Topic: Help MarkyD with Unity Pirate weapons platform  (Read 1959 times)

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Help MarkyD with Unity Pirate weapons platform
« on: June 24, 2004, 10:31:56 pm »
Unity wants to use this weapons platform, but the independant moddler (a Unity and DomWars and NDF player) will only learn if he does this with guideance and support. It's his first run, so be gentle  ;D

So here it is. I love this design and concept and hope it comes to life for the game. He might be too shy to ask himself, so here it is.

MarkyD. Love to have this for our next run. Good luck.

« Last Edit: June 24, 2004, 11:13:24 pm by UnityTeam_STGD »

Offline markyd

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Re: Help MarkyD with Unity Pirate weapons platform
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2004, 03:17:25 am »
Hey Thanks....

Any Help would be appreciated guys thanks...  In particular The combination of files required to make this Platform playable in game... I am getting the Hang of weapon arcs,, and some other stuff.. but any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks ;D

Offline MarianoDT

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Re: Help MarkyD with Unity Pirate weapons platform
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2004, 03:47:03 pm »
Take a look at this link:

It is a good place to start. And remember: adding ships to SFC3 it's far easier than it looks the first time.
If you have any problems, just ask.


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Re: Help MarkyD with Unity Pirate weapons platform
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2004, 10:44:48 am »

Thanks man I will be checking that Link out.... Importing ships is easy eh??? Right well I have finished the Platform now... However.. I have imported it, edited the Default loadaut and the other one like told too in the taldren modeling hand book. The Platform appears in Menu, but I want to see if their are any problems and everytime i try to load up a skirmish or somthing the computer switches back to windows??? I though it might just be that model.. This morning I started a new project just to learn how to import a ship into sfcIII and understand the niggly bits.... After completing this Model of a basic shuttle, I textured it, added Hardpoints, and all the other relevant files like VL, BS, TI The X Files. GF hardpoint files, the textures, All are named exactly the same as the actuall model (Pirate_Shuttle) I then imported it into the assests/ models folder, edited the deafault loadout and stuff. again it appears in the menu.. HP working fine, but as soon as I try to start a skirmish it crashes just as it did with my station... I am either messing up the defaultcore and loadout or I am buggering somthing else up?? Any Ideas.. Oh and thanks for the link I am checking it up now!

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Re: Help MarkyD with Unity Pirate weapons platform
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2004, 03:47:26 pm »
I have it working (thanks Knighticeman) I have finished all the hardpoints.. things firing from where they should be now!! A Question.. my damage textures dont seem to show? They are named correctly and the dummy a-f points have been mapped out. Any Ideas? Do I need to add them in the way you add an illumination map? I thought the game would load them by itself aslong as they were named correctly and placed in the same folder as the model??


Offline MarianoDT

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Re: Help MarkyD with Unity Pirate weapons platform
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2004, 05:02:14 pm »
I have it working (thanks Knighticeman) I have finished all the hardpoints.. things firing from where they should be now!! A Question.. my damage textures dont seem to show? They are named correctly and the dummy a-f points have been mapped out. Any Ideas? Do I need to add them in the way you add an illumination map? I thought the game would load them by itself aslong as they were named correctly and placed in the same folder as the model??


You are right, you only need to name it right. I mean, the same name as the .bmp but with a "d" in the end.
Dumb question: Have you checked the damage maps button in the "options" menu....?
The dummy point a-f are only to tell the game engine in which part of the ship do you want your weapon to hit. It is like the opposite as the HPs.
To use the Damage maps you dont need to do anything to the 3d mesh.

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Re: Help MarkyD with Unity Pirate weapons platform
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2004, 02:14:33 am »
Thanks Mariano

I have it working now, and it was somthing simple too... Just missing a "_1" in the file name of the original bitmap, then the "_1_iD" & "_1_D"
Maps were not being loaded correctly!!

It is now finished bar the .brk model, I have cut it into four parts.. named the four parts respectively and added pivot points.. however when I blow the Weapon Platform up in game it just dissapears? I loaded it up into the attribute editor (Taldren) and only part of the .brk model shows.. however I import the model back into 3dsmax and all is well, the is the final thing I now need to do!!! (",)

Thanks for your help!

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Re: Help MarkyD with Unity Pirate weapons platform
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2004, 09:44:41 am »
Thanks for everyone that helped.. I have now ironed out all problems!!! ;D

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Re: Help MarkyD with Unity Pirate weapons platform
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2004, 10:34:05 am »
Thanks for everyone that helped.. I have now ironed out all problems!!! ;D

Is it done? If so, ship it to me for add to next Unity.

What is your MSN?

And congrats!!

KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

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Re: Help MarkyD with Unity Pirate weapons platform
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2004, 03:25:52 pm » is yours I will send you the model.. All that needs to be added are the entries into defaultcore and defaultloadout, 8 light weapon points 4 heavy have been mapped out. I am sure Cozbo will know what to do.. as Iceman told me....