Kate Mulgrew, Sarah Brightmen, Anne Archer, Gillian Anderson.
I think any one of the above could out-do Ireland without much effort. POP TART!!
You say that Kate Mulgrew could outdo
Kathy Ireland?!?!
In what?

Wicked Witch of the West impersonations?

Number of girls she could pick up at a Dykes on Bikes rally?

I will admit that Kate Mulgrew could do some things Kathy Ireland can't do:

Sing bass.

Order pizza without having to "get your Mommy to call us back."*

Walk through a public place without being mobbed by guys half her age.

Sorry, man... all in all Kathy Ireland is almost 40 with 2 kids and hotter than a lot of 20-somethings I see everyday on campus.
Kate Mulgrew isn't just in the same league... they aren't even playin' the same sport.
*Knowing where I got this from will date me pretty hard- she did the interview where she told this story back when her, Ele and that blonde chick were all 3 on the Swimsuit cover.