1. Dynaverse.net has the right to remove any message it deems objectionable or that is not in Dynaverse.net's best interest.
These are our boards and we have a responsibility to our visitors.
Your understanding is appreciated.
2. Messages should always maintain a respectful, civil tone towards one another. Name-calling,
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4. Impersonating a staff member (or anyone else, for that matter) is strictly forbidden. We'll be harsh
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5. No "spamming." "Spamming" is the term used to describe posting the same message or
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7. Racial or ethnic slurs, or offensive imagery (including but not limited to nudity, excessive violence,
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8. No advertisements. Feel free to share personal accomplishments, however, people come
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9. Board participants are welcome to discuss a myriad of subjects: differing ideologies, product
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10. There will be no group/team accounts allowed. Multiple accounts are not permitted without advance permission from the Forum Administrators.
11. Private messages are not to be posted in this or other forums or web sites without advanced permission from the sender of the PM.
12. Two wrongs do not make a right. If you have been subject to a rules violation report it to a moderator or an administrator. Do not violate rules yourself to make your point, avenge the violation, or express your dissatisfaction.
Privileges to the forums are at Dynaverse.net?s discretion. Disruptive behavior will result in a user's participation in the forum being suspended or lost.
First offense, if minor, will result in a warning.
Additional offensives will result in banning for no less than a week and possibly permanently, depending on the severity of the offense.
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