Sounds great Bartok!
vsftie, Bodkins and Bartok admitted - sorry for the delay. (PM me if I miss a request here)
ThanX Bonk !!!
Just wanted to check - this is the group accessible from the top level of the forums - D2 Admins? - last post looked like some time ago... Anyhow, if you could confimr the forum locale I'd be most appreciative. I sometimes get lost in here

Also - I've heard that Firesouls OP+ ships/mod is the standard of play today. You know if he's packaged an installer (to put the mod files in the server side places they need to be etc.) ?? I guess this would be a good first post for the Admins forum. I'd love to setup a basic server using all those ships and modified mission scripts.
I'm sure I have to setup the new Won Directory addresses in server settings .gf same as for EAW, but wonder what other pieces need placing to run an OP server using Firesouls mods...
Best Regards,