Topic: SFC...A Journey of the Mind  (Read 2339 times)

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SFC...A Journey of the Mind
« on: March 03, 2003, 10:12:06 pm »
Please hear me out...

I have been playing Taldren's award winning, highly acclaimed series based upon Star Trek since  SFC2: Empires at War . I knew, even before I flew my first sortie in a police frigate, that I had made a good purchase right when I heard Captain Sulu's voice (George Takei) bring me up to speed of the story thus far. FMV though it was, I felt already that I was truly witnessing something worthy of Trek canon. When the actual game began, after completing the easy to follow tutorials, I was hooked through and through.

But something happened  after the first three weeks of constant play: I was feeling....bored, as to be expected. Even with the occasional LAN party, or the subsequent release of  Orion Pirates and its insane new weapons like the Xphaser and such, it simply wasn't enough for me. I had dropped the game thereafter in favor of  Baldur's Gate  I & II,  Planescape:Torment, and pen and paper RPGs like Palladium's  Rifts . BG was exciting enough, but  Torment taught me that there are more intricate ways to further enjoy video games with open-ended characters....

I had fired up SFC2 after a long hiatus. I was a newbie, again. My friends who said never to give up on the game were kicking me around left and right.  While my buddies opted for more beefy carrier ships and missle boats, I settled with a straight up Fed CA. They wanted Gphasers and plasma torps, I wanted the  Enterprise . Multiplayer wasn't my thing anymore. I wanted something else. I decided I would play the single player game strictly for the sake of character development.

I played alone, in conquest mode, first developing a concept for my main character, the captain, then the other senior officers. I strove for something completely new and refreshing, yet familiar based on the inspiration I had from Gene Roddenberry's TOS and Next Gen. I had enough of the typical male human captain (or even snooty Janeway for that matter) brandishing their charismatic skills of diplomacy and bravado, getting themselves out of every single impossible situation they encountered. I instead wanted someone flawed, female, and Andorian.  

The idea created a solid foundation of renewed interest in me, and SFC, in my mind, was reborn anew. Lieutenant J'anthala (an elven style name reused from one of my old DnD characters), graduating 4th in her class at Starfleet Academy (which was an excellent game too BTW   ) received command of the USS San Mateo, FF class frigate, at the recommendation of Rear Admiral Perin Taylor, J'anthala's mentor and human godfather.

From there all the other pieces fell into place...

Then SFC3 was released. I joined these boards a couple of months later, and ever since, I've read far more negatives than positives about the game. I too have contributed a few snippets of negs, but nothing serious as to warrant an utter hatred of the game. I kept the faith, a beta patch was released, and I was pleased. For a short time that is. My old LAN party friends have since moved on to bigger and better things, so multiplayer is out the window (my internet connection is pretty bad for online gaming). Yet I still play the game from time to time. Thanks to the Next Gen era the game takes place in, of which I am more familiar with, my character development has gone forward even further. Now I am dabbling in art with character portraits and action shots. Heck, I'm even designing storyboards as a pre-production for episodes in my own personal Trek TV series!

The ship? The Prometheus class NX cruiser of course.   This is  after my captain's role in SFC3's Unity Station incident, taking place just after  Star Trek: Nemesis.

That's all I have to say about that (thanks go to  Forrest Gump  for that line).          
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ChamadaIV »


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Re: SFC...A Journey of the Mind
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2003, 12:08:18 am »
LOL, 20+ views of this thread and no one has put in a word in edgewise....

If the above has put you to sleep, then I apologize.  

If you read it with interest, however, I salute you.    


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Re: SFC...A Journey of the Mind
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2003, 01:24:01 am »
Um, what should we say 'edgewise' then?  I'm not even sure what this is about.  




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Re: SFC...A Journey of the Mind
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2003, 02:08:27 am »

Um, what should we say 'edgewise' then?  I'm not even sure what this is about.  



Oh, not much. Just some sappy words on my part about how I'm keeping SFC alive and well on my computer. Honestly, There's not much left of the game (SFC3) for me to enjoy short of using my imagination to make it better.

What I ultimately wanted to know (I should've asked in the firstplace) is how other people make SFC or any other game they really love even better than what it is. Some make mods (i.e. Chris Jones), others merely download and play these mods (the rest of us). Many of us enjoy SFC even more by playing online. However, as I stated above, I don't have that luxury, so I am forced to do creative projects in order to prolong my interest in the game.

But right now I'm highly inclined to leave SFC behind again in favor of MOO3, or the upcoming  Knights of the Old Republic.        
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ChamadaIV »


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Re: SFC...A Journey of the Mind
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2003, 02:31:06 am »
In SFC 1 I did something quite similar to your own little fanfic thing up there;  I hacked the game and insert names for my officers, characters i'd created or played on some ST sim or somesuch, others fellow geek names from around home, and others from just imagination.  I wrote about it a bit too, but never had the time to write something big.  The racially-customized scenery helped.  I've tried modding as well, and although I can kitbash well enough, I can't export my models back to SFC.  I ripped out OP's music and assembled it on my computer for easier listening.

I'm a proliferate writer, and in what spare time I have I usually read or write, if I'm not vegatating here. (though i'm still writing and reading;  When i'm reading a book though, i'm *thinking* which I, as one can see from my posts, often don't do here. )

I tended to use the federation's destroyer class as the ship-of-choice for written misadventures.  I like the hull lines more than the heavier ships, and I find that both the shows and the game tend to trod on the little vessels.

Well, there's my bit of sap,



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Re: SFC...A Journey of the Mind
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2003, 04:35:54 am »
Yeah i know what you mean.  Playing single player SFC2 be really fun, but also really boring sometimes.  I really like the campaign aspects of it.  Just like you i made up a little story around it  I actually managed to take both the Lyran Homeworld AND Secondary homeworld and left them with i think TWO planets.  I would RARELY see a DN in their space (though they came occasionally) after i trashed the economy.  I also took the Klingon secondary homeworld and half surrounded their main homeworld.  Then the patches came and there go my saved games


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Re: SFC...A Journey of the Mind
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2003, 11:39:45 am »
I had a Fed campaign where I killed the Klingons, Lyrans, and got within 2 hexes of wiping the Romulans out.  By that point all the pirate cartels were dead... actually... I think only Wyldfire, Beast Raiders, and both the kitties died... anyway, when I got close to killing the Roms, the Klingons started acting up... but they were everywhere!!!  I'd meet them in Kzin space, Hydran, Gorn, former Lyran, ISC (who became allies after they saw the pounding we gave all our other enemies ).  Then I had to refresh my computer, and that campaign is gone.  No more Fleet Admiral Farell <sniff>.  


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Re: SFC...A Journey of the Mind
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2003, 12:18:19 pm »
For me brother it is the campaign.....the glory of battle...

I have been hooked ever since SFC shadow honored me with inclusion into StarFleet Command online Campaign or SFCC Waaaaay back in SFC1...

For is ladder play,

 or Single play,fan fiction,Playing Mods,Modeling,Modding,scripting...etc etc...

One of the things I love about the entire that there is something for everyone  


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SFC...A Journey of the Mind
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2003, 10:12:06 pm »
Please hear me out...

I have been playing Taldren's award winning, highly acclaimed series based upon Star Trek since  SFC2: Empires at War . I knew, even before I flew my first sortie in a police frigate, that I had made a good purchase right when I heard Captain Sulu's voice (George Takei) bring me up to speed of the story thus far. FMV though it was, I felt already that I was truly witnessing something worthy of Trek canon. When the actual game began, after completing the easy to follow tutorials, I was hooked through and through.

But something happened  after the first three weeks of constant play: I was feeling....bored, as to be expected. Even with the occasional LAN party, or the subsequent release of  Orion Pirates and its insane new weapons like the Xphaser and such, it simply wasn't enough for me. I had dropped the game thereafter in favor of  Baldur's Gate  I & II,  Planescape:Torment, and pen and paper RPGs like Palladium's  Rifts . BG was exciting enough, but  Torment taught me that there are more intricate ways to further enjoy video games with open-ended characters....

I had fired up SFC2 after a long hiatus. I was a newbie, again. My friends who said never to give up on the game were kicking me around left and right.  While my buddies opted for more beefy carrier ships and missle boats, I settled with a straight up Fed CA. They wanted Gphasers and plasma torps, I wanted the  Enterprise . Multiplayer wasn't my thing anymore. I wanted something else. I decided I would play the single player game strictly for the sake of character development.

I played alone, in conquest mode, first developing a concept for my main character, the captain, then the other senior officers. I strove for something completely new and refreshing, yet familiar based on the inspiration I had from Gene Roddenberry's TOS and Next Gen. I had enough of the typical male human captain (or even snooty Janeway for that matter) brandishing their charismatic skills of diplomacy and bravado, getting themselves out of every single impossible situation they encountered. I instead wanted someone flawed, female, and Andorian.  

The idea created a solid foundation of renewed interest in me, and SFC, in my mind, was reborn anew. Lieutenant J'anthala (an elven style name reused from one of my old DnD characters), graduating 4th in her class at Starfleet Academy (which was an excellent game too BTW   ) received command of the USS San Mateo, FF class frigate, at the recommendation of Rear Admiral Perin Taylor, J'anthala's mentor and human godfather.

From there all the other pieces fell into place...

Then SFC3 was released. I joined these boards a couple of months later, and ever since, I've read far more negatives than positives about the game. I too have contributed a few snippets of negs, but nothing serious as to warrant an utter hatred of the game. I kept the faith, a beta patch was released, and I was pleased. For a short time that is. My old LAN party friends have since moved on to bigger and better things, so multiplayer is out the window (my internet connection is pretty bad for online gaming). Yet I still play the game from time to time. Thanks to the Next Gen era the game takes place in, of which I am more familiar with, my character development has gone forward even further. Now I am dabbling in art with character portraits and action shots. Heck, I'm even designing storyboards as a pre-production for episodes in my own personal Trek TV series!

The ship? The Prometheus class NX cruiser of course.   This is  after my captain's role in SFC3's Unity Station incident, taking place just after  Star Trek: Nemesis.

That's all I have to say about that (thanks go to  Forrest Gump  for that line).          
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ChamadaIV »


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Re: SFC...A Journey of the Mind
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2003, 12:08:18 am »
LOL, 20+ views of this thread and no one has put in a word in edgewise....

If the above has put you to sleep, then I apologize.  

If you read it with interest, however, I salute you.    


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Re: SFC...A Journey of the Mind
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2003, 01:24:01 am »
Um, what should we say 'edgewise' then?  I'm not even sure what this is about.  




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Re: SFC...A Journey of the Mind
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2003, 02:08:27 am »

Um, what should we say 'edgewise' then?  I'm not even sure what this is about.  



Oh, not much. Just some sappy words on my part about how I'm keeping SFC alive and well on my computer. Honestly, There's not much left of the game (SFC3) for me to enjoy short of using my imagination to make it better.

What I ultimately wanted to know (I should've asked in the firstplace) is how other people make SFC or any other game they really love even better than what it is. Some make mods (i.e. Chris Jones), others merely download and play these mods (the rest of us). Many of us enjoy SFC even more by playing online. However, as I stated above, I don't have that luxury, so I am forced to do creative projects in order to prolong my interest in the game.

But right now I'm highly inclined to leave SFC behind again in favor of MOO3, or the upcoming  Knights of the Old Republic.        
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ChamadaIV »


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Re: SFC...A Journey of the Mind
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2003, 02:31:06 am »
In SFC 1 I did something quite similar to your own little fanfic thing up there;  I hacked the game and insert names for my officers, characters i'd created or played on some ST sim or somesuch, others fellow geek names from around home, and others from just imagination.  I wrote about it a bit too, but never had the time to write something big.  The racially-customized scenery helped.  I've tried modding as well, and although I can kitbash well enough, I can't export my models back to SFC.  I ripped out OP's music and assembled it on my computer for easier listening.

I'm a proliferate writer, and in what spare time I have I usually read or write, if I'm not vegatating here. (though i'm still writing and reading;  When i'm reading a book though, i'm *thinking* which I, as one can see from my posts, often don't do here. )

I tended to use the federation's destroyer class as the ship-of-choice for written misadventures.  I like the hull lines more than the heavier ships, and I find that both the shows and the game tend to trod on the little vessels.

Well, there's my bit of sap,



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Re: SFC...A Journey of the Mind
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2003, 04:35:54 am »
Yeah i know what you mean.  Playing single player SFC2 be really fun, but also really boring sometimes.  I really like the campaign aspects of it.  Just like you i made up a little story around it  I actually managed to take both the Lyran Homeworld AND Secondary homeworld and left them with i think TWO planets.  I would RARELY see a DN in their space (though they came occasionally) after i trashed the economy.  I also took the Klingon secondary homeworld and half surrounded their main homeworld.  Then the patches came and there go my saved games


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Re: SFC...A Journey of the Mind
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2003, 11:39:45 am »
I had a Fed campaign where I killed the Klingons, Lyrans, and got within 2 hexes of wiping the Romulans out.  By that point all the pirate cartels were dead... actually... I think only Wyldfire, Beast Raiders, and both the kitties died... anyway, when I got close to killing the Roms, the Klingons started acting up... but they were everywhere!!!  I'd meet them in Kzin space, Hydran, Gorn, former Lyran, ISC (who became allies after they saw the pounding we gave all our other enemies ).  Then I had to refresh my computer, and that campaign is gone.  No more Fleet Admiral Farell <sniff>.  


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Re: SFC...A Journey of the Mind
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2003, 12:18:19 pm »
For me brother it is the campaign.....the glory of battle...

I have been hooked ever since SFC shadow honored me with inclusion into StarFleet Command online Campaign or SFCC Waaaaay back in SFC1...

For is ladder play,

 or Single play,fan fiction,Playing Mods,Modeling,Modding,scripting...etc etc...

One of the things I love about the entire that there is something for everyone