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Quote:Black: Kings' Knight forward two, left one.
Quote:white: queens bishop left down diagnal four.
Quote:Just a nitpick but it the queen pieces shouldn't line up, I'm assuming they're the X-ships, anyway, they should both start on the same colour.
Quote:White: Queen's pawn forward 2.The chess board and playing pieces should be in 3D not top down.
Quote:Neat idea. One thing . While we can all tell the bisop from a night from a rook at the start of the game by position. ONCE THEY ARE MOVED AROUND (sticky cap key) it will be impossible to till a ki\night from a bishop as the sips are quite similar.
Quote:Where's the link to the Excelsior style FBB?KF
Quote:Quote:Neat idea. One thing . While we can all tell the bisop from a night from a rook at the start of the game by position. ONCE THEY ARE MOVED AROUND (sticky cap key) it will be impossible to till a ki\night from a bishop as the sips are quite similar. Actually its not that hard...Light Cruisers are the Pawns, the BBs are Rooks, Battlecruisers are the Bishops, Heavy Cruisers as the Knights, and X-Cruiser as the Queen, and of course the station as the King.
Quote:This is a fun idea. Also makes me wish they really had something like this. Maybe I'll make it out of SFB minis. So who's got the next move?
Quote:black king pawn 1 forward