Topic: Klingon FASA D-18 TMP refit WIP  (Read 1591 times)

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Klingon FASA D-18 TMP refit WIP
« on: June 18, 2004, 03:56:24 pm »
KF wanted it and i tryed to make something of this as TMP version with foreward torp launcher  



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Re: Klingon FASA D-18 TMP refit WIP
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2004, 04:42:56 pm »
I cannot wait to catch this
but if you can move the torp launcer under the command podand extend it
into the boom section( just to make it look alittle less slapped on)...just an idea mate  


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Re: Klingon FASA D-18 TMP refit WIP
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2004, 04:45:09 pm »
Looking good  
Keep up the good work.  



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Re: Klingon FASA D-18 TMP refit WIP
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2004, 04:53:24 pm »
Lovely as always Terra  

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Klingon FASA D-18 TMP refit WIP
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2004, 05:29:47 pm »
Thank you Terradyne for adding forward and aft torpedo tubes. Increased firepower is certainly an improvement.

The Gull Wing is a favorite Klingon destroyer for me as it isn't often used in D2 scale mods. The  model itself has had a pre-TOS variant made by Dark Matrix and Captain KoraH attempted to bring its textures into the modern area without making a new model.

The torpedo launcher on the front appears to be similar to the K'teremny is that coincidental?

Thanks for sharing this WIP, I am looking forward to the d/l.


Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Klingon FASA D-18 TMP refit WIP
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2004, 10:01:55 pm »

Keep those Klinks coming off the assembly lines


Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Klingon FASA D-18 TMP refit WIP
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2004, 05:27:46 am »
BUMP for news.

One other SMALL request for the D-18, please light up the warp engines.

I can't think of anybody who has ever made the model with lit engines so if for example you want to use Cleeve's K'teremny/STOCK KCA or Atras/Moonraker's K' T'inga Warp engine textures there will be no glowing engine parts. I LIKE glowing engine parts on Klingon ships



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Re: Klingon FASA D-18 TMP refit WIP
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2004, 07:05:33 am »
there is no direct glow in the K'tinga nacelles and all those ships have as TOS ships the Klolode or K'tinga nacelles and so there is no direct glowing warpgrill or something that is like you want it  

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Klingon FASA D-18 TMP refit WIP
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2004, 08:11:58 am »

there is no direct glow in the K'tinga nacelles and all those ships have as TOS ships the Klolode or K'tinga nacelles and so there is no direct glowing warpgrill or something that is like you want it  

A picture is worth a thousand words regarding an update to the D-18....

This is what I meant by the glowing TMP warp engines in reference to Moonraker's K' T' inga:

I was hoping that a TMP refit would include engines similar to these shown above.

My apologies for being such a nuisance, I'd just was hoping for more variety in D-18 ships since they aren't made very often




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Re: Klingon FASA D-18 TMP refit WIP
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2004, 03:53:03 pm »
you meen the warpglow like it is on the Kronos-1 variant but all i know this is one different version of the K'tinga in TMP made for that klingon chancelor that Chaneral Chang wanted to kill and this warpglow is only on the TNG K'tingas, don't know if it was on those K'tingas that where destroyed by the V'ger supership  

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Klingon FASA D-18 TMP refit WIP
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2004, 06:20:38 pm »

you meen the warpglow like it is on the Kronos-1 variant but all i know this is one different version of the K'tinga in TMP made for that klingon chancelor that Chaneral Chang wanted to kill and this warpglow is only on the TNG K'tingas, don't know if it was on those K'tingas that where destroyed by the V'ger supership  

You are correct and the Qo' Nos 1 warp glows would be overkill for the D-18. I am lacking a good picture of Cleeve's K'teremny Warp engine glows which are based on the STOCK KCAs. That is what I am really looking to have done to it.

No matter, your ship is a fine improvement and I am looking forward to d/l it when it is ready.

Now what's happening with the Romulans and that Dueterium Freighter you have pictures of?




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Re: Klingon FASA D-18 TMP refit WIP
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2004, 06:31:10 pm »
Wow that looks great Terradyhne sir, are you goint to upgrade the "head" of the ship for a more TMP look or is the torp launcher it ? Just curious, I'll be waiting for this release !