Topic: Huge problem  (Read 1460 times)

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Huge problem
« on: June 05, 2004, 11:22:43 am »
as the sign says ive come across a huge problem ive been trying to get to grips with milkshape and ive read all the tutorials on how to texture but no matter what i do i still cant apply textures to the mod so what would be the best course of action should i convert the ship back into a 3ds file or something that milkshape can deal with, or should i rob a bank to buy 3D Studio Max 4 and work with that?


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Re: Huge problem
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2004, 03:13:38 pm »
thank you for you help (not) i managed to figure out most of the problems but even though im using the guide given at i still dont know how to make my own groups for adding extra textures


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Re: Huge problem
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2004, 12:11:19 am »
Hang in there man, I'm sure Captain Ron or Red Green can hook you up once they read this thread. Oh BTW I had to edit my list,DM's and Chris Jone's latest postiing have me D/L'ing like mad this weekend.We need to get with Manitoba and KF and set up a strategy for getting the Website up.We'll need space for Manitoba's shipyard,your stuff,KF's stuff,and the Uberlist with pics and links.If memory serves Mani said 10 bucks get's 100GB? I say we all chip in $20 and see how far we get with that.Maybe ask Fury to help us set up the site like his with one main page with multi portals.


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Re: Huge problem
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2004, 12:24:44 am »
i am working on it guys. i just have to now setup a chking account and the paypal donations will be good. and hopefully i start work again soon. been off almost 2 months now and not getting any money from unemployement the bastards. was eligiable for it but the denied it.  


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Re: Huge problem
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2004, 07:24:20 am »
i need to update my list aswell all the new stuff coming up has had my cable modem on the brink of catching fire and since my pc has just got back from the shop  i need to reinstall almost all of my stuff including word also with all of this texturing im doing and my RL stuff the site for holding these list will be a little further away than first thought but i am more than happy to send a cheaque in the mail to you mani because i dont like using the net when it comes to my hard earned cash (we can talk about this later though) but yeah ive got the grasp of applying textures to the ships i just want to be able to make very small groups say for a bussard collector or even the bridge and im not even sure how to make a new group


Captain Ron

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Re: Huge problem
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2004, 11:27:41 am »
Well the Tuts I learned from had nothing to do with SFC but they work.
 Here is the page that should help you out, there is a link at the bottom to get you to his site for the others.


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Re: Huge problem
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2004, 12:11:04 pm »
Thanx Ron ive been hoping someone would step forward and give me a hand shame its took so long as me waiting for this has held alot of projects up which i has promised to do namely ModelsPlease and Manitoba who have asked me to texture some ships  


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Re: Huge problem
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2004, 12:26:54 pm »
Sorry man, just read the post but Capt Ron has it covered    Good tutorial there.  I figured out some of whats in there by trial and error.  I use 1.6.3 still for milkshape. So maybe I missing a few add ons.  One thing about applying textures that helps sometimes.  It is hard to rotate a group by say 90 degrees in the map editor. So often I rotate that group in the main window 90 degrees or any amount I need  then apply textures.  


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Re: Huge problem
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2004, 12:33:16 pm »
thanx red my main problem is (since i worked out how to apply textures to the key parts) is how to make a small selection of a ship without selecting a thousand other bits of the mesh do put specific textures on that and how to add the textures for lighting

Captain Ron

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Re: Huge problem
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2004, 01:00:04 pm »
Light maps are easy if you already textured the model. Once you make them on the material tab you have two boxes that are used to select the BMP. The upper one is the main texture the lower one is for the Light map.


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Re: Huge problem
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2004, 01:00:50 pm »

thanx red my main problem is (since i worked out how to apply textures to the key parts) is how to make a small selection of a ship without selecting a thousand other bits of the mesh do put specific textures on that and how to add the textures for lighting  

If your working from a mod file. Then seperating groups can  be difficult sometimes.   To start you might want to break the ship into top and bottom. Simply drag a square aroung the ship using face selection  with ignore back face. Then regroup it into top and bottom and move 1 part over and up so you can select parts of the top without selecting the bottom. Yea it can be a pain-some trial and error here.

As far as adding light maps. Under the material tab. If you have a texture loaded, just select the bottom none button. The light map needs to be named the same as the original. If the map is Saucertop.bmp   then name your light map Saucertop_i.bmp.

Click on emissive tab, select white for the color. Click on specular and select black for the color. Thats it.



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Re: Huge problem
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2004, 02:25:14 pm »
cool what ive managed to figure out so far is after i convert the file to ms3ds i them tamper with the textures but i should nail it soon enough even if its a slow painful endurance but it should be paid off and i thought it would have been that simple for the lighting now that im armed with basic knowlage i shall become a super hero fight crime protect the inoccent work for world peace.................but first ( i know) time to texture some models   thanx for the help and keep a sensor out for my stuff