Topic: so what does tight fiting mean to you  (Read 3947 times)

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so what does tight fiting mean to you
« on: June 14, 2004, 06:32:14 pm »
apparently to the ones who put together My toilet it means so damn tight that you will either Call a plumber or break the thing trying to get it apart. And I dought if I can just buy the tank part. some things just dont need to be that damn tight. GRRRRRR


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Re: so what does tight fiting mean to you
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2004, 06:35:06 pm »
Is It the actual floating device in the tank? If so you can buy It for about 10 Bucks. If you need to replace the tank, Then It gets abit more complicated.

It's still manageable, But tiresome. What happened exactly, and I can help walk you through It step by step my friend.

Stephen the Shade Tree Plumber.


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Re: so what does tight fiting mean to you
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2004, 06:41:56 pm »
Oh I got most of it apart exsept for the damn locking nut underneath, Cant get a good grip on it. Once I get that off some how, the rest will go back in fairly streight foward way. I just dont see why they need to tighting things down so much. When I replaced the pipes in the sink I did not tighten them back down that much, And I havent had any problems with them leaking since then either.


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Re: so what does tight fiting mean to you
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2004, 06:46:48 pm »
See this is why I wished we lived closer together. I have a special tool for Those odd and hard to reach Nuts. It alows you to Change the angle, and Still retain a goodGrip in order to Break Free Just about any Kind of Not and or Bolt assembly.

It's Hard to do with Pliers, or Vice grips, But This Thing ould do It in a matter of seconds.

Just be glad you don't have to Replace the Wax Seal. If you seat the uhm Seat wrong, You'll have a major Sewage leak, and have to Buy another one.



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Re: so what does tight fiting mean to you
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2004, 07:07:53 pm »
Hell man we only live three hours apart get your butt up here, I got a extra bedroom You got my address, its the only house on the block with a wheel chair ramp.


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Re: so what does tight fiting mean to you
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2004, 07:12:59 pm »
I might just do that in a week or two. I'm still without Wheels at the moment, and With everyting else going on...

But seriously, I will make the trip in a few weeks. I've been wanting to Meet you anyway, You seem like a good Guy and all.

Stephen expecting After Dinner hookers in Kansas. It's an Evil Conservative thing.  


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Re: so what does tight fiting mean to you
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2004, 07:31:14 pm »
Well I cant hold it for a week or two so I guess Ill have to fix it myself but is this tool something you made?.  And as for the after dinner hookers well you are going to have to find them yourself., but i hear south broadway is where they like to hang out, but then so do the undercover cops like hanging out there as well, so youll just have to take your chances.


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Re: so what does tight fiting mean to you
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2004, 07:37:01 pm »

Well I cant hold it for a week or two so I guess Ill have to fix it myself but is this tool something you made?.  And as for the after dinner hookers well you are going to have to find them yourself., but i hear south broadway is where they like to hang out, but then so do the undercover cops like hanging out there as well, so youll just have to take your chances.  


As for the tool, Yep, I Welded a Small hinge onto a gator Grip type thingie that allows me to Grab Just about any Nut from any Angle, Via A 18" handle. It's not pretty, But It get's the Job done.

BTW, For those Just tuning in, Khalee and I Neither one express the need for after Dinner hooker's When Flossing atfter you eat works just as well.  This Important Message Brought to you by the Dental Assosiation of America.



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Re: so what does tight fiting mean to you
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2004, 10:00:09 pm »
Well I think Ill get a propane torch; light it ;hold it to the damn plastic locking nut and melt it off. Damn thing anyhow.

IKV Nemesis D7L

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Re: so what does tight fiting mean to you
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2004, 10:09:04 pm »

Well I think Ill get a propane torch; light it ;hold it to the damn plastic locking nut and melt it off. Damn thing anyhow.  

A hair dryer might heat it enough without damage that expansion would loosen it enough to remove.  


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Re: so what does tight fiting mean to you
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2004, 11:21:49 pm »
   Have you tried WD40.I wouldn't heat it up as it will expand even more.I would use a longer handled  wrench for leverage and pull on it not to hard.I would put some WD40 on the nut and use two combo wrenches lock together at the opening and closing ends.That is one good trick I learned in automotive and works like charm.It is to bad SirGod could beam over to your place.I hope ypu get it off with out breaking anything.  


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Re: so what does tight fiting mean to you
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2004, 11:33:50 pm »
 I had not thought of that, but I got no WD40 on hand, and for Nemesis got no Hair Dryer either have not used one of thoes in years.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Khalee »


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Re: so what does tight fiting mean to you
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2004, 12:09:02 am »

apparently to the ones who put together My toilet it means so damn tight that you will either Call a plumber or break the thing trying to get it apart. And I dought if I can just buy the tank part. some things just dont need to be that damn tight. GRRRRRR

Toilets?  TOILETS?  And to think I opened this thread expecting to see posts about ladies jeans and short skirts.

You guys are such a disappointment.

-S'Cipio , who is sure there are some things in life that DO need to be that damn tight......  

IKV Nemesis D7L

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Re: so what does tight fiting mean to you
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2004, 02:19:13 am »

 I had not thought of that, but I got no WD40 on hand, and for Nemesis got no Hair Dryer either have not used one of thoes in years.  

You can use the torch from a distance, just don't apply the flame directly.  You could even heat a piece of sheet metal with the torch and let it radiate the heat at the plastic unit from a couple of inches.  Or borrow a hair dryer.  


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Re: so what does tight fiting mean to you
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2004, 07:20:59 am »
Well I finaly got the lock nut off put the new assembly in fixed another problem while I was at it, But now the Water supply tube is just a tad short and it not letting the assembly set right, as its leaking but not that bad looks like another couple of bucks to spend.


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so what does tight fiting mean to you
« Reply #15 on: June 14, 2004, 06:32:14 pm »
apparently to the ones who put together My toilet it means so damn tight that you will either Call a plumber or break the thing trying to get it apart. And I dought if I can just buy the tank part. some things just dont need to be that damn tight. GRRRRRR


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Re: so what does tight fiting mean to you
« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2004, 06:35:06 pm »
Is It the actual floating device in the tank? If so you can buy It for about 10 Bucks. If you need to replace the tank, Then It gets abit more complicated.

It's still manageable, But tiresome. What happened exactly, and I can help walk you through It step by step my friend.

Stephen the Shade Tree Plumber.


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Re: so what does tight fiting mean to you
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2004, 06:41:56 pm »
Oh I got most of it apart exsept for the damn locking nut underneath, Cant get a good grip on it. Once I get that off some how, the rest will go back in fairly streight foward way. I just dont see why they need to tighting things down so much. When I replaced the pipes in the sink I did not tighten them back down that much, And I havent had any problems with them leaking since then either.


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Re: so what does tight fiting mean to you
« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2004, 06:46:48 pm »
See this is why I wished we lived closer together. I have a special tool for Those odd and hard to reach Nuts. It alows you to Change the angle, and Still retain a goodGrip in order to Break Free Just about any Kind of Not and or Bolt assembly.

It's Hard to do with Pliers, or Vice grips, But This Thing ould do It in a matter of seconds.

Just be glad you don't have to Replace the Wax Seal. If you seat the uhm Seat wrong, You'll have a major Sewage leak, and have to Buy another one.



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Re: so what does tight fiting mean to you
« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2004, 07:07:53 pm »
Hell man we only live three hours apart get your butt up here, I got a extra bedroom You got my address, its the only house on the block with a wheel chair ramp.