...okay, maybe not really, but it was kinda weird and I just wonder if anyone else has seen this happen.
I'm playing through an SP conquest game as the Feds, and I take my fleet in to assault a Rom planet. Everything's going fine--my fleet and I are slapping the AI silly--and then the strangeness sets in. One of the AI ships cloaks, and the planet (which is behind the ship I'm currently targeting) starts to CLOAK! No kidding, it faded out and vanished from the main view AND the tactical map just like a cloaked ship. Even weirder, the def plats were suddenly able to blast away at me through where the planet had been. Then, to top it all off, when I wiped out the last platform, the mission didn't end--I assume because of an error tied to the "mysterious cloaking planet."
I'm sure this is a bug of some sort, but at first I started to think, "Great, now the Roms can cloak planets. So much for ever beating them in the D3." Still, I wish I would've had my auto-filming on. Would've loved to to upload that one to the BattleClinic if for nothing else but the laughs. Not a big issue in the end, but has anyone else ever encountered the "Planet-class Cloaking Device" or its never-seen but oft-rumored cousin, the "SB-Class Cloaking Device" in action?