Topic: BREAKING NEWS!  (Read 2017 times)

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« on: June 12, 2004, 02:14:25 pm »
Throughout history we?ve had men who were willing to deal with dictators in order to advance their own selfish agendas.

Men who have been willing to indoctrinate our youth with a sick and twisted value system, and hide behind beloved children?s figures in order to achieve world domination.

Now we?re not saying Sethan is involved with Richard Simmons and his evil homosexual plot for total domination of the interior decorating industry, but can you really afford take that chance?

With no moral code and willing to commit any heinous crime to further the agenda of the freemason movement, Sethan and his secret cult of followers have strewn a path of violence, bloodshed, and assassination. Everywhere you see turmoil, conflict, and war?Sethan and his band of occult followers seem to be involved or at the very least on the sidelines. How many tragic events will he be connected to before the American people realize what sort of man they might elect to office?


Was sethan responsible for the betrayal and eventual death of Jesus? Using advanced X-Ray technology we have peeled back the centuries and uncovered the true image on Leonardo DiVinci?s great masterpiece ?The Last Supper?.


If you?re not convinced, take a look at these economic indicators. An economy projected under the benevolent reign of Punisher would look like this:


And look at the total disaster and economic collapse that would happen under Sethans brutal dictatorship:


Now we aren't saying Sethan is evil, but we aren't saying he's good either! With all you've heard is economic collapse, curruption, murder, and flaming homosexuality the qualities you want in your president?

Punisher is the man for the job. Working tirelessly to improve your lives through pro-tobacco programs, anti-tobacco programs, Killing wild donkies, and the popular senior medication program "Why don't you just die already". Racial violence will be a thing of the past with Punishers innovative "Why don't you just shut up you racist bastard" program. Are you afraid to send your children to school for fear of drugs, gangs, and overworked teachers? The answer is in the "Leave no child standing" policy....slackers, troubble makers, drug dealers, and other malcontents will be placed in reeducation programs where their spirit will be broken by making them watch endless amounts of Disney Cartoons and Ronco Infomercials until they reform or they go insane, which ever comes first.

Dictatorship can be a good thing, but only with Punisher at the helm. Remember, Democracy doesn't work so why bother? And at least I'm better than the other guy. The choice is clear. Economic growth, hookers, and indoctrination of youth....or the end of the world. Join me or fall by the wayside forgotten!

Paid for by the Citizens who have no other choice comittee for Punisher for World Leader Campaign.  
(THIS IS A JOKE, NOT INTENDED TO OFFEND. AUTHOR HAS TOO MUCH TIME ON HIS HANDS) Please do not operate heavy machinery while reading this post.    
« Last Edit: June 12, 2004, 02:17:00 pm by SL-Punisher »


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« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2004, 02:30:02 pm »
LMAO! You are getting pretty good with that photo editing there SL!  

You forgot Martha and her begging in tears to Sethan for a new trial so she does not have to go to prison.    
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by JMM »


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« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2004, 05:46:09 pm »

With all you've heard is economic collapse, curruption, murder, and flaming homosexuality the qualities you want in your president?

I got confused at this part, was he talking about me or Sethan?  If me, all I want to say is I DO NOT FLAME, I burn incadescently.


Clark Kent

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« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2004, 08:37:29 pm »
I too have heard of Sethan's phallic fun, but the rest is new to me...


P.S.  I like Latinas...
....And apparently Asian ladies as well...


  • Guest
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2004, 05:16:29 pm »
I categorically deny that is me inside that Barney Costume.  You can't see my face, and you can't prove it.

Scott Allen Abfalter

  • Guest
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2004, 09:08:16 am »

I love you!
You love me!
We all know,
Sethan's Barney!



  • Guest
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2004, 01:52:06 pm »
You know.. I hope you see the humor in this as I intend it.. but that made me think of a great SNL skit... where some guy annoys a gay man, who swears he'll get even.

He then comes home to find some redecorating show has convinced his wife to use  some butt-ugly interior fashions.

As they leave one of the decorators sticks his tongue out at the man, behind his wife's back and pointing his finger, says "told you we'd get you"..  


  • Guest
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2004, 02:14:25 pm »
Throughout history we?ve had men who were willing to deal with dictators in order to advance their own selfish agendas.

Men who have been willing to indoctrinate our youth with a sick and twisted value system, and hide behind beloved children?s figures in order to achieve world domination.

Now we?re not saying Sethan is involved with Richard Simmons and his evil homosexual plot for total domination of the interior decorating industry, but can you really afford take that chance?

With no moral code and willing to commit any heinous crime to further the agenda of the freemason movement, Sethan and his secret cult of followers have strewn a path of violence, bloodshed, and assassination. Everywhere you see turmoil, conflict, and war?Sethan and his band of occult followers seem to be involved or at the very least on the sidelines. How many tragic events will he be connected to before the American people realize what sort of man they might elect to office?


Was sethan responsible for the betrayal and eventual death of Jesus? Using advanced X-Ray technology we have peeled back the centuries and uncovered the true image on Leonardo DiVinci?s great masterpiece ?The Last Supper?.


If you?re not convinced, take a look at these economic indicators. An economy projected under the benevolent reign of Punisher would look like this:


And look at the total disaster and economic collapse that would happen under Sethans brutal dictatorship:


Now we aren't saying Sethan is evil, but we aren't saying he's good either! With all you've heard is economic collapse, curruption, murder, and flaming homosexuality the qualities you want in your president?

Punisher is the man for the job. Working tirelessly to improve your lives through pro-tobacco programs, anti-tobacco programs, Killing wild donkies, and the popular senior medication program "Why don't you just die already". Racial violence will be a thing of the past with Punishers innovative "Why don't you just shut up you racist bastard" program. Are you afraid to send your children to school for fear of drugs, gangs, and overworked teachers? The answer is in the "Leave no child standing" policy....slackers, troubble makers, drug dealers, and other malcontents will be placed in reeducation programs where their spirit will be broken by making them watch endless amounts of Disney Cartoons and Ronco Infomercials until they reform or they go insane, which ever comes first.

Dictatorship can be a good thing, but only with Punisher at the helm. Remember, Democracy doesn't work so why bother? And at least I'm better than the other guy. The choice is clear. Economic growth, hookers, and indoctrination of youth....or the end of the world. Join me or fall by the wayside forgotten!

Paid for by the Citizens who have no other choice comittee for Punisher for World Leader Campaign.  
(THIS IS A JOKE, NOT INTENDED TO OFFEND. AUTHOR HAS TOO MUCH TIME ON HIS HANDS) Please do not operate heavy machinery while reading this post.    
« Last Edit: June 12, 2004, 02:17:00 pm by SL-Punisher »


  • Guest
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2004, 02:30:02 pm »
LMAO! You are getting pretty good with that photo editing there SL!  

You forgot Martha and her begging in tears to Sethan for a new trial so she does not have to go to prison.    
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by JMM »


  • Guest
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2004, 05:46:09 pm »

With all you've heard is economic collapse, curruption, murder, and flaming homosexuality the qualities you want in your president?

I got confused at this part, was he talking about me or Sethan?  If me, all I want to say is I DO NOT FLAME, I burn incadescently.


Clark Kent

  • Guest
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2004, 08:37:29 pm »
I too have heard of Sethan's phallic fun, but the rest is new to me...


P.S.  I like Latinas...
....And apparently Asian ladies as well...


  • Guest
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2004, 05:16:29 pm »
I categorically deny that is me inside that Barney Costume.  You can't see my face, and you can't prove it.

Scott Allen Abfalter

  • Guest
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2004, 09:08:16 am »

I love you!
You love me!
We all know,
Sethan's Barney!



  • Guest
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2004, 01:52:06 pm »
You know.. I hope you see the humor in this as I intend it.. but that made me think of a great SNL skit... where some guy annoys a gay man, who swears he'll get even.

He then comes home to find some redecorating show has convinced his wife to use  some butt-ugly interior fashions.

As they leave one of the decorators sticks his tongue out at the man, behind his wife's back and pointing his finger, says "told you we'd get you"..  


  • Guest
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2004, 02:14:25 pm »
Throughout history we?ve had men who were willing to deal with dictators in order to advance their own selfish agendas.

Men who have been willing to indoctrinate our youth with a sick and twisted value system, and hide behind beloved children?s figures in order to achieve world domination.

Now we?re not saying Sethan is involved with Richard Simmons and his evil homosexual plot for total domination of the interior decorating industry, but can you really afford take that chance?

With no moral code and willing to commit any heinous crime to further the agenda of the freemason movement, Sethan and his secret cult of followers have strewn a path of violence, bloodshed, and assassination. Everywhere you see turmoil, conflict, and war?Sethan and his band of occult followers seem to be involved or at the very least on the sidelines. How many tragic events will he be connected to before the American people realize what sort of man they might elect to office?


Was sethan responsible for the betrayal and eventual death of Jesus? Using advanced X-Ray technology we have peeled back the centuries and uncovered the true image on Leonardo DiVinci?s great masterpiece ?The Last Supper?.


If you?re not convinced, take a look at these economic indicators. An economy projected under the benevolent reign of Punisher would look like this:


And look at the total disaster and economic collapse that would happen under Sethans brutal dictatorship:


Now we aren't saying Sethan is evil, but we aren't saying he's good either! With all you've heard is economic collapse, curruption, murder, and flaming homosexuality the qualities you want in your president?

Punisher is the man for the job. Working tirelessly to improve your lives through pro-tobacco programs, anti-tobacco programs, Killing wild donkies, and the popular senior medication program "Why don't you just die already". Racial violence will be a thing of the past with Punishers innovative "Why don't you just shut up you racist bastard" program. Are you afraid to send your children to school for fear of drugs, gangs, and overworked teachers? The answer is in the "Leave no child standing" policy....slackers, troubble makers, drug dealers, and other malcontents will be placed in reeducation programs where their spirit will be broken by making them watch endless amounts of Disney Cartoons and Ronco Infomercials until they reform or they go insane, which ever comes first.

Dictatorship can be a good thing, but only with Punisher at the helm. Remember, Democracy doesn't work so why bother? And at least I'm better than the other guy. The choice is clear. Economic growth, hookers, and indoctrination of youth....or the end of the world. Join me or fall by the wayside forgotten!

Paid for by the Citizens who have no other choice comittee for Punisher for World Leader Campaign.  
(THIS IS A JOKE, NOT INTENDED TO OFFEND. AUTHOR HAS TOO MUCH TIME ON HIS HANDS) Please do not operate heavy machinery while reading this post.    
« Last Edit: June 12, 2004, 02:17:00 pm by SL-Punisher »


  • Guest
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2004, 02:30:02 pm »
LMAO! You are getting pretty good with that photo editing there SL!  

You forgot Martha and her begging in tears to Sethan for a new trial so she does not have to go to prison.    
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by JMM »


  • Guest
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2004, 05:46:09 pm »

With all you've heard is economic collapse, curruption, murder, and flaming homosexuality the qualities you want in your president?

I got confused at this part, was he talking about me or Sethan?  If me, all I want to say is I DO NOT FLAME, I burn incadescently.


Clark Kent

  • Guest
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2004, 08:37:29 pm »
I too have heard of Sethan's phallic fun, but the rest is new to me...


P.S.  I like Latinas...
....And apparently Asian ladies as well...


  • Guest
« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2004, 05:16:29 pm »
I categorically deny that is me inside that Barney Costume.  You can't see my face, and you can't prove it.

Scott Allen Abfalter

  • Guest
« Reply #19 on: June 15, 2004, 09:08:16 am »

I love you!
You love me!
We all know,
Sethan's Barney!



  • Guest
« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2004, 01:52:06 pm »
You know.. I hope you see the humor in this as I intend it.. but that made me think of a great SNL skit... where some guy annoys a gay man, who swears he'll get even.

He then comes home to find some redecorating show has convinced his wife to use  some butt-ugly interior fashions.

As they leave one of the decorators sticks his tongue out at the man, behind his wife's back and pointing his finger, says "told you we'd get you"..