Topic: CarWars MMORPG?  (Read 1401 times)

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« on: June 14, 2004, 01:47:45 pm »
Just a question of curiousity (from an old SFB playtester)

Do you think there would be much interest in an MMORPG set in a CarWars universe?

And would people enjoy a real time combat system (such as we enjoy in SFC) --- or do you think the old table gamers would require it be a turn-based combat system?

would love to hear some comments...



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« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2004, 01:47:45 pm »
Just a question of curiousity (from an old SFB playtester)

Do you think there would be much interest in an MMORPG set in a CarWars universe?

And would people enjoy a real time combat system (such as we enjoy in SFC) --- or do you think the old table gamers would require it be a turn-based combat system?

would love to hear some comments...



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« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2004, 01:47:45 pm »
Just a question of curiousity (from an old SFB playtester)

Do you think there would be much interest in an MMORPG set in a CarWars universe?

And would people enjoy a real time combat system (such as we enjoy in SFC) --- or do you think the old table gamers would require it be a turn-based combat system?

would love to hear some comments...


Offline Abfalter

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Re: CarWars MMORPG?
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2004, 08:56:11 am »

I think that the IDEA of Car Wars would be great but not the actual game mechanics.  SFB was a hard translation for Taldren and they had a complex system.  The Car Wars rules were pretty simplistic. 

I also think it would work better as a multiplayer game outside of MMORPG.  After all, it's a combat game and not an RPG.  It would be better if it were more like MechWarrior or something.  A single player campaign plus online maps vs. other players.

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Offline Lono

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Re: CarWars MMORPG?
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2004, 02:43:43 pm »

Already on its way!

Auto Assault - E3 Preview

(not true cars wars rules, but same thing really)