Topic: 1st draft of possible honour system-comments  (Read 4136 times)

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Re: 1st draft of possible honour system-comments
« Reply #20 on: June 26, 2004, 06:34:27 am »
Thats my point, not that the nutter specifically PLAYS to GET PP, but that the nutter has enough PP that he CAN afford to loose his ship with little/no consequnce. PP is supposed to be your prestige and respect among your fellow Captains and the Admiralty of the fleet in which you serve.
I.E. Kirk STOLE the Enterprise, then blew it up. Then saved the world. (Nice PP bonus I imagine) Then he walked OUT of the court room and into his new Enterprise.

Thats the way it should be for a nutter. Loose that DNH? NP Admiral, here is another one, careful of the paint, its still tacky. The one where you have the SP points I dont like. The one where PP is still the coin of the realm sounds A-OK to me.  In the above example. "Ok Admiral Kirk, you saved the world, you kept Genesis away from the Klinks, your exonerated and a Starship Captain again, and were gonna give you another ship. HOWEVER, your gonna have to fly a freaking FRIGATE for a few months (game time week) until we decide to give you another CA.  :screwloose:

All Im sayin is, that the casual player obviously doesnt really care if he makes enough PP to fly a big ship. Either due to his own choice or time restrictions, he simply isnt on enough to get a DN. And all we have been talking about for a WEEK is OoB so it wont BE another DN fest.

If I actually play enough time to buy the biggest non-OoB ship, or if I get the chance to FLY an OoB ship, I should not have to be deathly afraid of loosing it for fear of flying an FF for a week. THAT would be FAR more of a killjoy to me. It will have a detrimental affect on PvP.

And NO VC's for killing an OoB ship? Whats the point of Pvp? Lets just flip hexes. In the interests of making it "fair" to everyone, it sounds like your taking alot of fun out of it for the vet players who do most of the work on the server.

Fluf just said all he cared about was helping his team win. Well, if fluf kills DH, or t00l kills Fluf, etc, but gets no VCs for it, AND knows he is gonna be in a frigate if he looses, what is the point of staying in combat past the first point where you take serious damage? He can retreat at no loss to his side in VCs, except he will be out of the hex for a bit, fix his ship and then continue on. He would be far more of an asset in his OoB ship than in an FF for a week.

There is no way its not going to impact on PvP IMHO.

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Re: 1st draft of possible honour system-comments
« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2004, 10:27:22 am »
There is always PvP for the sake of PvP alone - bragging rights when you kill a worthy opponent  ;D

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Re: 1st draft of possible honour system-comments
« Reply #22 on: June 26, 2004, 12:14:08 pm »
I think the SP system is a perfectly viable option and should be tested at our earliest convenience. I think the complexity issue comes in with upgrade/refit tree.  That portion could be shelved in my estimation.  I understand that it is an essential corollary to the system as a F-CA and a F-CB should not cost the same in SP, for example.  I don't really know a solution to that, but I like the idea of EP (Economic points in F&E) for players.

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Re: 1st draft of possible honour system-comments
« Reply #23 on: June 26, 2004, 07:12:58 pm »
I like the basis behind the system.

However, I'd like to see 2 things happen to this:

1:  Rewrite the price guide to where a player can get like 4-6 CAs or 2-3 BCHs or 1 DN per week.

2.  Raise the upper limit of the pointless player's default ship to say a line DD or CL/DW (No CWs, those are almost CAs...) or a specialty FF.  At least a couple of races FFs are pure suckage (read, Gorn FF, Romulan Snipes), while people don't have too many issues with the DWs or CLs...  The Line aspect keeps people out of drone boats / escorts that are preety powerful at that level...

This would allow people a few more deaths per week (as it sits now, all a player can afford before begging to their RM is 2 CAs in a week...), while still working to police the big, big ships.  I'd also like to see a means to where the RM is not involved in the process at all, ie, no point sharing.  I'd hate to hear "so-and-so got the BBV because he's RM _____'s best friend".  Instead, even if he had to save most (say 75%) of their weekly after-maintenance points for running in their CL, they should be able to buy the BBV on their own (bankrupting them in one death) with no intervention.

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Re: 1st draft of possible honour system-comments
« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2004, 08:47:59 pm »
The problem with using PP is that it favours those who are in the "nutter" category and below. A "nutter may have 250K PP and so shiploss doesn't matter, but everybody has the same SPs and can't increase them (save by RM donation), so he (the nutter) has to be equally careful when flying his ships as someone with less PP, as the PP "currency" has been devalued by the SP system. Thus a more level (though never truly level) playing field will be created, so sheer time online does not give the advantage of not having to worry about PP. Fluf would even have to worry as he has 10 SPs just like mr. n00b.

As for VCs they are a different matter but can easily be worked into server rules on capital ship destruction, you may even want to add VCs for unused SPs, but that's a bit wild.

Well Gook,

Maybe I am a nutter, and maybe i'm not.  I had 130,000 PP banked at the end of GW2(as a klingon) and over 30,000 banked as a Lyran.  It's getting a little tiresome to see people flying around in ships that you COULD buy, but cannot for one reason or another.

Yes I could have asked for an assigned ship, but then I would be stuck in it until I was killed in it.(ask someone who was "rewarded" with a C8B adout that...)

Personally, I like the ability to switch between ships depending on what's needed.  A PVP ship one day, a droner the next(even though durring "Hail Mary" I killed one CCH, ran one CCH off and ran froma a Dreadnaught...(hay, I'm not stupid... even though I did get a downed shield on the DN with T-bombs, the other klingon heavy weapon) in a D5D, I really don't like fighting people in it...).

The point is, if I spend enough time on a server, I should be able to buy what I want to fly and fly something that has a reasonable chance against someone else who has spent the same ammount of time on the server...

Seems fair to me...


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Re: 1st draft of possible honour system-comments
« Reply #25 on: June 27, 2004, 05:17:16 am »

No details are cast in stone its just a concept at the moment. Detail can be thrashed out, but I don't intend wasting a lot of time on detail if the initial concept is not acceptable.


You can switch boats as many times as you like with no loss of SP. You only lose SP when you lose a boat PvP. it Just means that if you are losing you will be more inclined to disengage than fight a losing battle and lose your ship, as it should be, rather than Kamikaze fights to the death all the time. Additionally It will take skill to make sure an opponent can't disengage, and the all important first pass will become important again.

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Re: 1st draft of possible honour system-comments
« Reply #26 on: June 27, 2004, 05:23:32 am »
Gook you have to give me your MSN Messenger addy again and geton it occasionally.