Thats my point, not that the nutter specifically PLAYS to GET PP, but that the nutter has enough PP that he CAN afford to loose his ship with little/no consequnce. PP is supposed to be your prestige and respect among your fellow Captains and the Admiralty of the fleet in which you serve.
I.E. Kirk STOLE the Enterprise, then blew it up. Then saved the world. (Nice PP bonus I imagine) Then he walked OUT of the court room and into his new Enterprise.
Thats the way it should be for a nutter. Loose that DNH? NP Admiral, here is another one, careful of the paint, its still tacky. The one where you have the SP points I dont like. The one where PP is still the coin of the realm sounds A-OK to me. In the above example. "Ok Admiral Kirk, you saved the world, you kept Genesis away from the Klinks, your exonerated and a Starship Captain again, and were gonna give you another ship. HOWEVER, your gonna have to fly a freaking FRIGATE for a few months (game time week) until we decide to give you another CA.

All Im sayin is, that the casual player obviously doesnt really care if he makes enough PP to fly a big ship. Either due to his own choice or time restrictions, he simply isnt on enough to get a DN. And all we have been talking about for a WEEK is OoB so it wont BE another DN fest.
If I actually play enough time to buy the biggest non-OoB ship, or if I get the chance to FLY an OoB ship, I should not have to be deathly afraid of loosing it for fear of flying an FF for a week. THAT would be FAR more of a killjoy to me. It will have a detrimental affect on PvP.
And NO VC's for killing an OoB ship? Whats the point of Pvp? Lets just flip hexes. In the interests of making it "fair" to everyone, it sounds like your taking alot of fun out of it for the vet players who do most of the work on the server.
Fluf just said all he cared about was helping his team win. Well, if fluf kills DH, or t00l kills Fluf, etc, but gets no VCs for it, AND knows he is gonna be in a frigate if he looses, what is the point of staying in combat past the first point where you take serious damage? He can retreat at no loss to his side in VCs, except he will be out of the hex for a bit, fix his ship and then continue on. He would be far more of an asset in his OoB ship than in an FF for a week.
There is no way its not going to impact on PvP IMHO.