Topic: ship phaser  (Read 8159 times)

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Offline Don Karnage

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ship phaser
« on: June 26, 2004, 09:41:29 am »
i was wondering if its possible to change the number of beam when you fire, in tos and tmp when a fed ship use is weapon 2 beam are fire, but in sfc 1, 2 eaw/op there only 1 beam, so i was wondering if its possible to fire 2 beam insted of 1? :rules:

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2004, 09:56:04 pm »

Offline Chris SI

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2004, 10:05:48 pm »
I believe he's referring to the visual effect.

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2004, 10:10:58 pm »

Taldren poster known as FFZ

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2004, 09:57:11 pm »
yes, so is it possible to do? :iamwithstupid: :rant: :lol:

Offline SkyFlyer

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2004, 12:51:22 am »
I believe you could, the only limitations would be 1) They would always stay the same distance apart,  2) They would both have the same trajectory, 3) Each phaser would be less than half of the origional size, 4) The effects of the phasers hitting the hull (The sparks) would have to change to show two separate beams, instead of one... But other than that, I believe that it is possible.
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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2004, 03:54:13 pm »
I must be missing something... I am sorry if I am.

But how do we know in the picture, the Enterprise is not just firing TWO phasers?

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2004, 08:59:47 pm »
thats two phasers... I'm sure of it...
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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2004, 10:21:36 pm »
how do i move or add hardpoint with miklshape? :help:

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2004, 06:42:06 am »
ok then, can you do it to the mod?, i will send one and see how its look on the game. :multi:


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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2004, 03:17:27 am »
how do i move or add hardpoint with miklshape? :help:

It is easy to edit hardpoints with Milkshape.  If you have the latest plug-ins, the hardpoints show up as joints, large circles with crosses in them.  To edit them, start on the Model tab and under the Select Options choose Joint (I think the default is vertex).  Then go to the Joints tab, the last one on the left.  Make sure the "show skeleton" box is checked.  Now your model should have several blue circles hovering around it.  On the Joints tab there is a list of all the joints.  Not all of the joints are hardpoints.  If you click on a joint's name in the list, say Hardpoint1, that joint is selected and turns red.  Then you can move it around just as you would a vertex (by going back to the Model tab and clicking the Move button).  You can also add new hardpoints, though I can't quite recall at the moment exactly which button you push, but all you do is add a joint and then name it Hardpointx.  Keep in mind which UI you are going to use for the model, so you don't create hardpoints that won't show up in game.

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2004, 09:17:17 pm »

Actually, isn't that the FH phaser hardpoint on the F-CA firing there?

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2004, 09:37:44 pm »
That was my impression. What I would like to see is a phaser shot that's closer to Star TreK II WoK. I got really used to that feel and it's just a little jarring to see a solid phaser beam.

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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2004, 10:45:02 pm »
also i was wondering the miranda class/reliant, how much power doest the ship have and the megaphaser are what (a-b-g-g2-y?) and how many shot doest it have? :2gun:

Offline Age

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2004, 08:24:51 pm »
 What exactly are you wanting to do Don?What do you want the phasers to do? What game are you referring to?I would need this info. in order to help you out.

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2004, 11:38:20 pm »
well in sfc/op i was just wondering the megaphaser on the reliant where what?, the damage the done to the enterprise are heavy so ther must be phaser A-B or Y, G and G2 dont do that much damage, also i was wondering how much power the ship have (compare to the enterprise), for the twin phaser ray i will try what i was told and see what it look like. :ufo:

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #16 on: July 06, 2004, 02:39:48 am »
  The phasers of the Reliant are the same as the Enterprise in the SFC.2OP.The Reliant has 8 phaser type 1s on  it and the F-CAI WOK (TMP) in the game has 10 phaser type1s.There are no types of phasers except the 2 times 3 phaser on F-CAI Enterprise.Don are you trying to make mod if so what phaser to want on each ship?The ships have same power of 38 and it may require more power for a phaser type A.The phaser type B is  of the Klingon,Romulan and Lyran.

  There is no phaser Y.I am not sure what you asking Don.The damage done at certain ranges.


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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #17 on: July 06, 2004, 08:00:27 pm »
I think he wants to simulate the look of the movie, not adhere to SFB/SFC specs.  He is asking what he should use for the cylindrical phaser mounts on either side of the torpedo pod, with which Khan does so much damage to the Enterprise. 

Don, that is a can of worms.  Many folks argue that those are not high-powered phasers.  The Enterprise's shields were down, and she was struck in particularly sensitive spots, yet she held up pretty well.  If those were mega-phasers, why did a direct hit to the hull with no shields only penetrate a few feet into the ship?  If those were such vulnerable locations, why wasn't the ship destroyed outright, or at least irreparably crippled?  We've seen regular phasers do more damage before, though only in description.  After all, the battle in TWoK is about the only time we've had a good look at exactly what happens when a ship is hit with phasers.  Usually we just see explosions, either little blasts if the ship is damaged, or a big fireball if it's destroyed.  Considering this, some folks maintain that the "cannons" are not mega-phasers, but are some sort of multi-directional turret.  By this approach, the saucer phasers should probably have smaller arcs, say FA, L, and R, and the large phasers on the struts should have wider arcs, like FH or maybe FHL and FHR.  Or possibly, the turrets might be designed to fire aft as well as fore, with the same arc as the torpedo pod. These turrets would probably be intended to compensate for the lack of a secondary hull with more phaser banks.  To be consistent then, the Constitution class should have the same arcs for the saucer phasers, since both ships have the same configuration of phaser banks. 

If, however, you really want to have mega-phaser cannons, you could use PhX's, which can be set to overload.  All of the regular phaser banks then should be Ph1's.  The PhA disrupts electrical systems, which the Reliant's attack does not seem to do.  The PhB does more damage on hulls than on shields, maybe like carving it up as in the movie, but it doesn't look a bit like the film's FX.  Both are heavy weapons, like disruptors, and require more power.  As Age said, you might need increase the ships power, which would be odd, since it shouldn't have more power than the refitted Constitution.  The Ph4 might be tempting, but, aside from draining the capacitor very quickly, it really is too powerful to be carried on a ship.

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2004, 12:07:26 am »
but the reliant was still more powerfull that the enterprise even after kirk shot it, is there official info on the reliant power and weapons?, just wondering?.

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2004, 03:01:15 am »
  Don you are comparing apples to oranges here.That was a movie and you want simulate the same conditions for the game.I believe the Enterprise and Reliant had the same phaser types it is just the Reliants are mounted differently.Johanobesus is right when he says the Enterprises shields were down and being hit where Khan new where to hit them.Khan forced the info. out of the the Reliants Capt. or Chekov.If they had some sort of mega phaser Kirk,Spock and Scotty would of said so.You may recall that Lt. Savik advised Admiral Kirk to raise shields when there is no reply from a Allied ship it was some sort of rule.When there is no communication between an allied ship you are to raise shields.Admiral Kirk did not heed her advise.This why the Enterprise sustained the damage it did.Had they raised shields they would of been better off.

Believe me both ships had the same standard type of phasers on them now if it were a Bird of Prey. It would of used disruptor's as that is the Klingons primary weapons not the phaser.I would go and re watch TWOK if you have it on VHS or DVD.If not borrow it from someone you know that has it or rent it.

I didn't say this as well the Enterprise was at green or yellow alert but did not raise shields.You can go to yellow alert but you will have to lower your shields to keep your phaser charged and photons offline this is in the game though.You would have to go to your K button and select all shields and lower all of them.This is if you are going to simulate the same scenario as the movie.

There is no official info. on the Reliant and the Enterprise is more powerfull than the Reliant.The weaponry does not make up how powerfull a ship is.The engines do and the Enterprises warp coil was damaged.That is why the Reliant had more power.The Enterprise was operating on auxiliary power not on main power.This when Spock had to fix it by going directly into the warp coil if you recall.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2004, 03:24:42 am by Age »


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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2004, 04:16:51 am »
Actually, Khan had memorized the Enterprise's schematics years before in "Space Seed."  At any event, if my memory serves, the Enterprise took more hits, yet it was the Reliant that ended up dead in the water, with the bridge in flames and everyone except Khan dead.  Granted, he didn't have a full crew compliment, but it seemed to me that the Enterprise was the tougher, hardier ship.  Khan only caused as much damage as he did because he was a genius and he was lucky.

It depends on what you mean by "official." If you mean cannon, as in published by Paramount, I don't think so.  You can look in the tech manuals, but they aren't quite cannon or always consistent, and you'd still have to translate the information into SFC stats.  SFC specs probably are "official," insofar as SFC is based upon SFB.   If you want to make the game closer to what is seen on screen, I think you just have to make up stats that make the most sense to you. 

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #21 on: July 07, 2004, 07:51:59 am »
kirk won because he got experiance, spock did sayd he's inteligent but he got no experiance, that's how he manage to damage the reliant and won, well i might have see some sfb info on the miranda, but m not sure if there cannon or not, do you have them?. :-\

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #22 on: July 07, 2004, 12:23:17 pm »
   What am referring to is the TMP TWOK not the PC game SFC or the board game SFB.The two being separate to me then again that's another discussion.Admiral Kirk did know a lot like how to lower the Reliant shields and where to hit them.It was in the nebula where Enterprise did it best against the Reliant.Khan had the Genesis device and was to oppessed with getting Kirk back.The  put Khan into a rage where he couldn't think straight from rational to irrational.This what caused his demised he thought he could out smart Kirk again only anger got in the way.

   I hope this helps you out Don and Space Seed was in the unfitted Enterprise in the TV series so how would he know where to shoot? This is in the refitted Enterprise everything is different on that ship.

   The info you saw on the Miranda class ship in SFB is not canon just exaggeration as most everything in the board game is plain and simple.I don't have anything on SFB and I know nothing about it.I just stick to what I know about in the PC game.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2004, 12:34:59 pm by Age »


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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #23 on: July 07, 2004, 04:07:27 pm »
True, it doesn't make much sense that the refitted Enterprise had the exact same weak spots, but that's the official explanation. 

Khan caught the Enterprise by surprise, and knew exactly how to do the most damage.  It was the initial attack that crippled the Enterprise and gave the Reliant a tactical advantage.  The only advantage Kirk had in terms of experience was that Khan was thinking as a 20th century naval commander, and wasn't really taking advantage of the all three dimensions.  If she hadn't gotten those first free shots and hadn't been commanded by a genius, I don't think the Reliant would have stood a chance against the Enterprise.

I don't have any SFB material on hand, but SFC is based upon SFB, so I doubt there is a great deal of difference.  SFB is not cannon according to Paramount.  After all, on screen, Klingon ships are armed with torpedoes and disruptors, yet in SFC, they only have two disruptors and several phasers.  On screen, nobody uses missiles, unless you count photon torpedoes which can be seeking weapons, yet SFB has lots of stats relating to drones.  SFB is a separate universe from cannon Star Trek as seen on screen, and not cannon, at least according to Paramount.  Or put another way, cannon Star Trek and cannon SFB are two different things.  SFC is based on SFB, not the cannon universe, so if you want to make SFC look more like the movies and series, SFB won't be much help.  Now, being a pnp game, I'm sure there are lots of custom stats which describe the Reliant's phaser pods.  With a little research with Google, I'm sure you can find all sorts of custom SFB style specifications for the Miranda class that you could use, or at least give you some ideas.  Like I said before, your best bet is probably to just work out your own stats that make you happy.    If I had to choose mega-phasers for the Miranda, my first choice would probably be PhX, since the damage seen in the movie isn't really that terrible, given the circumstances.  My second choice would be one Ph4 on each mount, with a small arc.  I would leave the power alone.  A third choice would be PhA or B, with a small increase to the power.  B makes more sense in terms of damage, but A looks more like the SFX in the film.

OT: Don, I can?t help but ask, is your avatar wearing any pants?
« Last Edit: July 07, 2004, 04:28:12 pm by Johanobesus »

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #24 on: July 08, 2004, 11:33:38 am »
no, since i can't host image as tumbnail at my site so i use the only image i know of me aivalable on the net  ;D

is there any info on the excelsior?, i know the excelsior is a movie ship and not from sfb but i was wondering if there was any info on the power the excelsior have in st3 and in st6 after the refit or modification of it, also why did the change the captain of the excelsior and replace him with sulu?, the could have give him command of another excelsior class ship no?? ;)

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #25 on: July 08, 2004, 12:08:00 pm »
    There is no information on that ship as it is all fictional.The only information on the Enterprise is the Space Shuttle OV-01 and the The USS Enterprise CVN 65 & CV 6.Then there is the tall ship Enterprise formerly HMS Enterprise.There is no information on the Excelsior as it not a real ship today.

    I would use the stock phasers getting back to that again. There is nothing wrong with them in that mod that you are making.I would use the same phaser as well if I where making a mod.It would be nice to see phaser 3 for defensive purposes only.

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #26 on: July 08, 2004, 02:16:23 pm »
what are you talking abouth?, i was talking about the uss excelsior nx 2000 and ncc 2000 from startrek 3 to startrek 6.
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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #27 on: July 08, 2004, 06:08:17 pm »
    There is no information on that ship as it is all fictional.The only information on the Enterprise is the Space Shuttle OV-01 and the The USS Enterprise CVN 65 & CV 6.Then there is the tall ship Enterprise formerly HMS Enterprise.There is no information on the Excelsior as it not a real ship today.

Wait, you can?t have "information" about fictional things?  So a site like, say, Ex Astris Scientia, isn't filled with "information"?  And this thick little booklet that came with Orion Pirates, that doesn't have "information" in it? ::)  I'm sure he's well aware that Star Trek isn't real (at least, I hope he is).

Don, if you're not happy with the SFC stats from the stock game, I suggest you set up your own system that seems to you most realistic, or at least most pleasing.  You might study up a bit on SFB to see how power systems work and how various upgrades translate into numbers, then find all the non-SFB info you can.  There are tech manuals which are semi-official, authorized by Paramount but not necessarily adhered to on screen.  I'm sure there are sites on the web that can give you some ideas, whether SFB or FASA stats, or just generic information.  If you just go fishing for descriptions of the Excelsior, you're going to find all sorts of contradictory data.  Even if you don't make up your own system, you're going to be forced to arbitrarily pick one set of specs over others.

Oh, and you might want to remove or at the very least disable that link.  I think it's a right interesting site, but I imagine most of the folks on this board wouldn't agree, and there are no doubt many minors here.  If this were anywhere else I wouldn't say a word, but his is a gaming site and probably attracts a lot of underage kids.  Although I don't see a specific proscription of linking to those sorts of pages, I rather doubt the operators of these forums want a fourteen year old kid to use a link on this site to go to FurNation.

I probably should have just kept my big mouth shut to begin with (damned libido).

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #28 on: July 08, 2004, 08:09:17 pm »
for the sfb spec i was just wondering, about the link there no adul stuff there.


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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #29 on: July 08, 2004, 08:32:27 pm »
  If you want the stats on the Excelsior from the game you can go to Taldren shoftware/ assetts/specs/shiplist and click on it.This where your shiplist is and the stats are in there just read it do not edit it.I though you were refering to the one in the Movie.


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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #30 on: July 08, 2004, 10:53:12 pm »
Um, it might not show all the naughty bits (though a few of the pics come pretty close), but it shows enough to classify as adult to most people.  Anyway, I'm not a moderator, so I'm not telling you what you can or cannot do.  I just didn't want you to get in trouble.

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #31 on: July 09, 2004, 02:17:15 am »
  Don if you want the specs for the  Excelsior from SFB.I would go and ask the those in D2 who play Federation.I hope this will help you out and just ask for the specs.

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #32 on: July 09, 2004, 07:49:09 pm »
no, i was wondering how much power the excelsior have in the game, there no excelsior in sfb since its a tmp ship, also in the movie startrek 6 i was wondering why did the replace the captain of the excelsior and put sulu in the seat?, why not give him a excelsior class insted of the excelsior?.


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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #33 on: July 10, 2004, 02:24:56 am »
If you're asking about the stock specs in an unmodded game, you can see all the stats of each ship in the model library while playing the game.  Or you can open the shiplist in Shipedit or in a database program.  MSWorks will suffice.  The power is listed as Left/Right Warp, Center Warp, Impulse, and Auxiliary.  Add them together to get the total power.  Battle cruisers probably have about 16 units per nacelle, which makes a total of 32, and about 4 impulse and auxiliary.  That's going by memory, mind you, so it may be off.  Just look it up in game. Now I use the Excelsior as a dreadnought, and give it about 25 per nacelle and 8 impulse, and the refitted 12 impulse, but that's just me.

Why wouldn't Sulu get the Excelsior?  Like I said in another thread, ships get new captains all the time.  In-story, there's no particular reason why he wouldn't get the Excelsior.  In the real world, the producers probably didn't want to bother with the effort to re-paint the model with a new name, plus the audience already knows the Excelsior, so they decided to use something the fans would recognize.  They like to name drop.  That's some folks' idea of detailed continuity.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2004, 03:44:36 am by Johanobesus »

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #34 on: July 10, 2004, 02:47:36 am »
no, i was wondering how much power the excelsior have in the game, there no excelsior in sfb since its a tmp ship, also in the movie startrek 6 i was wondering why did the replace the captain of the excelsior and put sulu in the seat?, why not give him a excelsior class insted of the excelsior?.
There is to an Excelsior in SFB as it is always coming out with new sets all the time as I talked with a Board Game strategy store.I am not certian of this though that is why i told you to ask those who play Fed. or anyone in D2.

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #35 on: July 10, 2004, 01:46:49 pm »
i did ask in d2 on taldren, remember that the didn't want to give spec on any ship cause the buy the books and i should also buy them, but i don't want to buy all the sfc books just to have the spec on the fed ship, i have someone who is helping on that.

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Re: ship phaser
« Reply #36 on: July 10, 2004, 05:23:02 pm »
  I just said ask them to post the specs not to scan and to transfer them on to the boards.This what that didn't want to do and it is only F-BCE that you want info on.If you ask them to post the specs I am sure they will but only post and on BCE only.