To go back to the original post..
There will always be a gap of sorts between the SFB people and the TNG people. With regards to the SFC series, there are basically two kinds of gamers.
1. The SFB board game players
2. Star Trek people who had never heard of SFB until they bought an SFC game.
I am #2.
but.. I repsect the heritage and tradition of SFB, even though I know almost nothing of it.
I am attempting to bridge the gap. If you look at the Gamespy rooms of late there are a great many people playing a TNG Mod for OP, and it looks like many of them are coming over from EAW. The Mod is mine, TNG evolving into Multi-Era. The mod puts it all together, SFB, TOS, TMP, and TNG all in 1 place. The people playing this mod are from many different fleets, and like the fact that I offer 2552, 3.3, and TNG in the same OP install.
The interesting thing about it is this:
The people helping me are amazing. They are mostly SFB purists, using modules to spec the Early era. For mid era I am using a lot of Firesoul's 3.3 shiplist, with some TMP sprinkled in. Some of my assistants are indeed TNG fans, but SFC3 did not hit them right. They like the micro-management that OP offers, and feel that SFC3 is too simplified.
Here's my personal take on SFC3..
I have done a big Mega Mod for it, and recently updated it to the 531 patch, currently in the top 10 downloads on SFC3 Files. I enjoyed the challenge of learning the specifics of SFC3 modding. This may or may not be a surprise to some, but I play OP a lot more than SFC3. I think that's because the feel of OP is more pleasurable than the feel of SFC3. Another reason for me, I think, is because not long after SFC3 was released, I became burned out on SFC and switched to Bridge Commander for my TNG fix - with its bright shiny graphics, etc.. during my BC run I did no SFC at all, until I got wind that a group of gamers had revived my TNG Mod for OP. I'm still doing BC, and am part of the BC2 project. I never got back into SFC3, although I support all the mods for it, as I do support the entire series. Pelican, Nannerslug, and the Unity Team have done amazing things with SFC3. I, however, have no plans to take my MegaMod any further - even though I get lots of e-mail about it still.
In summary, there will always be differences of opinion regarding different versions of SFC, but we are essentialy all one community, and that's what I'm promoting.