Topic: Lord of the Rings Return of the King  (Read 11998 times)

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Re: Lord of the Rings Return of the King
« Reply #60 on: June 14, 2004, 11:09:06 am »


The Scouring of the Shire was important - in the books.  Much was made of the individual inspiration each of the Hobbits took from their homeland and much was made of the character of Hobbits in general.  The Scouring of the Shire was the closing of that theme/thread.  In the movie there was no time and no basis for it as there was so little character development.  Jackson made a trilogy of good adventure/action movies but the  story really needs mini-series timescale to do it justice.  We are all used to the story being published as a trilogy of 3 volumes it should be noted that there are 6 'books'.

The House of Healing, Imrahil, Denethor, and several other interesting characters/events were done in by no time being available for character development.  It seems to be an unfortunate economic and social fact of the entertainment industry - you either get blockbuster special effect movies short on story, or you might get story intensive mini-series short on effects (think BBC here).  Can't have it all so we take what we can get.  

People  like to say how the scouring scene was important.  I loathed that part of the book and it read like a short story add-on to me.  I was happy to see it left out of the film.


To me the scouring of the Shire was important because it reinforced the changes in the Hobbits.  Even though Frodo and Bilbo couldn't stick around the Shire was in good hands.    


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Re: Lord of the Rings Return of the King
« Reply #61 on: June 14, 2004, 11:35:48 am »
You guys missed the symbolism..

The ring was a tiny thing that was forged and the world was worse because of it.  The Hobbits were tiny things who were forged into something larger than they were, and the world was better because of it.

It is the ultimate story of the triumph of the "Little Guy".  


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Re: Lord of the Rings Return of the King
« Reply #62 on: June 14, 2004, 03:14:13 pm »

The EE will have -

The confrontation with Saruman

The confrontation with the Witch King of Angmar

The parley with The Mouth of Sauron

The Houses of Healing (at least some of it where Faramir and Eowyn get friendly)

Aragorn wrestling the Palantir from Sauron's control

But no Scouring of the Shire (Saruman and Grima die at  Isengard)

I hope they put in Pippin killing the troll, but I don't see how it can be edited in without changing the whole sequence of events at that point in the film. There was also a continuity error where they never show Aragorn getting off of his horse right berfore the charge of the Black Gate.  

That is cool.!!!
But I wonder if they can REMOVE the song part in the end. Is it just me or it was silly..??? I mean, the king singing....  


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Re: Lord of the Rings Return of the King
« Reply #63 on: June 14, 2004, 06:45:17 pm »


The EE will have -

The confrontation with Saruman

The confrontation with the Witch King of Angmar

The parley with The Mouth of Sauron

The Houses of Healing (at least some of it where Faramir and Eowyn get friendly)

Aragorn wrestling the Palantir from Sauron's control

But no Scouring of the Shire (Saruman and Grima die at  Isengard)

I hope they put in Pippin killing the troll, but I don't see how it can be edited in without changing the whole sequence of events at that point in the film. There was also a continuity error where they never show Aragorn getting off of his horse right berfore the charge of the Black Gate.  

That is cool.!!!
But I wonder if they can REMOVE the song part in the end. Is it just me or it was silly..??? I mean, the king singing....  

That list looks awesome...hope it get's longer.

And if you don't like the idea of the main character's singing, don't read the book. Aragorn, Pippin, Frodo, Merry, and the gang frequently break into song to either while away the road or reveal some of Middle-Earth's immense three-milennia(sp) history. Plus I think they did it rather well.  


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Re: Lord of the Rings Return of the King
« Reply #64 on: June 14, 2004, 06:52:07 pm »

Just got to see the final video, And Im Like What in the Fing H was that It hardly followed the last book at all, plus it looked like it was rushed to me. I mean the battle scenes were pretty cool the scenes with the dead were cool, but it looked like the only thing they got  some what right was the ending and Frodos and Golums fight maybe. But they left out the scouring of the shire. Which was a important part of the book. You know the Animated version followed the book more closely than this did.

I would hate to see what this guy would do with the Hobbit and or the Simularian. I think the Simularian would be beyond his ability he would focus on the wrong characters like he did with this movie. Aragon and Arwin were not the main characters was the hobbits, Mainly Frodo.  

Silmarillian(sp) done by PJ would be my end-all be-all happy moment for movies. While I agree that Arwen got too much attention(I think she was the one weak actor in the troupe, I would have swapped her with Eowyn's actress, make it so you don't want Aragorn to go to the flighty elf, but that's another story.) Many Tolkien scholars would say that Aragorn rising to take the throne makes him the main hero--or at least Sam. Frodo in fact got the short end of the stick according to many in ROTK. It's been a WHILE since I read the books, I  intend to do so after I see ROTK EE, but I certainly didn't want Aragorn to get less airtime.

Anyhow, my vote for best character would go to Boromir. Too bad he died in FOTR. GRR.

All I can say is wait for the will be better. I went through the same thing with TTT, then the EE brought back Boromir and loads more character development and I was rather pleased.

Be well,



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Re: Lord of the Rings Return of the King
« Reply #65 on: June 14, 2004, 08:21:57 pm »
I saw all the movies at the theatre but waited until the EE edition of the first two to come out before I saw them again. I'm srue I'll do the same for this release.