Topic: Let Trek lie fallow for 2 years, and then...  (Read 13658 times)

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Re: Let Trek lie fallow for 2 years, and then...
« Reply #40 on: July 03, 2004, 10:02:14 am »
Ok. I'll get back on topic.  Enterprise C sounds great if they can just get rid of those ridiculous uniforms.  I also have always thought that they needed to expand the Trek universe by at least having a Klingon show.  People love seeing klingons.  Hell, some of the best TNG shows are acutally centered around klingons, but people's definition of Trek is too bloody narrow to allow for it.  I'm surprised DS9 ever made it onto the air since it wasn't a captain with a single ship named Enterprise.  I'd also like to see something more civilian from Trek.  Something following a freighter captain or even a smuggler.  Of course that would be a big no-no.  Gene rolling over in his grave and what not.

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Offline J. Carney

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Re: Let Trek lie fallow for 2 years, and then...
« Reply #41 on: July 03, 2004, 11:33:04 am »
Ok. I'll get back on topic.  Enterprise C sounds great if they can just get rid of those ridiculous uniforms.  I also have always thought that they needed to expand the Trek universe by at least having a Klingon show.  People love seeing klingons.  Hell, some of the best TNG shows are acutally centered around klingons, but people's definition of Trek is too bloody narrow to allow for it.  I'm surprised DS9 ever made it onto the air since it wasn't a captain with a single ship named Enterprise.  I'd also like to see something more civilian from Trek.  Something following a freighter captain or even a smuggler.  Of course that would be a big no-no.  Gene rolling over in his grave and what not.

I think that Rodenberry would not have ben opposed to other shows that went outside the Federation had he lived to the present day... after all, he used the other races as an alagory to real life politics. Since the situations have changed for the real world, the ways to use those aligorical manefestations of them would, most likely, have changed.

I think that a good idea would be a amaller ship, like a frigate or police ship, and have them battling the Orion Pirates. You'd have the ability to know the whole crew and it would show the day-to-day workings on a starship better (like Voyager did). It would also give you the chance to get to see some more of the enlisted ranks come out, since a smaller ship would have lower rank requirements for each position... I mean, We have never seen the Starfleet equivelent of a "Cheif of the Boat."
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Offline Magnum357

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Re: Let Trek lie fallow for 2 years, and then...
« Reply #42 on: July 03, 2004, 04:32:10 pm »
Hey!  What a coincidence!  You mentioned a Fed Police Ship, I'm working on a model right now on the SFB Fed Police Cutter for SFC.   :o

Man, I will say one thing about Star Trek, its probably the only Sifi show that I know that attacts SO many different veiw points.  I agree that its interesting to see human emotion from different veiw points in Star Trek, but I agree with Lepton aswell that for a Sifi show it doesn't feel that realistic too me awell.  And now, we get a lot of different veiw points in what Star Trek should be, no wonder Star Trek is not doing well lately.  But one thing I do agree with, that quote above that Gene said... if a writer prostitutes his story for the audience, then he is in big troulbe.  I agree with that philosopy, it means its not art anymore, you are just trying to sell your story for a buck. 

I still think Paramont should consider my idea of a Star Trek movie or Trilogy based on the Lost Era on the Excelcior.  That would at least give Paramont time to figure out what they want too do with Trek.
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Offline J. Carney

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Re: Let Trek lie fallow for 2 years, and then...
« Reply #43 on: July 05, 2004, 07:41:36 pm »
Cool, Mag... you'll have to share it... SOON! ;D I (and probably NOONE else) like the SFB police cutter.

The Excelsior idea is a good one, but, unfortunately, most of the TOS/TMP era fans are not in the 'study groups' that the studios are trying to please. They are kids that want to see more of (whoever the chick that plays T'pol)'s boobs and less of Trek's original purpose...

Which was to show a female's legs.

Seriously, though- someone should set up an official poll on Paramont's site. THey should allow suggestions to be made by e-mail for one month proposing ideas. They should then take the 10 most popular (most often suggested) ideas and set up a net poll allowing you to choose one of them. After another month, they need to take that fan-backed idea and run with it.

In the meantime, what is the possibiity of some inventive person using a FPS mod to make a "Red vs. Blue"-style Trek fan show?
Everything I did in my life that was worthwhile I caught hell for. - Earl Warron

The advantages of living in the Heart of Dixie- low cost of living, peace and quiet and a conservative majority. For some reason I think that the first two items have a lot to do with the presence of the last one.

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Offline Desty Nova

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Re: Let Trek lie fallow for 2 years, and then...
« Reply #44 on: July 06, 2004, 01:29:51 am »
Dude, I like the Fed Police Cutter. And actually, a police drama set on a POL could be fun.
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Offline Magnum357

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Re: Let Trek lie fallow for 2 years, and then...
« Reply #45 on: July 06, 2004, 11:15:53 am »
The Police Cutter I'm working on right now well be somewhat similar too my other SFB ships.  If you want too check them out, go to the Fleetdock 13 website (  My ships are located in the Ships 1 section. 

But be warned, my SFB ships have a somewhat TMP emphisis too them.  I make this like this because I always liked the TMP era of Star Trek especially when Star Trek 2 and 3 came out.  These designs are my intepretation of what SFB ships look like because I wanted them too look a little different then Star Trek ships because I have always considered SFB a different Timeline compared too Star Trek. 

As for the Police Cutter, I've added a tiny bit of history too the design of it.  I don't want too give away any clues, but the Readme file that will come with the model will explain why I designed the Cutter this way.   8)
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Re: Let Trek lie fallow for 2 years, and then...
« Reply #46 on: July 06, 2004, 11:45:40 am »
Well B-5 had a good thing going where they had a egular series, but also a larger picture looming with the shadow war.  So like every few episodes you would get more of the "big"story.  X-files also did this and it worked out well.

Lately with the star trek franchise they are trying something similar but lumping them together like the whole xindi thing.  I don;t think is nearly as successful.  Sadly the shadow war was b-5's wad and it blew waaay too early.  They tried to move beyond that but it was just anticlimactic at that point.

Using the general war and the Andro's I think would work well in the B-5 type format.  I believe all that is owned by Stephen B. Cole or his company though, and therefore would be a licensing nightmare.  But I would like to see it.

Id like to see it start with the older SFB ships too with the round nacelles, and progress as technology changes, say year to year.  Start with a retro TOS look and gradually progress thru technology.

I think thats part where Enterprise fails, I expected to see a ship that predated the TOS Enterprise, not one that looked like it was built after Picards Enterprise.

Well thats my opinion anyways....

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Offline Desty Nova

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Re: Let Trek lie fallow for 2 years, and then...
« Reply #47 on: July 06, 2004, 03:27:11 pm »
That's one of the many reasons I don't waste my time on Enterprise. I absolutely hate the Akiraprise. It was a terrible design and a slap in the face to the fans. I'm not in the habit of watching shows that open with an insult to their most loyal audience.
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Re: Let Trek lie fallow for 2 years, and then...
« Reply #48 on: July 06, 2004, 05:54:19 pm »
Ok. I'll get back on topic.  Enterprise C sounds great if they can just get rid of those ridiculous uniforms.  I also have always thought that they needed to expand the Trek universe by at least having a Klingon show.  People love seeing klingons.  Hell, some of the best TNG shows are acutally centered around klingons, but people's definition of Trek is too bloody narrow to allow for it.  I'm surprised DS9 ever made it onto the air since it wasn't a captain with a single ship named Enterprise.  I'd also like to see something more civilian from Trek.  Something following a freighter captain or even a smuggler.  Of course that would be a big no-no.  Gene rolling over in his grave and what not.
That has often been discussed in the Communicator about the Klingons.This would give us more of an insight of the Klingons in the 23C (Capt. kirks era).This would be a great Idea  for a new show and could possibly bring the fan base back however another Federation ship and crew could do that as well set in the 23C.The fan base myself included want to step back into the 23C trek we seen enough of the 24C.The show Enterprise is a great scifi show but keeps insulting our intellect for the show.This not the way it really happed or lets hope Archer is an 11 year old boy having a big dream about his daddy building  the first warp 5 engine.

 Like I said I watch Enterprise because it is just another sci fi show not because it is trek .

 I would say that a Klingon show would beat Enterprise any day.I would definitely watch it as well as any other trek show set in the 23C.That is my favourite era I do like the TNG based shows.The cold war on Earth is over so why not a klingon show possibly after the Kitomor Accords are signed.Taking place after ST 6 TUC.

Offline J. Carney

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Re: Let Trek lie fallow for 2 years, and then...
« Reply #49 on: July 06, 2004, 06:07:11 pm »
No Klingons!

Give the Smelly Trash of the Gallaxy their own TV show?


Everyone knows the the Rihannsu are superior to those mental midgets! Just imagine a show about the Klingons. The dialouge would be terrible, such short sentences! If not fragmanets! And tell me how hot chick and Klingon fit in the same sentence? B'lana Torres was neither hot nor fully klingon!

Tell paramont that you want to see more of the Rihania! Our command crews are 60% women! Lots of hot chicks in short skirts woth pointed ears- can it get any better?!?
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Re: Let Trek lie fallow for 2 years, and then...
« Reply #50 on: July 06, 2004, 09:00:23 pm »
  That is because Romulan Woman are mostly working for the Tal Sihar and Ilike it when B'lana gets hot headed.What am saying is set in the 23C.

Offline J. Carney

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Re: Let Trek lie fallow for 2 years, and then...
« Reply #51 on: July 06, 2004, 09:51:33 pm »
  That is because Romulan Woman are mostly working for the Tal Sihar and Ilike it when B'lana gets hot headed.What am saying is set in the 23C.

Right- when the Rom's weren't the 'Evil Empire' stand-in. by TNG Berman and Barga (spreading their poison even then) had reduced the Roms to a state of dishonor and intrigue- nothing like the brave, noble, honor-bound officer that destroyed his Warbird to elude capture or the sexy, intelligent Commander who tried (and succeeded) to seduce Spock while Kirk stole the cloaking device.

A show about the TOS/TMP Romulan Empire would have a good storyline- IMHO. A TNG Rom show would flop, because they were reduced to bowl-cut asexuality and Neanderthal intelligence to make up for the lack of a villain.
Everything I did in my life that was worthwhile I caught hell for. - Earl Warron

The advantages of living in the Heart of Dixie- low cost of living, peace and quiet and a conservative majority. For some reason I think that the first two items have a lot to do with the presence of the last one.

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Offline Magnum357

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Re: Let Trek lie fallow for 2 years, and then...
« Reply #52 on: July 07, 2004, 02:37:34 am »
Ya, I agree.  As much as I liked TNG era, I'm not sure why they changed the Romulans the way they did.  Even the Romulans in Nemisis where not really that interesting at all, and half of them looked more like Vampires (with their pale skin) in Nemisis.  I guess B&B wanted too give Romulans more of a "evil" look I suppose.   ::)

Now TOS romulans, I thought had more going for them for story purposes.  If I recall, the reason why they called them Romulans was because they really acted very similar to Romans. 
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Re: Let Trek lie fallow for 2 years, and then...
« Reply #53 on: July 07, 2004, 03:36:56 am »
  They did have the Romulan Senate.The same Senate as the Romans when Julius Caesar was around.It is to bad he fell for Cleopatra.The very emotion of a Romulan.

Offline J. Carney

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Re: Let Trek lie fallow for 2 years, and then...
« Reply #54 on: July 07, 2004, 09:44:44 am »
There were far more similarities than just that, Age. The original structure of the Romulan gov't was almost identical to the facist republic of Rome. There were two houses in the govermant- not just a Senate, but a lower house composed of commoners. The Prator wasan overseer of the senate and there was a figurehead emperor.

The Roumlans used the facist salute.

They ascribed to the Roman code of honor.

Their familial structures were the same as Roman socioty, with the Head of House having power of life and death over it's varrious members.

There are many more little details. If you haven't read Diane Duane's 'Rihannsu' series, find it,  they are a good read andgive a lot of insight into the world of TOS Roms.

They are: My Enemy, My Ally
              The Romulan Way
               Honor Blade

There may be more now, I don't know... but they are good for TOS Rom fans and SFB fans alike- they even have direct references to a D7D cruiser and 'New Series' Hawk ships in them.
Everything I did in my life that was worthwhile I caught hell for. - Earl Warron

The advantages of living in the Heart of Dixie- low cost of living, peace and quiet and a conservative majority. For some reason I think that the first two items have a lot to do with the presence of the last one.

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Offline Desty Nova

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Re: Let Trek lie fallow for 2 years, and then...
« Reply #55 on: July 07, 2004, 07:36:15 pm »
There may be more now, I don't know... but they are good for TOS Rom fans and SFB fans alike- they even have direct references to a D7D cruiser and 'New Series' Hawk ships in them.

Did these books have some kind of official relation to SFB? I was surprised to hear this and now I'm very curious.
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Offline J. Carney

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Re: Let Trek lie fallow for 2 years, and then...
« Reply #56 on: July 07, 2004, 08:26:43 pm »
There may be more now, I don't know... but they are good for TOS Rom fans and SFB fans alike- they even have direct references to a D7D cruiser and 'New Series' Hawk ships in them.

Did these books have some kind of official relation to SFB? I was surprised to hear this and now I'm very curious.

No, Desty, they don't have and official relation to SFB or ADB in any way. I do get the feeling the D.D. either played SFB or knew other fans that did, though.

 I have lost Swordhunt which mentioned a fleet of Romulan ships that had Old Series, KR and New Series ships distinctly mentioned. McCoy is telling the story and he mentions that there are three types of ships in the Romulan Fleet- the traditional 'Warbirds,' ships purchased from the Klingons (specifically the D6 and F5, though by a class name and discriptions and not numberd types), and a newer, previously unseen type of cruisers with "graceful sweeping curves' and ' still possessing a resemblance to a bird.'

That sounds a lot like a Sparrowhawk/Firehawk hull type to me.

In The Romulan Way and My Enemy, My Ally, the central Romulan commander, Ael (aunt of the commander in The Enterprise Incident), has a Warbird- the Bloodwing that has been 'improved with Klingon fire control and engines, making it more powerful and allowing it to fire to the rear'- this sounding like a War Eagle. They also tell the crew of the Enterprise that the Romulans got transporter tech from the Klingons.

The mention of the D7D was that Sulu had been programing, in his spare time, a simulator that allowed one to take the helm of any of the known types of starships and fly them in combat- SOUND FAMILLIAR?- though he tweeked the power ratings on the Klingon ships to allow them to be more effective fighters. Kirk comments that he hopes he never meets an Klingon with one of these 'Sulu refits.'

There are also places where the book doesn't follow SFB, like all the ships are armed with photons instead of the SFB racial weapons, but it seems that this was a conciet to the fans that didn't know about SFB in light of how so many other parts of the boks follow it's lead.

Hope that helps you a little. If you can find them, definately get them. It helps to read them in order (see the above post) but you could read thefirst two at any point- ME,MA is an unrelated event involving Ael that happened previous to the others, and TRW, is kind of a side story in which she makes an apperance, the stories don't all intertwine till the third book.

Whoa, tired fingers- will answer any remaining questions later.
Everything I did in my life that was worthwhile I caught hell for. - Earl Warron

The advantages of living in the Heart of Dixie- low cost of living, peace and quiet and a conservative majority. For some reason I think that the first two items have a lot to do with the presence of the last one.

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Offline Desty Nova

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Re: Let Trek lie fallow for 2 years, and then...
« Reply #57 on: July 08, 2004, 02:38:32 pm »
Huh, interesting. Now I really wanna read those books. I think you're right about the author knowing about SFB, since she refers to the TOS Rommie as a 'Warbird'. If you read the designer's notes in the Basic Set rulebook for SFB, SVC states that he coined the term 'Warbird' in a phone call and it was then used by the actual franchise many years later. 

Anyway, these books sound very interesting, and not just because of the SFB references they contain! They sound like good books about one of the best Trek villains that was taken and screwed up in TMP/TNG(Along with the Klingons).
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Re: Let Trek lie fallow for 2 years, and then...
« Reply #58 on: July 08, 2004, 04:27:50 pm »
Four words:

Star Trek: General War

It would follow the adventures of Captain Phlilip Kosnett (the second most famous captain in Starfleet) and his ship, the Federation command cruiser Kongo. We would get to view his exploits fighting the Romulans, Lyrans, and Klingons throughout the General War, ultimately leading up to "Operation Cavalry", the final allied assault on Klinshai.
But that's not the end of the series, after the General War seems to have died down, suddenly a new foe appears to threaten the Federation: The Interstellar Concordium. The Kongo and her valiant crew must fight with all they have to keep the accursed "peacekeepers" from overrunning the galaxy!
But just when things seem at their darkest, things get a whole lot worse: Invaders from Andromeda storm the Milky Way and they seem dead set on conquest! Watch as the Kongo tries desperately to stem the tide of the invasion. It all leads up to one final gamble: Operation Unity. A huge fleet with representatives from every major race makes the long journey to the Lesser Magellanic Cloud to assault the Andromedans' base of operations and end this horrible war for the sake of all life!

Being an SFB diehard, this would be my fricking dream come true.     

If done right, this would be smashing! You could have great character devlopement, great stories and lots of starship combat! The best of all the worlds that maybe Babylon 5 season 3 and 4 the tops!
Riov S'LKalabam Daew Anahos_XC
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Re: Let Trek lie fallow for 2 years, and then...
« Reply #59 on: July 09, 2004, 04:20:27 am »
Exactly my thinking.  ;)
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