Not sure if you guys think I was whining about droners in D5D's but if I am the one your talking about, please re-read my post without the crap-brown colored glasses you put on as soon as you saw D5D, rofl!
I was saying that the fact that you were using D5D's was not that big a deal. Indeed, I said that even I, a Hydran n00b was able to do a 3 ship ai mission in about 7 minutes, and that 762 or a similar skilled Hydran pilot could do it alot faster. So I was saying that the droners didnt make that much of a difference, just that you guys wanted to win more than we did.
Re-read it without the automatic chip on the bumpy-dome and you will see I was not dissing the Coalition, I was dissing the Alliance side, I.E, US!
Crim, 11 missions an hour equals a 22 hex gain in 20 hours, lol, assuming straight hex-flipping with no PvP. Just FYI.

Anyways, I have ZERO problem with anyone flying whatever ship they want, which is why I have been rather sceptical of the DIP list and other methods being brought up to "even hex flipping out" or to restrict "specialty ships." As you have seen in my posts, IMHO you know what race you are picking, what strengths and weaknesses they have, so choose wisely.
Yeah, every time I fought a D5D or DWD I was thinking "Man, I cant WAIT until GW3 and my CAD+, or a CB, etc."
I had an awesome time on GW2 and have no complaints about anything, except Doomstone telling me starcastling was cheating, rofl.