Topic: Nirendra III  (Read 2954 times)

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Re: What I'd like to see in a new series?
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2004, 02:06:13 pm »

I met Sulu two weeks ago at a Sci-fi convention in Novi Michigan,

you met George Taki awsome dude ive met a couple of the main cast from TOS namely my favorite experiance was getting to meet the late Deforest Kelly and we spoke for an hour or so after the show (my freind organised the convention so i got to stay around after) talking about how the show infulenced him and how the show and his roles in his films influenced me and my before mentioned friend it was an extremly enlightening experiance i just there were more actors around like him who put their heart and soul into the part and really flesh out the roles.
Since Voyager, trek has kinda gone down hill (dont get me wrong i still watched the whole show and i still watch enterprise) but the people incharge of production have forgetten what star trek is and instead go for these jaw dropping effects (which i do like) and these women wearing little or nothing at all apart from paint (still no complaint) and really nice designed ships (enterprise been in my top 10 designs) but they have completly forgotten the story although enterprise has learnt a leason from voyager and thats why the whole of the third season had a fluid and well stuctured story (shame the actors didnt put 100% into it and the writers decided to turn the show in to TIME TREK that is probaly the only problem i have with enterprise (dont get me started on voyagers faults) but if the producers would listen to the fans and probaly hire some of us to make the damn shows and keep using the likes of LeVar and Dawson with Frakes doing some direction now and then we would really have a killer show or possably shows but thats the age old problem i only hope that SovereignEmpire's ideas take fruit and turn into something the fans can be proud of


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Re: What I'd like to see in a new series?
« Reply #21 on: June 12, 2004, 07:53:58 pm »
Yup I agree too,  after voyager, ehhh, but i do still watch the shows, about the excelsior, I wish, that would be so nice to see, I grew up with TNG, and I love it, but the truth is Kirk, Sulu, TMP, it just feels better, to me that is, I love the design of the ships and uniforms, and the missions they went on felt good to watch , exciting, hand to hand combat, the dialog everything, one of my favorites is ST6 Undiscovered Country, I think thats it maybe, dont remember which number but you get maybe 20 minutes od space action bwtn the first attack on the Qonos, and the enbding with the BOP firing and the rest was either on a planet, on the ship, back on earth, i mean now it seems all they show is ships fighting, like if we're 12 year olds, I mean i like a good fight with photons and disruptors, but I also want a good story line, TMP is a perfect era to do a show, its a gap that really needs to be filled, "F" the pre tos crap, you messed it up, its done with you cant fix it right a way, start fresh, and maybe in time, youll figure something out, Star Trek Excelsior, sounds good to me lol

adam out