Topic: What Little Girls Are Made Of (SGO-3)  (Read 2203 times)

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Ishmael VII

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What Little Girls Are Made Of (SGO-3)
« on: May 18, 2003, 07:29:25 pm »
This story is centered mainly on the Enterprise and her search for the truth.  It's got some dry spells with a lot of talking I know.  It's the best I could come up with though.   I have tried to blend in many of you.  Starting with some of  the Mirak players.  Feel free to add your own parts involving your own characters.  And no,  it ain't cannon.

Hopefully I haven't shot off too soon here, but I wanted to get started before the campaign itself.

Nevertheless. . . .


Chapter 1: The Summons

Captain?s Log Stardate 2063.23.67:   The new and first Federation Ambassador to M?Raa has been transferred aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise from Starbase 5.  We have been ordered to escort Ambassador Marshall to M?Raa.  We are now en route at Time/Warp Factor Six.  E.T.A. 4 days, 12 hours.

Admiral Fluf of the Kzinti Clan in control of that sector has requested an immediate conference with the Ambassador.  Reasons unknown.

I am extremely concerned.  The Kzinti are carnivorous warriors with whom the Federation holds a shaky mutual defense treaty.  Nevertheless, very few humans have ever seen a Kzin.  Fewer still have been allowed to the Kzinti homeworld.  Many of those who have, did not survive.

Now there is a sudden call for the appointment of an Ambassador and for an immediate conference.  But why now?  And why with a military leader and not with the Clan?s Patriarch?


James T. Kirk, Commanding.

Kirk stood from his work station in his private quarters and walked to the exit.  The door swooshed open and before him was his Wardroom.  At the table were his Chiefs of Staff required for this mission.  First Officer and head of the Sciences Division, Commander Spock.  Chief Engineer, Lt. Commander Scot.  Chief Medical Officer, Lt. Command McCoy.  Chief of Xenopsychology and Alien Studies, Lt. McCormick.   Also present was Ambassador Marshall.

The Ambassador was a former Star Fleet Admiral who had gone on to become a distinguished statesman representing his home planet, Mars.  Now he had been tapped to handle what was one of the most important opportunities for the Federation in some time; formal ties with the Kzinti.  It was something that many had never dreamed possible given the Kzinti?s history of aggression and bloody civil wars.  But suddenly the Kzinti, well at least one of the major clans, wished to talk.

Once again, a dull alert sounded somewhere in Kirk?s mind.

 ?At least he wasn?t a lifetime politician.? Kirk thought with some relief as he sat at the table.

?Gentlemen. Ambassador.?  Kirk greeted the room.  ?As you are aware this is a political mission of great importance to the Federation.  I intend to make sure it is successful.?  Kirk then turned to the Ambassador.  ?Ambassador, what information do you have??  He asked.

?As some of you may know,? the Ambassador began with a voice smooth as silk, ?Admiral Fluf has requested the assignment of an Ambassador and an immediate conference.  I was selected due to my involvement in the Kzinti-Federation War 25 years ago.  

?As you young men will remember from your history classes, ? the elder statesman said with a smile, ?that war began when the Federation was attacked by one of the major clans. During the war we became allied with Admiral Fluf?s Clan, which very loosely translated is called The Knights of the Hegemony, which, luckily for us,  was involved in open warfare with the aggressing clan whose name was never translated.

?During the war I worked very closely with the Kzinti and as such I have more knowledge about them than any other person available for this mission.  That being said, my level of knowledge is not very high.

?The Kzinti, or the Mirak as some of the Clans call themselves, are a race of warriors.  They live for ?The Hunt? be it in space or on land.  Their code of honor is extremely complex and ritualistic. Any non-Clan member or especially any non-Kzinti is considered simply prey.

?That being said, their military structure within the major clans far more professional than you would expect from a race of hunters.  Do not under estimate their military Captain.?

?Noted? Kirk said with a nod of his head.  For days he had already thought about defensive maneuvers against the Kzinti.

?By last reports,? the Ambassador continued,? there were only two major clans left.  Even more amazing is the fact that they seem to have reached a peaceful coexistence. Admiral Fluf?s Clan is lead by Patriarch Kortez.  A Kzinti with whom I worked closely during the war when he was an Admiral.

?The second Clan is lead by Patriarch M?Ress and is based on Triste XI on the far side of Kzinti space.  Of that clan we know very little.

?What is odd here is the fact that this meeting was called for by Admiral Fluf, a man of which we know nothing other than the fact that he is in command of the Clan?s Fleet.  For some reason there has been no word from Patriarch Kortez in several months.   My fear here is that the Federation is being pulled into a coup.

?Gentlemen, the last place you ever want to be is between two angry Kzinti.?

?Thank you Ambassador.? Kirk said.  He then turned to the Vulcan and nodded.  Taking the cue Mr. Spock began his report.

?Unfortunately, there is very little data on the current situation.  The Kzinti are xenophobic and thus the acquisition of data is difficult.  Star Fleet has noted some unusual ship movements, however.  Several Kzinti warships have moved closer to the Lyran and Klingon borders.  There have also been some reports of Kzin on Kzin fire incidents but these are sketchy at best.?

?I almost forgot!? the Ambassador interrupted. ?The Kzinti and the Lyrans have been at war for eons. The Kzinti simply hate the Lyrans.  Even the mention fo their name is punishable by death.  Whatever you do, don?t bring up that subject Captain. ?

?Indeed.? Spock added gravely and then continued, ?My analysis leads me to believe that there is some sort of internal strife among the Kzinti.  Exactly what or it?s degree is unclear.  Nevertheless I echo the Ambassador?s concern.  The Federation cannot afford to get involved with another Kzinti civil war.?

?Doctor.?  Kirk stated as he turned to face his old friend.               

?The medical data base has more information on the Tholians than the Kzinti!?  McCoy exclaimed using his usual ironic hyperbole as the database on the Tholians was non-existent.  ?It seems there are no major life support issues with M?Raa.  It?s an M Class planet with acceptable levels of ionizing radiation.  Data from the war indicate that there are some minor viral concerns but nothing major.  Don?t even get me started on the medical concerns related to being sliced open with a scimitar and then eaten.?

?I?ll try not to think about it myself.? Kirk said wryly.  ?Mr. Scot have you . . .?

?The ship?s defensive systems will be at 100% sir.?  The Engineer stated, anticipating the question.

?Mr. McCormick.? Kirk said still smiling at his Engineer.

?Sir,? the scientist began, ?the Ambassador is a walking database on all things Kzinti.  We simply do not know much and I cannot add to what he has said.  However, I would recommend that we keep the landing party as small as possible.  The Kzinti are easily angered.  The fewer personnel, the lower the risk of a misunderstanding.?

?I concur Captain,? Ambassador stated.

?As do I,? Kirk replied, ?It will be just you and I transporting to the surface.  After the initial meeting well will then beam down your staff.?

?Agreed.? the Ambassador stated
?Hmm no argument, no pomposity.  I like this man.?  Kirk thought.

?Excellent.? Kirk concluded.  ?Well gentlemen, let?s get ready to say hi to the Kzinti.  Meeting adjourned.?

With that everyone stood and the Staff began to file out of the room.  Mr. Spock, however, lingered.  After the others had left Kirk asked him ?Is there a problem Spock??

?Not a problem.  A concern.?  The Vulcan stated, ?it seems it is not only the Kzinti who have made some unusual fleet deployments.?

?Go on.? Kirk prodded.  His concern growing.
?After reviewing the data regarding Kzinti Fleet movements over the last six months I decided to review all known fleet movements within the quadrant.?

?That must have taken days!? Kirk said.

?Three days, five hours, 36 minutes and . . . .?  Spock explained only to be cut off by Kirk?s waiving hand.

?And. . .?  Kirk prompted.

Spock?s voice lowered slightly, the concern evident  ?The Federation has moved the Constitution, the Intrepid and the Constellation within two parsecs of the Klingon neutral zone along with a full complement of support ships.  Furthermore, I have noted similar movements along the Romulan neutral zone, and the Lyran border?

?What!?  Kirk exclaimed.  ?I haven?t heard anything about this!?

?You would not have Captain.?  Spock explained.  ?The moves have been subtle.  Minor redeployments.  Minor surveys.  But in the whole they appear to be . . . ?

?A preparation for war.? Kirk exclaimed.

?Or to defend against one.? Spock stated.  ?There have been scattered reports of similar fleet movements among several of the other major powers. Most notably among the Kzinti and the Klingons.?

?It seems our look into what is behind the Kzinti political emergency just took on a new level of importance Spock.?  Kirk stated.

?Indeed.?  Spock replied.

- - - - - - - -

The President of the United Federation of Planets walked into his private living quarters.   He was fuming.  How dare Admiral MacPherson question the need for a heightened state of readiness!  Didn?t the fool realize what those Klingon troop movements meant?  Ignoramuses!!  

The President was at wits end.  It had been like pulling teeth to get those starships closer to the Klingon border.  The Admirals kicking and screaming the entire time about the purely defensive moves being read as hostile by the Klingons.   The damn Klingons read everything as hostile!! They were hostile!!

And now he was alone.   His wife had died suddenly four months ago due to some virus that the doctors were still trying to figure out.  It had been hard.  So hard.  If it had not been for her he would never have made it through his wife?s death.  Yes, she was an angel of mercy.  Simply the best thing that had ever happened to him.  He hated the secrecy but it was necessary. And . . . it was kind of fun.

He sat down on his bed and removed the device from it?s hiding place in the night stand. A small piece of duranium.  A simple cloaking field emitter.  But then again, not so simple, but the President did not understand such things.  All he knew was that it allowed her to transport and remain in his quarters undetected.  And that was all that mattered.

He depressed the green button and the device hummed slightly with power.  Moments later a shimmering transporter containment field appeared at the foot of the bed.  His heart skipped with anticipation as he watched the beautiful figure materialize in front of him.  

She was magnificent.  Six feet tall with long flowing hair to her waist.  Her skin shimmered in the light and the subtle smell of her perfume filled the air.  He smiled broadly when he noticed that she had decided to forgo clothing completely.  

?Hello darling.?  The woman said with a deep melodic voice.  ?I have missed you.?

?I?ve missed you as well Meleala.?  The President gasped as he gazed at her deep green skin and flowing green hair.

?You seem tired Steven.? she said as she climbed on the bed and crawled towards him.

?It?s those morons that I have for an Admiralty!? the President hissed.

?Shhh. Lets talk about them later.  I have some ideas.  But first, you need to be relaxed.?  She cooed.

She gently pushed him backwards from his seated position and lay on top of him.  Kissing him passionately she grasped the back of his neck.  He never even noticed the slight hiss of the hypospray.  He never did.

For the rest of that night the President of the United Federation of Planets was the happiest man in the universe.  In the morning they talked, as they always did.

Chapter 2: Tiger Tiger.   Fluf, Matsukasi, Green and Kirk.  Oh yes, and trouble.  Coming Soon.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Ishmael VII »


  • Guest
Re: What Little Girls Are Made Of (SGO-3)
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2003, 08:43:26 pm »
Very cool... Bring on the next chapter!


  • Guest
Re: What Little Girls Are Made Of (SGO-3)
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2003, 03:46:43 am »
Very nice......We want more!!!


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Re: What Little Girls Are Made Of (SGO-3)
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2003, 07:42:37 am »


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Re: What Little Girls Are Made Of (SGO-3)
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2003, 10:54:44 am »
Ooo nice twist on the Kzin.

(crunch, crunch, crunch)


  • Guest
Re: What Little Girls Are Made Of (SGO-3)
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2003, 11:01:37 am »
I'll get you, and your little dog, too!

We want more!

Ishmael VII

  • Guest
Re: What Little Girls Are Made Of (SGO-3)
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2003, 06:43:04 pm »
There had damn well better be a campaign!!



Chapter 2: Tiger Tiger

Captain?s Log Stardate 2063.27.67:   The U.S.S. Enterprise has achieved a standard orbit of M?Raa, the Kzinti Home World.   Given the number of Kzinti warships in the area the ship?s crew and her Captain are on high alert.   I am extremely concerned about the Dreadnaught Class ship in the orbital shipyards that appears to be only a few weeks from completion.  Our sensor logs will be forwarded to Star Fleet Command as soon as we are out of Kzinti space.

The Ambassador and myself have been requested to beam aborad the Kzinti Starbase in orbit of the planet.  Apparently, we are not cleared for access to the planet itself.  I remain hopeful that this day will lead to a peaceful future between our people.  However, I cannot help shake the feeling that something is amiss.  

For the good of the Federation, I hope I am wrong.  

James T. Kirk, Commanding.

?Sir, we are receiving orders from the station.?  The Transporter Chief stated.  ?We are being ordered to provide your coordinates and to allow for the station to transport you.?

?Ever get the feeling we are not trusted??  Kirk asked the Ambassador.

?The Kzinti are not a trustful people Captain,? the Ambassador responded.  ?Eons of war and treachery have assured that I am afraid.?

?Mr. Gibson, relay our coordinates and advise them to await our signal.?  Kirk ordered.

?Aye, sir.? the Chief responded.

As the Ambassador and the Captain turned and walked to the transporter pad the Ambassador offered some final bits of advice.

?Captain, do not initiate any conversations. It is considered improper.  Also, be warned.  The Kzinti often test their prey.  They will try to scare you.  Whatever you do, do not react, and do not show fear.?

?Understood.? Kirk replied as they stood on the pads.  

Each man placed the earpiece of the translators into one ear and activated their handheld translation devices.  The devices provided a readout of commentary that was to assist in understanding an alien language while the direct translation would be broadcast through the ear piece.  The Ambassador recalled the translation devices he had used 25 years ago.  Each so heavy that they required an anti-grav sled.  ?Ah, technology!? he thought.  Still certain that the translators would never get it exactly right.  He just hoped any error wouldn?t result in a catastrophe.

?Transmit.? Kirk ordered.

A few moments later he felt a small tingle at the base of his spine, and then, the Enterprise disappeared.   Slowly his ship was replaced with a small room in which he saw four large humanoids.  As he materialized his vision improved and he was soon able to become one of the handful of humans ever to see a Kzin.

Two of the warriors stood at a long console that was undoubtably the transporter control interface.  The other two stood only a few feet away.  They were all approximately 2.5 meters tall and strongly built.  They were covered with fur that was long around the jaws and the back of the neck but otherwise short.  Each Kzin?s fur was a slightly different shade of brown to tan.  Their uniforms glimmered and appeared to be made of a fine mesh of some type of alloy.  Each carried a sidearm and the two the stood closest also carried twin swords which were strapped to their backs.   The hilts extended atop each shoulder.  Their eyes were unusual in that they were very similar to human eyes.  Given the creatures large heads this gave them a beady, evil, look.

Kirk stood there waiting for the Ambassador to take the lead.  The Ambassador however did not move or attempt to talk.  For a few moments nothing occurred and Kirk began to feel uncomfortable.  Suddenly one of the control room operator made a series of sounds that sounded like a mix of grunts and hisses.  A split second later Kirk heard the metallic voice of the translator in his ear.

?No weapons detected.  No hostile bio-agents detected. They are helpless.?

Kirk glanced down at the translator?s display:   Accuracy 73%.

?Great,?  he thought ?the other 27% could have been ?Dinner is served?.?

The Kzinti standing in front of the Ambassador started to hiss, interrupted by subtle clicks of the tongue.

?I am? and then a long hiss of air . . . . . ?translation impossible, given name, no English equivalent, closest approximation follows. . . .  Matsukasi, Warrior of the Kzinti, Member of the Knights of the Hegemony, you will obey me or die.

Kirk fought back the urge to introduce himself as he noticed Matsukasi was addressing the Ambassador only.

?I am Ambassador Marshall,? the Ambassador began.   Suddenly there was a blur of movement from Matsukasi. Kirk looked on in horror as the huge creature reached behind his shoulder withdrew a meter long curved blade and swung it with amazing speed at the Ambassadors head.

In a matter of less than a second the Ambassador was dead. Or was he?  Kirk turned his head ever so slightly only to see the blade stopped no more than a centimeter from the Ambassador?s throat.  The Ambassador, much to Kirk?s relief was alive.  And much more to Kirk?s surprise, had not even blinked.

?Our ears do not need to hear your sounds human.?  Matsukasi hissed.  ?We do not have translation devices.  Your noises are as wasted on us as is the flesh on your bones.  Only our words have power here.?

?I am,? the other warrior began, ?translation impossible, given name, no English equivalent, closest approximation follows. . . .  Green, Warrior of the Kzinti, Member of the Knights of the Hegemony, you will obey me or die.  Follow me now.?

With that the one known as Green but whose name sounded more like a growl followed by a hiss of air that only soundly slightly like the word Green turned and began to walk toward the arched exit form the room.   The Ambassador and the Captain followed as Matsukasi, his sword re-sheathed, brought up the rear.

As they walked through the Kzinti sized corridors of the station the Captain took in the odd spice like odors and the chill in the air. Everything was different.  Alien.  The air even felt different. Heavier somehow.

Kirk noticed that he saw no one else.  It was clear that the pathway they were taking had been cleared.  Security no doubt.

?They smell wonderful.?  Matsukasi said as they walked.

?Yes, delightful.?  Green responded without turning around.

?I hear they are delicious.? Matsukasi said.

?Oh how could they not be.  No horns, no scales, no claws,  no fur, no (translation impossible).  Just soft and pink and tender.?  Green responded.
?Yes, but I doubt they could provide much sport. They are so puny.?  Matsukasi stated as his large furred hand grabbed the Captains upper arm and squoze.   It was all Kirk could do not to react.
?Better suited for dessert no doubt.? Matsukasi finished.

The two beasts then made a long hissing sound that the translator could not plumb. However a short chirp told Kirk to look at the display screen.  He was not surprised at what it said: Mocking Laughter.

Kirk could not help but look over his shoulder at Matsukasi.  The warrior simply glanced down at him and slowly drew his long thick tongue across the fur above his mouth.

Finally, after what seemed to be miles, the group arrived at a large room.  Within it were many Kzinti.  All of them laying on large pillows spread throughout the room.  In the corners, large smoking pots emitted the spice odor Kirk had noticed.  

Despite the chaotic positioning of the Mirak there was a clear pathway from the doorway to the center of the room.  Therein stood a large Kzin warrior.  His uniform appeared the same as the others but Kirk was now beginning to notice very subtle markings on the tunics.  The markings were more pronounced on the tunic of this warrior and there was really no doubt who he was.

Kirk also noted with a great deal of relief that this Kzinti had a device strapped to his right ear.  It covered the entire ear and was held in place by a band that circled the head.  Next to him was a moveable console.  

?A translator.?  Kirk realized.   And then he noted that of the 20 or so Kzinti in the room this was the only one with such a device.   The other would have no idea what the humans were saying.  Trust, apparently, did not run rampant on M?Raa.

Matsukasi and Green escorted the humans to the center of the room.  They then withdrew one sword each and stood within striking distance of the strangers.  Given there speed, Kirk was certain he would be dead long before he could come into contact with their leader.

?I am?  and then a short grunting noise . . . . . ?translation impossible, given name, no English equivalent, closest approximation follows. . . .  Fluf, Warrior of the Kzinti, Leader of Clan, you will obey me or die.?

?You may speak.? He said, looking only at the Ambassador.

?I am Ambassador Marshall, Warrior of the Federation, chosen by my Leader to speak for him to you.  I am here at your request.?  The Ambassador said loudly.

?And you will obey me or die.? Fluf said.

?No!? the Ambassador yelled.  Kirk turned to look at the Ambassador in shock.

?I obey only my leader!? the Ambassador stated firmly.

Fluf then continued as if nothing had been said.  Another test, Kirk realized.

?The Hegemony has worked hard to achieve unity.  For too many years have my people hunted their own.  This makes us weak.  Weakness invites others.  Weakness is death.

After much discussion, one circle ago, my clan and those that follow M?Ress agreed to form a centralized Confederation. A centralized military and bureaucracy.   We were strong.

?But now M?Ress has gone mad.  His ships have moved towards the borders of our enemies. And there have been many incidents within our space.  Deep within.?

?What of Patriarch Kortez??  The Ambassador asked.  ?Why have I not spoken with my friend??

?The Patriarch is on M?Raa.? Fluf answered. ?He does not require your voice.?

?I see.? the Ambassador stated.  ?Then what is my purpose??

?We wish to know what you know about this.?  Fluf stated and then looked away slightly. ?And, when the attack comes due to M?Ress? madness, we wish to discuss cooperation.?

?May the Captain speak??  The Ambassador asked.

?He may.? Fluf permitted.

?Admiral, our scans have shown a massing of Kzinti ships along the Klingon and? an uncomfortable pause as Fluf?s glare became intense ?another border.?  Kirk said as the tension in Fluf shoulders relaxed.

?However, Admiral, I must tell you that it is not just M?Ress?s units that have been moved.  In fact Patriarch Kortez? ships have made some extremely provocative movements.?

?May we speak with Patriarch Kortez??  The Ambassador asked again.

?No!? Fluf bellowed and Kirk noted that the Kzinti in the room who had now been rather uninvolved were now staring intently.

?He is too busy for you!?  Fluf continued.

?Do you know exactly where he is??  The Ambassador continued.

?If he wishes to tell me then I will know.? Fluf said and Kirk heard his translator beep.   He looked at the screen:   Extreme discomfort.  Sentence construction indicates concern.

And then Kirk realized what was going on.  Kortez was also giving orders that had his Admiral very concerned.  It?s just that the Kzinti code of honor prevented the Admiral from saying so.  Thus if the Admiral could not look into the matter due to his duty to obey his Patriarch without question he had to seek another option.  To enlist the help of outsiders under the cover of establishing a stronger alliance if the Klingons and Lyrans attacked.  It was simple yet so very complex.

The troublesome part was that the cover held a lot of truth.  If an attack came, then the mutual defense treaty would require the Federation to assist the Kzinti.  Kirk did not like where this was leading at all.  It was worse than becoming involved in a Kzinti Civil War.   Far worse.

?We will provide all of the data we have.?  Fluf stated.  ?You will investigate to see if the Federation is to blame for M?Ress? sickness.  You will honor your treaty.?

And now a cover story for the troops Kirk realized.  The Federation was only checking for undue influence on M?Ress ? and Kortez? from a Federation source.  Nothing more.

?I will discuss this with my Leader and respond.?  The Ambassador stated.

?Yes, you will.  And you will remain on this station until your Leader?s response is forthcoming. Fluf ordered.

?You will be shown to your quarters.  You will have access to the communications systems in order to contact your ship only.  You will not leave your quarters unless escorted.?

And with that they were escorted away.

Time passed slowly and found James Kirk laying on a Kzinti comforter on the floor of his quarters.  The past two days had been bearable if not painfully dull.  At least he had unfettered communications with his ship.  For now he had ordered Spock to remain patient.  Something the Vulcan did very well.  In a day Star Fleet?s response would be forth coming and he already knew what it would be.   The Federation really had no other option other than to assist their ally.   Kirk just hoped that an all out war with the Klingons could be avoided.

Based on the data they had received from Fluf it was clear that both of the Patriarchs had started to act strangely about four months ago.   They had grown paranoid and reclusive.  Both insisting that the Klingons and the Lyrans were preparing for an invasion.  Both accusing the other of being in league with the Klingons.  At least their maddess hadn?t reached the point of the unthinkable; an allegation that a Kzinti was in league with the Lyran Empire.

Spock was analyzing everything.  Comms traffic.  Orders.  Ship movements.  Everything.  So far nothing other than the obvious.  Kortez and M?Ress were driving the Kzinti Star Empire to war.  A war that it could not win.

Kirk ordered the lights off and tried to drift to sleep.  On the edge of consciousness he saw something move above him.

?Lights!? he ordered.

The lights illuminated the room and the Kzinti warrior standing over him.  Before he could move the sword came down and struck him hard in the temple.  It was the flat of the sword otherwise he would be dead.  As it was he was knocked out and would suffer quite the headache later.
-  -  -  -  -  -  -

The Klingon Homeworld . . .

Toten glared into Korleg?s eyes.  Would the PetaQ face death with eyes open? Doubtful Toten thought as he held his dagger firmly in place between the dying Warrior?s ribs.  Slowly the light faded from Korleg?s eyes and his pupils dilated.  Toten, then pulled the dagger free and let the body fall in a heap to the ground.  AT least he had died well.

Toten then turned slowly and walked back to his seat at the head of the high council.  Korleg had been strong, and was much younger than Toten.  But over the past few months Toten?s strength had increased.  Not just his strength, but his spirt.  Many had challenged him recently.  Many had died.  All because the cowards felt that war with the Federation and the Mirak at the same time was not in the best interests of the Empire.   The interests of the Empire!! That was for Toten, and Toten alone, to decide.

He sat, his blood still burning from battle and glared at the Klingons before him.  Korleg was the last of the dissenters.  There was nothing between him and glory now.  Nothing at all.

Qua?Ling had been correct.  His leadership was superior. His alone.  Toten found it odd however that it took an Orion female to realize that.  Oh but she was unlike any other.  Nearly as strong and as large as he. So powerful. So proud. So . . . .Klingon.

He missed her.  He needed to see her.  He needed her.

-  -  -  -  -  -

Pain . . .   A throbbing pain . . .  A pounding headache woke the Captain.  In the distance there was music.  Subtle at first.  Soothing.  Vivaldi.  Something slow and melodic. Then came the scents.  No longer the spicy smell of Kzinti air.  No this air carried the smells of food.   Human food.  Roast beef, onion, garlic.

Slowly his vision came to him and he opened his eyes to what seemed like a drug induced illusion.  For across the room stood a large dining table on which a feast of Earth food was laid out.  The room itself was decorated in what seemed to be Victorian furniture and related artwork.  There were no windows and the light came from many candles within the room.

Seated at the table, at which there were only two chairs, was a large Kzinti dressed in Terran style clothing.  This Kzinti had much longer hair than that of the others Kirk had seen. That and fur of the brightest white one could imagine.  

Kirk was speechless, but his senses had returned to the point that he quickly noted that they were alone.  The Kzinti appeared to be unarmed.  A thousand questions formed in Kirk mind, but being that neither of them had a translator he quickly realized that he would have to wait for any communication.

The creature looked at him at that point and did something that was the last thing Kirk ever expected.  It spoke.  English.

?Welcome to M'Raa Captain.   I am so glad you are finally awake.  I cannot tell you how much I will enjoy having you for supper.?  It said, and then grinned a toothy, dreadful, grin.    

Chapter 3: Trust Vel Non.     Coming Soon.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Ishmael VII »


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Re: What Little Girls Are Made Of (SGO-3)
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2003, 07:16:46 pm »
Good read Ishmael.

There will be a D2.  There always is a D2.  And players will show.  They may (will) complain, but players will show, lessons will be learned, and improvements will be made.


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Re: What Little Girls Are Made Of (SGO-3)
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2003, 07:43:57 pm »
Incredible!  I love the story, and thanks!

BTW, I AM crazy.

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Re: What Little Girls Are Made Of (SGO-3)
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2004, 04:20:20 am »
Where is chapter 3???

Evil Bump!

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Re: What Little Girls Are Made Of (SGO-3)
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2004, 10:35:19 am »
Right where is Chapter 3?
i remember this one now...... Great story

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