Topic: Klingon Crunch  (Read 2506 times)

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Offline GarrethMacLeod

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Klingon Crunch
« on: June 26, 2004, 09:52:06 am »
This was the first trek story I wrote (excluding "A Borg's Life"). It was based on a map I made for Alternate B with parts 2-4 based on events that happened during the psuedo-campaign. It isn't nearly as good as the ones I had a chance to read on the old forums. Maybe with time I can come closer to the level of those. I would appreciate feedback, especially constructive criticism.

~ ~Part One ~ ~
Stardate: 56200.00

It has been 20 years since Gowron revoked the Khitomer Accords. During that time, an uneasy truce has evolved between the Klingons and the United Federation of Planets. Both the Klingon Empire and the UFP moved back their borders to create a new neutral zone. Peace, while not agreed to formally, has existed. But now that peace is threatened.

Border skirmishes have resulted in both sides moving parts of their borders forward once again. Old battlestations have been dismantled and moved into position along the new borders. New battle stations have also been completed. The truce, maintained for 20 years, is on the verge of collapse.

News of additional threats from the Romulan Star Empire is unceasing. The Romulans closed their borders to all trading vessels 8 years ago. Those brave enough to attempt trade have simply vanished, never to be seen again.

But now the Romulans have once again opened their borders. Trade is once again flourishing. But not all traders are what they seem. And rumors of a new battleship, the Reman Scimitar, flow through the intelligence services of both the UFP and the Klingon Empire. Neither side has obtained specific information on this new battleship. But it is said to be deadly.

Combined with these issues, the Klingon Empire continues to face the threat of the Borg Collective. As strong as ever, the Collective has made further advances towards Klingon space, expanding their territory in the Alpha Quadrant. In recent months, the Borg have begun to push into Klingon territory, threatening the very existence of the Empire.

The Klingon High Council is beginning to feel crunched. And they are preparing to fight back.

~ ~Part Two ~ ~
Romulan Star Empire - Tal Shiar Communique?
To: Imperial Praetor Eivriha'al
From: Dhael i-Ra'tleihfi t'Hwaerianh


The following is an intercepted transmission from the Federation ship USS Antares. It once again shows the ruthlessness of the Klingon Empire and may prove valuable in future negotiations with them.

~~~ Captain?s Log ? Stardate 56200.20 ? Alpha Quadrant ? Sector 16, 10
Captain Quincy Mellencamp reporting

While performing a routine border patrol through the neutral space along the Federation/Klingon border, we were attacked by 3 Klingon vessels. Major Aek-Nor of the Klingon Navy insisted that we had crossed into Klingon space and that our vessel was now the property of the Empire. After a brief battle, I ordered the ship to disengage from the sector.

?Captain, Klingon vessel decloaking dead ahead!? exclaimed John Riley, helmsman of the USS Antares.

?Go to yellow alert. Open hailing channels,? Captain Mellencamp said to his communications officer, R. J. Findley.

?Channels open, Captain? came the reply.

?Klingon vessel, this is the USS Antares on a routine border patrol. State your purpose for intercepting us.?

The face of Major Aek-nor of the Imperial Klingon Vessel Mek?leth appeared on the viewscreen.

?Federation vessel, this is Major Aek-Nor of the Klingon Empire. You have entered Klingon space. Your vessel is now the property of the Empire. All hands will surrender. Prepare to be boarded? was the response.

?Major, this vessel is in neutral territory. We are on a routine mission and intend no harm? stated Mellencamp.

The viewscreen went blank. ?Captain, they?ve broken off communications? said Findley.

?Captain! Two Klingon Ver?Chas decloaking behind us!? exclaimed Shanna McKenna, tactical officer. ?Their weapons are charged!?

?Helm, evasive maneuvers. Full impulse. Red alert.? called the captain.

As the Sovereign class vessel began it?s evasive maneuver, both of the Klingon vessels behind it launched their polaron torpedoes. The impact was resounding. The Klingon Negh?Var, which had been in front of them, was turning towards them.

?Captain, damage reported on decks 7, 8, 11, & 12. Repair teams are enroot. Shields are holding.?

?Concentrate on the Negh?Var. Fire all phasers. Launch quantum torpedoes as soon as they are ready.?

The Antares continued it?s turn away from the Mek?leth, firing phasers as it turned. Once the Klingon vessel was behind them, a volley of three quantums torpedoes were launched from the rear tubes.

?Torpedoes away, captain?

?Bring us around to the front, helm. Reinforce forward shields? said Mellencamp.

?Aye, sir? said Riley.

?Captain, the all three quantums hit their target. Their shields are down to 75%? said McKenna.

?I should hope so at this range. They are almost sitting on top of us? said Mellencamp.

As the Federation vessel turned back towards the Mek?leth, the other two klingon vessels opened fire with their disruptors along with the Mek?leth. The Antares rocked from the impact of the weapons.

?Forward shields down to 50%, Captain. Reinforcing shields,? indicated the Ops Officer.

?Captain, forward quantums and phasers firing.?

As the Federation vessel fired their forward quantums torpedoes, the Klingon Negh?Var fired its dual Ion Cannons, ripping through the Sovereigns shields.

?Captain? came the voice of Kim Choy, Engineering officer of the Antares, over the internal communications system. ?That last one caused damage to the warp core. We?re doing all we can to keep it together.?

?Keep on it, Choy. We can?t lose our core now? replied Mellencamp.

?We?ll stay with it, captain. But if we take many more hits like that one?we won?t last long?

?Continue coming around to bring the rear quantums on them, helm? said Mellencamp.

The four vessels continued their dance in space, exchanging volleys of phasers and disruptors. Another volley of polaron torpedoes launched from the Vor?Chas, causing further damage to the Antares.

The crew of the Federation vessel fought valiantly, but the single vessel proved no match for the powerful vessels of the Klingon Empire. With it?s shields providing minimal protection and it?s skin scorched from the Klingon disruptors, the time had come to withdraw.

?Helm, break off engagement. Engage warp speed? called Captain Mellencamp. Weak and with heavy damage, the USS Antares hit warp speed. And its crew breathed a sigh of relief.

~ ~Part Three ~ ~
Stardate 56200.4271

The war is nearing the end of the sixth year. The Klingon Empire is suffering greatly. The United Federation of Planets has held the Klingons at bay along the border between the two races. On the other side of the Empire, the Borg Collective has been pushing in on the Klingon Empire slow and steady. And news has now reached the High Council that the Romulan Star Empire is expanding its hold on the Alpha Quadrant. Her navy now strengthened with the addition of the Reman Scimitar, the Star Empire is conquering region after region, increasing its economy at a startling rate.

~~~ Captain?s Log ? Stardate 56200.4271 ? Sector 41,5
Captain Qechvam Reporting

I have received orders to take my Bird of Prey to the neutral planet located in sector 41, 5 and determine its defenses using my ships long range scanners. I have further been ordered to proceed with caution as our intelligence indicates that the Romulan targs may be in the area.

?Captain, we have entered the sector as ordered?

?Engage long range scanners. Approach the planet at three-quarters impulse,? came the command from Captain Qechvam.

As the ship neared the planet, a warning indicator went off at the Tactical Officers station.

?Captain, ship decloaking, aft,? Tactical Officer Kurg reported. ?A Romulan Battleship. Her weapons are charging??

?Initiate evasive maneuvers. Security, scan the vessel and transmit all data to Qo?noS at once. We shall be commended by the High Council themselves upon our return for obtaining this information.?

?Captain, the Romulan vessel is firing??

The Scimitars disruptors ripped through the shields of the much smaller Klingon ship.

?Captain, our rear shields are down. Hull integrity at 75%? reported the Operations Officer.

?Security, transmit all ship data including captain?s logs to the High Command. Helm, bring us about. Reinforce forward shields. Fire all disruptors at will. Today we shall be commended by the gods of Sto-Vo-Kor themselves.?

The Bird of Prey turned to face its foe, firing all disputors as it passed over the Romulan battleship.

?Bring us around on their aft and continue to fire,? called Captain Qechvam.

As the Bird of Prey initiated its turn back towards the Romulan vessel, the battleship initiated a high energy turn. The Klingon ship was now facing the full wrath of the Romulan disruptors again plus the now fully charged Romulan plasma torpedoes. As he watched the battleship fires its weapons, Captain Qechvam took pride in the fact that he and his warriors had died honourably.

The Council can wait no longer. The time for drastic measures is upon them. It has taken almost six years for the Klingon war machine to build itself back up to its former glory. All males who have reached the age of ascension are called upon to join the Imperial Klingon Navy and to battle for the glory of the Empire. Production of new ships is stepped up to meet the needs of the navy.

High Command develops and implements a three-pronged attack to extricate the Empire for the crunch.

First, a truce is reached between the Empire and the United Federation of Planets. But only after countless Federation ships are destroyed and Earth is in the hands of the Empire, leaving few options open to the U.F.P.

Next, the Borg Collective is targeted. Its planets are overrun and added to the realm of the Empire. The few remaining Borg vessels are contained within a small area of the Alpha Quadrant, kept there through the harassment of a few small fleets of Vor?Cha?s and Fek?lhr?s.

And then it is time to turn its attention to the Romulan Star Empire. Very methodically, the Klingon Empire and the newly formed Klingon Honor Brigade claim sector after sector, increasing the economy of the Empire.

The battles between Klingon and Romulan fleets are ferocious. Warriors from both sides go to join their ancestors. And the Klingon war machine continues to grind through the Romulan Navy.

~ ~Part Four ~ ~
Stardate: 56200.8737

The war has waged for 12 years and now it is over. The Bloodwine flows freely throughout the Klingon Empire. Led by warriors from all across the Empire, victory has been achieved. And the Empire has escaped the ?Crunch?. Its enemies have gained a new respect for the Empire and its warriors. Led by the warriors of the Klingon Honor Brigade, the Empire persevered through it all, claiming victory after victory. And in the end, the ultimate victory, the surrender of their enemies

Representatives from each of the four races agreed to a new treaty. Ambassador Spark of the Klingon Empire, Excalibur of Camelot of the Borg Collective, Sonepper of the Romulan Star Empire and Captain Arizona of the United Federation of Planets each affixed their signature and pledged to uphold the treaty to the best of their ability.

A new page in history had been written.
Alternate B Chief Map Drone and General Whipping Boy