD6, 1 DroG, 1 Ph1 FH, 1 Ph1 FRRX, 1 Ph1 FLLX, 1 Ph1 RH, 1 Ph3 All
which seems pretty reasonable.

Now lets try another:
1 PLaS RP, 1 PLaS LP, 1 PLaF RS, 1 PLaF LS, 1 Ph1 FAR, 1 Ph1 FAL, 2 Ph1 RS, 2 Ph1 LS, 1 Ph3 RS, 1 Ph3 LS, 1 Ph1 RAR, 1 Ph1 RAL
divide by two and round up gives us a ship that has lost a grand total of 2 Ph1.  Romulans, Gorns, many Hydrans and a fair smattering of the other races have lots of ships with 1 weapon/hardpoint, so you've gotta apply judegement when it comes to stripping weapons off. 

Once we agree on a set of rules this is a doable thing, its just that its not a trivial effort considering the 2000+ shiplist entries....

Offline Lepton

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Re: General War GSA campaign
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2004, 02:30:45 pm »
Haven't used this, but might it not do what we are looking for??

From Khoromag:

Sector Assault for SFC OP - Updated Nov 12, 2002

This script is designed primarily for campaign systems.  Using this script and the included configuration program you can set up a scenario with:

      Any starbase playable by the host with full loadout support.
    * Option of zero to eight DefSats optimally placed around the base.
      Option of zero to three FRDs placed behind the base.
      Option to have no planet, a light planet, or a heavy (Ph4 armed) planet placed behind the FRDs or base.
      Option of disabling the host's selected space dock ships.
      Optional startup damage for every ship in the game including starbase and planet.

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Offline Capt_Bearslayer_XC

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Re: General War GSA campaign
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2004, 02:40:57 pm »
Only problem is neither OP or EAW's SA work as advertised.

Bases get no spares and base load out of marines & shuttles.  Drones are set by the era speed, but base load out.  Fighters/PF's are basic type I's. 

You can set the SA to what ever you want load out wise.  But it doesn't come up during the mission.

I have contacted MagnumMan about this, but he replied that he has moved on and has no interest in going back to fix things.

On the bright side, he did say he was willing to give the source info up to anyone who is willing to continue the work.
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Re: General War GSA campaign
« Reply #15 on: June 29, 2004, 02:47:22 pm »
On the bright side, he did say he was willing to give the source info up to anyone who is willing to continue the work.

Yoohoo!! Firesoul!

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Re: General War GSA campaign
« Reply #16 on: June 29, 2004, 02:55:02 pm »
Well, that is, at least, one more response than when I posted this on the old Taldren Scripters forum.  ::)
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Re: General War GSA campaign
« Reply #17 on: June 29, 2004, 02:56:30 pm »
Not counting the echo?

Offline Capt_Bearslayer_XC

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Re: General War GSA campaign
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2004, 03:02:01 pm »
Including the echo... unless you count me 'bumping' my own post...
Political Correctness is really Political Censorship

A tax code should exist to procure the funds necessary for the operation of government, not to manipulate human or business behavior.

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A bad peace is even worse than war."  --  Tacitus

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Offline Capt_Bearslayer_XC

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Re: General War GSA campaign
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2004, 03:03:24 pm »
Political Correctness is really Political Censorship

A tax code should exist to procure the funds necessary for the operation of government, not to manipulate human or business behavior.

A nocens dies in loricatus est melior quam a bonus dies procul opus.

A bad peace is even worse than war."  --  Tacitus

"We thought we could resolve the system's problems by rationing services or injecting massive amounts of new money into it" -Claude Castonguay