I can understand your points, but like Storm said, we are FEDERAL, not city or state. In the days of old (it changed in the late 80's. early 90's) we could retire after 20 years and then enter civil service and serve 20 and get TWO retirements, not any more, even though federal jobs and some states like Texas have laws giving veterans hiring preferences for jobs! Veterans are more than welcome to enter the civilian market and try for 20 or more and get another retirement package in addition to their military retirement, but not anymore with the federal government. Yet look at your Congressmen and past and current Presidents, they get buku bennies and retirement pay after only a FEW YEARS IN OFFICE! Talk about double standards!
Plain and simple there is a food chain within our society, like it or not.
1. President and Congress, they ALWAYS get paid on time and if there is money or not. They are also above the law in that they vote for their own raises, we can do nothing, and come income tax time? The IRS CANNOT AUDIT THEM! Talk about being "protected."

2. Active duty and veterans, again whether there is money or not, you do NOT piss off your military and veterans, really bad idea for a Republic, and could set the stage for a coup.
3. Civil servants, they get good bennies and pay, but sometimes they have to go without pay for a while, like when Clinton refused to sign a bogus budget the Republicans tried to get passed at the last minute.
4. Govt. Contractors, seems they are doing MUCH better than in normal times thanks to Cheney and "no bid" contracts. These people really do not count as they pretty much rip off the taxpayers half of the time, or in Halliburton's case ALL OF THE TIME.

5. Last but not least, the civilian citizens that make up the bulk of the revenue for the United States. As a dear female friend of mine (GS-12 special investigator for the IRS) told me, "Ordinary people do not count to the govt. (Unless you are very rich or well connected politically) except for numbers, income they make and what the feds and the states can tax to bring in revenue, and what possible votes politicians can get from them come election time." Sad but true...
I give you an example from the EAW days when I had a very good friend named John Vaughn (ask the D2 people, they remember him). John had his face disfigured by shrapnel when his Bradley got hit. He was 40 percent when he got out, and eligible for free health care, voc. rehab, etc... Now, even with reconstructive surgery, you can still tell he had a bad injury, so even if he stayed and did 20 and retired, then went voc. rehab, is he not entitled to disability as well? You are an intelligent person Dash, and I have experience with the civvie market, it's the good looking or "normal" looking people that get the jobs, even if their qualifications are slightly under par compared to another person who is very qualified but homely.
Civilians have insurance policies to cover their injuries from their work, for life if need be, in the military we do not have that, instead we have disability compensation, and the VA health care network.