Honour system.
Each player has a pool of ship points (SPs). Each player has the same number of points save for the RM/ARM who will have triple/double points and can either use them themselves or award them to other players.
Players are free to choose to fly any ship they want provided they have enough SPs.
SPs last for a given number of years and then are refreshed once the SP cycle renews. So if an SP cycle was a week (IRL), players would be able to choose ships within their SP range and if ships are lost they have a more restricted choice.
Ships are graded for points. Line variants of any ship type being the baseline, or original designs being the baseline. (some gradings will NOT be per SFB). Ships of a given class can then be upgraded by spending points. Refits 25% of base SPs, Specialties 50% of base SPs. If ships are unique with no refit they may be classed in a different grade to other "similar" hull sizes.
The grading can be something like this:
FF/Pol/Ftr/PF 1SP
Players have a pool of 10 SPs.
CVs are a bit tricky, but as a rule of thumb 1-7 fighters its a variant and costs line+special costs. 8-12 fighters its a CV and pays CV cost, but base CV only refits are added. 13+ Fighters its a CVA (exemption Cavalier which is a CV). 1st generation fighters are free. 2nd generation fighters cost 1 SP and third generation fighters 2 SPs.
PFTs are variants in the main. Where PFs are on DNs or the like the big ship cost is taken. Interceptors are free. PFs (squadron) 1 SP, PF+ (squadron) 2 SPs. each PFL or "funny"variant 1 SP.(PF stuff may need work I am not too familair with them).
After a week the losses of all pilots are wiped out and they get a new pool of points, however to stop a BB fest, if they carry over a ship into a new cycle they pay 50% of the original cost by way of maintenance. They can trade in the ship, but any ship a player has must pay maintenance on cycle renewal if the ship would have cost 5 or more SPs to purchase.
The Effect will be a player may fly anything but will have to be more circumspect in their use of his ships.
If I want to fly as Fed CA its 5SPs. If I upgrade to CAR it's another 1.25 SPS, but their the Upgrade path ends. If I want a Fed CC then its 5+2.5 SPs (latter for specialty upgrade)= 7. If I want to fly and MDC its 3SPs for base CM and another 1.5 SPs for specialty upgrade=4.5. BB/BBV is above the normal player limit and so an A/RM will have to donate points to that player.
Now the rub is this. Jeff buys a CC at 7 points on day one of a cycle. Dogmatix flies a D5L at 4.5 points. Jeff has 3 points left in his SP bank and Dogmatix 5.5. Dogamatix kills Jeff (sorry Jeff). Jeff now has only 3 points left for the rest of the cycle and can either choose to fly in a line CL type or a DDL or other variant. The restriction will last until the end of the current SP Cycle. Dogmatix tires of his D5L (unlikely I know) and has his eyes on shiney new C7, he trades in his D5L at no loss and purchases a C7 for 9 SP. Dogmatix now has to be very careful as if his C7 is destroyed he will only be able to fly a an FF for the rest of the Cycle. He may not be as gung-ho as normal and thus may be more prone to disengaging than normal to protect his ship, as he would have to do IRL.
Gook wants to fly a fleet. He wants to fly 3 DFs to do so will cost him 4.5 SPs and each time a DF gets blown to hell it's another 1.5 SPs. If Gook wants to fly 3 MDCs, he can't they are 4.5 SPs each, so unless points are donated by an A/RM the best he can do MDC wise is 2.
Fluf wants his CVA, 10 points, his fighter will cost him too. 1st generation fighters are free. Second generation fighters will cost another SP and third generation fighters 2 SPs (paid only once on purchase). As CVA is 10 points to upgrade fighters he will have to have points from A/RM.
Hexx wants Lyran BCH. Interceptors are free. PFs cost one point (for all) and PFLs 1additional point (this needs PF person input) so his BCH will be 8 points, he has 3 PF and a PFL which is another point total 10 points.
Maxpower flies a Dragoon as it is a line CA no charge is made for its fighters. If he switches to a Mongol he pays CV SPs, and SPs for fighters per Fluf example. As usual the Hydrans will be tricky to "box up" but basically its common sense. A Cavalier would be a CV, but OS a CVA with fighter upgrade points.
This is just a rough outline. It will need to be polished up. It is dependant on an honour system. Gradings need to be kept rough and ready and not too detailed. Use common sense, and when in doubt pay more. I know it looks complicated but it really is not once the concept is grasped. The effect will be to allow virtually any ship to be flown, but at a price. It should engender caution in bigger ship pilots (as they should have flying expensive bits of kit around) as they don't want to be busted to FF's

Thoughts people.