Topic: Announcing the formation of the Dynaverse Gaming Association  (Read 11106 times)

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Offline SghnDubh

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We are pleased to announce that the Dynaverse Gaming Association (the DGA) has formed. The DGA has filed to incorporate as a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation. The DGA is a trade association that facilitates the identification, definition, development, promotion, and implementation of open standards to enable innovation, education, and communication for the benefit and education of the PC gaming industry.
The Board of Directors of the DGA is made up of folks that have been associated with SFC for many years. We?re game coders, modders, artists, and players! We really are ?all about the game? ? and we invite you to enjoy the continuation of the SFC community through this association. We'll host mods for the SFC series, utilities, ship models, tutorials, and more!
We welcome your comments, questions, and suggestions in the forums. See you in the Dynaverse!
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Offline SkyFlyer

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Re: Announcing the formation of the Dynaverse Gaming Association
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2004, 02:47:22 am »
yay!!!!   but... taldren is gone
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Offline Magnum357

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Re: Announcing the formation of the Dynaverse Gaming Association
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2004, 06:40:26 pm »
Would joining this "DGA" cost a membership fee or something?  You said its non-profit.  Maybe I misread the statement.
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Offline FA Frey XC

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Re: Announcing the formation of the Dynaverse Gaming Association
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2004, 02:36:58 pm »
All the details of the DGA will be posted for all to see soon.

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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Announcing the formation of the Dynaverse Gaming Association
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2004, 04:10:47 pm »
SFC:OP and SFC3 are different games.   The groups should be seperate.
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Re: Announcing the formation of the Dynaverse Gaming Association
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2004, 04:58:01 pm »
SFC:OP and SFC3 are different games.   The groups should be seperate.
I absolutely agree.

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Re: Announcing the formation of the Dynaverse Gaming Association
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2004, 07:20:53 pm »
Shared resources between the two games can save $$, time, and talent.  Might be one of the reasons for combining the D2/D3 series.

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Re: Announcing the formation of the Dynaverse Gaming Association
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2004, 05:18:42 pm »
Shared resources between the two games can save $$, time, and talent.  Might be one of the reasons for combining the D2/D3 series.

good point
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Offline FA Frey XC

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Re: Announcing the formation of the Dynaverse Gaming Association
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2004, 11:15:12 pm »
Dynaverse.Net will support ALL of the SFC Series of games.

SFC1, SFC2 Empires at War, SFC Orion Pirates, and SFC 3.

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Offline RogueJedi_XC

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Re: Announcing the formation of the Dynaverse Gaming Association
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2004, 09:15:21 pm »
What is this about, exactly? On the surface it seems like a good idea, but how much control of the games do you guys intend to exert?
If you intend to act as a kind of guiding council or what ever when the sources are released, in addition to hosting mods and servers and such, that's cool. So long as you don't get the idea  of "SFC belongs to us you better not do anything with it we don't like". I don't think I'd be too cool with that. I don't think many in the community would be too happy about something like that.

Offline Azrael

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Re: Announcing the formation of the Dynaverse Gaming Association
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2004, 12:20:39 am »
Shared resources between the two games can save $$, time, and talent.  Might be one of the reasons for combining the D2/D3 series.

To be fair, it's probably got more to do with an ever shrinking community.

Childish behaviour has led to many people becoming fed up and abandoning the game, so numbers are at an all time low.

Does this mean Battleclinic is going to close it's "Flame Forum"?

Though the ability to "view" the actual "Flame Forum" is optional, this is a place where players may abuse and slander other members of the Community.

It doesn't make very good business sense to have one site that "helps" the Community and another that "shoots it in the foot".

Are Sghdubh and Cueball going to close the "Flame Forums" in their "Battleclinic" site then, for the sake of credibility?

I mean, as long as you have an active board that encourages player abuse, it's hard to take you seriously.

Sorry for having to point that out.

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Offline Fluf

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Re: Announcing the formation of the Dynaverse Gaming Association
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2004, 02:43:04 pm »
Azreal, just what does Battleclinics "Flame Forum" have to do with this site?  Why even bring it up?

And Rogue, no the DGA was formed as a support group for the game.  There is no "control" involved in any of it, except for us owning the directory of servers for the D2, thus we can protect it as a corporation.
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Offline Azrael

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Re: Announcing the formation of the Dynaverse Gaming Association
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2004, 04:28:09 pm »
Azreal, just what does Battleclinics "Flame Forum" have to do with this site?  Why even bring it up?

Hey Fluf,

Cueball and Sghdubh own the Battleclinic site (well, Webmaster & Owner) and are Admins on this site.

Personally, I beleive that Flame Forums are detrimental to the Community.

I have beleived this ever since I watched them be used on Battleclinic to badmouth belittle and abuse other players.

While they were founded on a good premise:  "a place to let off steam", they have degenerated into "abuse" Forums, where people can manage their personal little "I hate Fleet X" campaigns, or just abuse and belittle people who are new at the game.

Flame forums serve only one purpose.

To stir up trouble and controversy.

After all the trouble and controversy that has hit the SFC III Community, I find it surprising that Admins of would be hosting this site, to encourage and build the Community on the one hand, while simultaniously hosting another site where the focus is the division and trouble for the Community.

Flame Forums have proved to be a serious detriment to the Community.  A place where people are allowed to abuse, belittle and ridicule other players with the Admin's blessing.

As I stated above.  It seems like a poor business idea to be running one site to build the Community and another to tear it down.

Battleclinic is a great site.  However, this is marred by the existence of "Flame Forums".

If Cueball and Sghdubh, two Admins from this site, want this site to be taken seriously, then they should take down the Flame Forums on Battleclinic for the sake of the Community.

Draw a line against the darkness gentlemen.

Unless the darkness has become too comfortable, and attacking and abusing fellow gamers is behaviour they condone.

Abusing players and dividing the Community is bad.


Azrael 8)
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Offline Sethan

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Re: Announcing the formation of the Dynaverse Gaming Association
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2004, 06:19:27 pm »
Personally, I beleive that Flame Forums are detrimental to the Community.

If you really believe that, why did you request access to Hot and Spicy here less than 4 hours before you wrote it?
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Offline Azrael

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Re: Announcing the formation of the Dynaverse Gaming Association
« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2004, 06:38:46 pm »
Because the "Hot & Spicey" Forum is one for Debate.

Not for Flaming.

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Re: Announcing the formation of the Dynaverse Gaming Association
« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2004, 08:02:35 pm »
Azrael, your motives have become pretty clear, looking at all your posts, what they talk about, who they attack and who they benefit.  I will not fall for thinly veiled incivility and baiting.  Baiting is in violation of rules.

You might want to read rule number 2.  Do not bait.

We at will not even attempt to dictate to what they might or might not have in their site, even though there are two people here from there.  If you have an issue with Battleclinic take it up THERE, not here.

So far I see no debate from you, just a very thinly veiled series of attacks.  People here are not dummies.  They are very shrewd and smart.  They will see through these kinds of motives.

Offline FPF-Thrain

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Re: Announcing the formation of the Dynaverse Gaming Association
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2006, 10:59:05 pm »
  Baiting is in violation of rules.

You might want to read rule number 2.  Do not bait.

Does this mean fishing for information is right out?   lol ;D

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