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Topic: Two SFC3 Skirmish Script Ideas  (Read 2549 times)

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Two SFC3 Skirmish Script Ideas
« on: June 13, 2004, 04:20:36 pm »
Thought these two ideas might make for a nice expanded SFC3 Skirmish List...

Scimitar Assault - Identical to Wolf 359, except one player is the Scimitar and you pick the ships on the other team against it. To make it more fair, take out the additional FFs and DDs the game adds to the opponent team. Of course, the taunt would have to be removed, and it would be a nice balance feature if the Scimitar started off cloaked.

Advanced Battlefest - A beefed up Battlefest version, with the following progressions:
Sabre - B'rel - Talon - Pyramid
Norway - Kvort - Falcon - Pyramid Prime
Intrepid - K'tinga - Shrike - Diamond
Akira - Fek'lhr - Hawk - Diamond Prime
Nebula - Vor'cha - Raptor - Sphere
Sovereign - Negh'var - Warbird - Sphere Prime


