Topic: OT ST Mod Project for FS2  (Read 994 times)

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OT ST Mod Project for FS2
« on: June 11, 2004, 08:48:10 pm »
   Hello I , I hope I put this in the right spot (or have it moved/deleted)

   For the past year or so I have been working on a Freespace 2 Total Conversion. Simultaneously a "sci-fi/anime bash" is in the works as well. I will be tracking down some artists here as I find many of the designs here outstanding, interesting, and wish to be allowed to bring them to another format.

   My ultimate goal is to immerse the player in the Star Trek experience but from a shuttle/fighter pilot's pov.

   Some of the story arcs I wish to cover are:

   Orion Pirate incidents
   Borg Invasion
   Section 31 secret (or not so secret) civil war
   Dominion war
  A a slew of other ideas I keep forgetting as I come up with them at work

   Needless to say that since I am not a modler myself (barely have conversion skills), I am seeking anyone who can and that would be interested in helping with such a project! I have garnered lukewarm support in my FS community as most would try the finished mod, but aren't interested enough (or have time) to help.. As always I trudge along (simulates snail speed).

   I also realize how important It is that every model I use is accounted for.  Though I found a library of preconverted ships in a format I can use I found a few designs that belong to some of the modlers here (I intend on reading all 177 pages of teh model thread!) so I will be contacting them as I find them.

  Though this is not SFB oriented it IS still Trek (though in a different form) and I hope that my efforts will be well recived here as a fellow lover of all things scf-fi and Trek.

  For those curious here are some WIP shots (HUGE thanks to Thulls at Feral Shipyards, adn many modders at KA!)

   Borg Forces

  USS Scorpion fends off 5 Warbirds (I am hiding under the Dorsal shield in my fighter!!!)

  orion Pirates in their stolen romulan ships head for their individual target systems

   A Galaxy runs into "difficulty" with some rogue Klingon BOPS!

  A Gorn Light Fighter

  A Federation fighter

  This is not my project BUT just some people screwing around with the soucre code.
  I think it's spectacular for a almost 6 year old game
  These are bridge commander ships with UBER 2000x2000 textures with HT&L stuff

  The REAL Dominion War (want a piece of this fighter pilots?)

I hope you enjoyed these WIP's pics!


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OT ST Mod Project for FS2
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2004, 08:48:10 pm »
   Hello I , I hope I put this in the right spot (or have it moved/deleted)

   For the past year or so I have been working on a Freespace 2 Total Conversion. Simultaneously a "sci-fi/anime bash" is in the works as well. I will be tracking down some artists here as I find many of the designs here outstanding, interesting, and wish to be allowed to bring them to another format.

   My ultimate goal is to immerse the player in the Star Trek experience but from a shuttle/fighter pilot's pov.

   Some of the story arcs I wish to cover are:

   Orion Pirate incidents
   Borg Invasion
   Section 31 secret (or not so secret) civil war
   Dominion war
  A a slew of other ideas I keep forgetting as I come up with them at work

   Needless to say that since I am not a modler myself (barely have conversion skills), I am seeking anyone who can and that would be interested in helping with such a project! I have garnered lukewarm support in my FS community as most would try the finished mod, but aren't interested enough (or have time) to help.. As always I trudge along (simulates snail speed).

   I also realize how important It is that every model I use is accounted for.  Though I found a library of preconverted ships in a format I can use I found a few designs that belong to some of the modlers here (I intend on reading all 177 pages of teh model thread!) so I will be contacting them as I find them.

  Though this is not SFB oriented it IS still Trek (though in a different form) and I hope that my efforts will be well recived here as a fellow lover of all things scf-fi and Trek.

  For those curious here are some WIP shots (HUGE thanks to Thulls at Feral Shipyards, adn many modders at KA!)

   Borg Forces

  USS Scorpion fends off 5 Warbirds (I am hiding under the Dorsal shield in my fighter!!!)

  orion Pirates in their stolen romulan ships head for their individual target systems

   A Galaxy runs into "difficulty" with some rogue Klingon BOPS!

  A Gorn Light Fighter

  A Federation fighter

  This is not my project BUT just some people screwing around with the soucre code.
  I think it's spectacular for a almost 6 year old game
  These are bridge commander ships with UBER 2000x2000 textures with HT&L stuff

  The REAL Dominion War (want a piece of this fighter pilots?)

I hope you enjoyed these WIP's pics!


  • Guest
OT ST Mod Project for FS2
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2004, 08:48:10 pm »
   Hello I , I hope I put this in the right spot (or have it moved/deleted)

   For the past year or so I have been working on a Freespace 2 Total Conversion. Simultaneously a "sci-fi/anime bash" is in the works as well. I will be tracking down some artists here as I find many of the designs here outstanding, interesting, and wish to be allowed to bring them to another format.

   My ultimate goal is to immerse the player in the Star Trek experience but from a shuttle/fighter pilot's pov.

   Some of the story arcs I wish to cover are:

   Orion Pirate incidents
   Borg Invasion
   Section 31 secret (or not so secret) civil war
   Dominion war
  A a slew of other ideas I keep forgetting as I come up with them at work

   Needless to say that since I am not a modler myself (barely have conversion skills), I am seeking anyone who can and that would be interested in helping with such a project! I have garnered lukewarm support in my FS community as most would try the finished mod, but aren't interested enough (or have time) to help.. As always I trudge along (simulates snail speed).

   I also realize how important It is that every model I use is accounted for.  Though I found a library of preconverted ships in a format I can use I found a few designs that belong to some of the modlers here (I intend on reading all 177 pages of teh model thread!) so I will be contacting them as I find them.

  Though this is not SFB oriented it IS still Trek (though in a different form) and I hope that my efforts will be well recived here as a fellow lover of all things scf-fi and Trek.

  For those curious here are some WIP shots (HUGE thanks to Thulls at Feral Shipyards, adn many modders at KA!)

   Borg Forces

  USS Scorpion fends off 5 Warbirds (I am hiding under the Dorsal shield in my fighter!!!)

  orion Pirates in their stolen romulan ships head for their individual target systems

   A Galaxy runs into "difficulty" with some rogue Klingon BOPS!

  A Gorn Light Fighter

  A Federation fighter

  This is not my project BUT just some people screwing around with the soucre code.
  I think it's spectacular for a almost 6 year old game
  These are bridge commander ships with UBER 2000x2000 textures with HT&L stuff

  The REAL Dominion War (want a piece of this fighter pilots?)

I hope you enjoyed these WIP's pics!