And I think I have all the bugs worked out. Julin, you think u can put LB5 installer on hold and whip something up for us to use by this weekend for SG3's restart? Thx bro.

I had to! Look at all the SG3 posts that were on the 1st page!~ What a way to merge a DB! All my babies... everywhere you step!
I had to do some bumps just so the threads wouldnt disappear. I promise Im done with the bumps. Please dont hurt me. 
You really want something for SG3 eh... ?
Well, just send me the following, and I'll see what I can do with it...
The originals, and you better not keep any copies of, the shiplist, strings, fighterlist and shipnames.txts.
All your model folders. Again, originals only, no backups keepable...
And then, I'll postpone work on LB5 to see how your stuff looks when visited by a good friend of mine, Photon torpedoes. It may take me a while as their tremendous hit-rate might require multiple refirings... I mean tests... until I decide to use the magic feature of their proxie mode to help the hits come more often but the experimentation of exposing your work to anti-matter might take longer...
(and this post is a joking response to your joke above. I believe you might enjoy the humor contained within...
