Topic: I need advice!!  (Read 2521 times)

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Re: I need advice!!
« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2004, 03:40:48 pm »
Sounds like a good opportunity - I would check it out though, and make sure that they do indeed guarantee hiring you - in writing - before I signed anything that set you up on a payment plan after the course was over.  Otherwise, they could say "We guaranteed to hire you - as soon as a job was available.  Now about those loan payments..."  Even so, you could end up taking a lousy course, not getting your cert, and not getting hired - but still having to pay back your student loan.

Be wary.  Assume they are trying to screw you and look for how they could do it.  Check them out.  Ask for references at Microsoft.  Etc., etc.


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Re: I need advice!!
« Reply #21 on: June 15, 2004, 03:47:15 pm »
I have seen these very same offers made in Asheville and Charlotte.

I see them around every 4-6 months.

You can take the offer and go to Atlanta or wait and see if they are offerec again this fall in Asheville or Charlotte. The last time I saw them offered was in April or May.


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Re: I need advice!!
« Reply #22 on: June 15, 2004, 05:26:31 pm »
CTEC or CTREC?  One is generic, the other is a company.  

As a former Microsoft Certified Trainer, all I can say is go for it.  Be careful about the repayment schedule though.  

The other thing is to find out how many hours per week you will work.  Alot of the training companies might only work you for 2-4 hours per week, depending on how many classes they have etc.  If they have the classes scheduled, and guarantee you 40 hours per week, then it sounds like a good deal.

Figure the company charges $1500 per 40 hour class.  They put 15 students in each class, and they pay you $25 per hour (I made $40 back before trainers were a dime a dozen).  They make $22,500 per class and pay you $1000.. not rocket science to see they are doing just fine.  


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Re: I need advice!!
« Reply #23 on: June 15, 2004, 06:33:12 pm »
Not only that Dracho, but McCloud is near the tech triangle area of N.C? They are third behind Silicon Valley and Austin in computer technology in the U.S. and developing VERY rapidly I might add. If I were you McCloud, take some time, do some research on high tech companies in the triangle are first, then schedule some visits with some people that have your field as their careers, they will be more than happy to give you accurate intel regarding their experiences and what paths are good for you.