\ACQDJON200406171450DOWJONESDJONLINE000923.htm&cdtime=06%2f17%2f2004%20+2%3a50PMIf it passes the Senate and "our hero" signs off on it, save those receipts from shopping! It will come in handy in 2004 and 2005!

Texas does NOT have an income tax, therefore this will be a BIG WINDFALL for us Texans! I wonder if they will allow home purchases and auto purchases to count? That's a LOT of money to be shaving from our already record deficits.
IMO though, this whole bill is bogus and never should have been considered. I wish I had 5.25% tax rate for funds earned from a corp. in Mexico or elsewhere. This bill will NOT create American jobs, but encourage companies to do business and employment elsewhere. My guess is China or Taiwan or India.