Topic: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova  (Read 6019 times)

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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #40 on: June 10, 2004, 10:18:12 pm »
So now you're blaming the Gorn for not having tactial warp.


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #41 on: June 10, 2004, 10:52:25 pm »

Yes, sublight ships that can go faster than light, hmm. That's about as hackneyed as Voyager's 'Super-subspace' The space above the space below space, wouldn't that be erm, space!? ROFL. ADB Just couldn't bear to admit that Balance of Terror was a screwup and that the Roms had to have had warp. All other things aside the F-OCL is fugly.  

If you have that big of a problem with Romulans I have a simple solution:

Don't watch Star Trek or play SFB/SFC.

And if your jumping on the oh-so-hip bandwagon of bashing Voyager, all I can say is you don't know what your missing. "Super-subspace" probably means--and this is a guess without having seen the episode you are referring to-- the area of space-time that is between subspace and normal space, thereby implying it takes less energy to make the change--just more precision--and therefor more energy can be dedicated to movement at a more effecient rate.

And Warp Drive is not just a huge rocket, it's a space distortion field--one of the earlier terms for it was "Space Warp" so "sublight" ships being refitted with warp nacells is not suprising, you don't have to reinforce the hull because there is no strain on the hull--just a warp field distorting the space around it.

In other words, you could take a feather, put some tiny warp nacells on it, and it would survive the process. The reason "tactical" warp was so hard to achieve is not because the hulls were fragile, it was because they could not stabalize the warp field enough to withstand turning(Remember Voyager? "When at high warp, no left or right"?) much less enemy fire. The Warp field would destabalize, .the ship would take the full brunt of the inerta and fly apart.

And if you don't like Old ships, there's another simple solution.

Don't fly them. Better yet, don't download the mods that have them. I don't like the ISC. So I don't fly them. Simple as that.  


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #42 on: June 11, 2004, 05:18:56 am »

If you have that big of a problem with Romulans I have a simple solution:

Don't watch Star Trek or play SFB/SFC.

I don't have a big problem with the Romulans, they are my favourite adversary race in Trek, I do not, however, like ADB's interpretation of their history, I can watch Star Trek without dealing with that so I'm fine really in that regard.


And if your jumping on the oh-so-hip bandwagon of bashing Voyager, all I can say is you don't know what your missing. "Super-subspace" probably means--and this is a guess without having seen the episode you are referring to-- the area of space-time that is between subspace and normal space, thereby implying it takes less energy to make the change--just more precision--and therefor more energy can be dedicated to movement at a more effecient rate.

Re: super-subspace, my mistake it is actually even more annoyingly named 'hyper-subspace' or upper-lower-space in plain english. It has nothing to do with movement of ships it's just some annoying technobable they made up in the episode Pathfinder - the one set on earth with the hilarious Barclay and very sexy Troi (even though the character of Troi is pointless in general). I'm not a Voyager basher, it's what got me into Trek in the first place but to me the other 3 series are in general much better and more consistently good (maybe TOS isn't so consistent...)


And Warp Drive is not just a huge rocket, it's a space distortion field--one of the earlier terms for it was "Space Warp" so "sublight" ships being refitted with warp nacells is not suprising, you don't have to reinforce the hull because there is no strain on the hull--just a warp field distorting the space around it.

We have, however clearly seen, numerous times that traveling at warp places at least some structural strain on the ships, most noticeably the BoP in STIV which nearly flew apart trying to do warp 8 (old scale)


In other words, you could take a feather, put some tiny warp nacells on it, and it would survive the process. The reason "tactical" warp was so hard to achieve is not because the hulls were fragile, it was because they could not stabalize the warp field enough to withstand turning(Remember Voyager? "When at high warp, no left or right"?) much less enemy fire. The Warp field would destabalize, .the ship would take the full brunt of the inerta and fly apart.

Yeah I remember Voyager, every week they have pitched battles at high-warp with whatever alien-of-the-week. I'm sorry that this has got you so riled up but I just don't accept ADB's version of events - no fighting at warp till the later years, As you say below, if you don't like it ignore it, that's what I do.


And if you don't like Old ships, there's another simple solution.

Don't fly them. Better yet, don't download the mods that have them. I don't like the ISC. So I don't fly them. Simple as that.  

I never said I don't like old ships, just the rules surrounding them. I don't like the Fed OCL in particular because I find it aesthetically speaking, hideous. If Desty makes any other old-style ships or national fleets then ofcourse I'll download them if they don't look like the OCL.

Cheers for the chat, later,



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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #43 on: June 11, 2004, 01:14:05 pm »


If you have that big of a problem with Romulans I have a simple solution:

Don't watch Star Trek or play SFB/SFC.

I don't have a big problem with the Romulans, they are my favourite adversary race in Trek, I do not, however, like ADB's interpretation of their history, I can watch Star Trek without dealing with that so I'm fine really in that regard.


And if your jumping on the oh-so-hip bandwagon of bashing Voyager, all I can say is you don't know what your missing. "Super-subspace" probably means--and this is a guess without having seen the episode you are referring to-- the area of space-time that is between subspace and normal space, thereby implying it takes less energy to make the change--just more precision--and therefor more energy can be dedicated to movement at a more effecient rate.

Re: super-subspace, my mistake it is actually even more annoyingly named 'hyper-subspace' or upper-lower-space in plain english. It has nothing to do with movement of ships it's just some annoying technobable they made up in the episode Pathfinder - the one set on earth with the hilarious Barclay and very sexy Troi (even though the character of Troi is pointless in general). I'm not a Voyager basher, it's what got me into Trek in the first place but to me the other 3 series are in general much better and more consistently good (maybe TOS isn't so consistent...)


And Warp Drive is not just a huge rocket, it's a space distortion field--one of the earlier terms for it was "Space Warp" so "sublight" ships being refitted with warp nacells is not suprising, you don't have to reinforce the hull because there is no strain on the hull--just a warp field distorting the space around it.

We have, however clearly seen, numerous times that traveling at warp places at least some structural strain on the ships, most noticeably the BoP in STIV which nearly flew apart trying to do warp 8 (old scale)

But that was Warp 8. The equivalent of 175 MPH in a standard car. Not to mention the fact that Klingons aren't the brightest engineers in the galaxy. In the example I was showing above the feather was going at a steady Warp 1. Mankind has been doing that since 2063 by the Star Trek timeline.

And I thought Troi was a ditz from the start. MECH. Broccolli wasn't much better. In fact, the whole TNG cast was rather dull until First Contact. Voyager shined above the others because the characters had flaws.

Warp 8 puts a lot of strain on the hull, sure. it puts strain on everything, the engines, warp field, space itself, and the hull. The warp is not as perfect as it is at lower speeds--so the strain is going to be greater.



In other words, you could take a feather, put some tiny warp nacells on it, and it would survive the process. The reason "tactical" warp was so hard to achieve is not because the hulls were fragile, it was because they could not stabalize the warp field enough to withstand turning(Remember Voyager? "When at high warp, no left or right"?) much less enemy fire. The Warp field would destabalize, .the ship would take the full brunt of the inerta and fly apart.

Yeah I remember Voyager, every week they have pitched battles at high-warp with whatever alien-of-the-week. I'm sorry that this has got you so riled up but I just don't accept ADB's version of events - no fighting at warp till the later years, As you say below, if you don't like it ignore it, that's what I do.

Think about that: Your comparing technology that is effectively -1X(One level BELOW SFB technology) to tech that is about 100 years other words, 4 tech levels above SFB, 5 levels above Early Years. So there are going to be some improvements/differences.



And if you don't like Old ships, there's another simple solution.

Don't fly them. Better yet, don't download the mods that have them. I don't like the ISC. So I don't fly them. Simple as that.  

I never said I don't like old ships, just the rules surrounding them. I don't like the Fed OCL in particular because I find it aesthetically speaking, hideous. If Desty makes any other old-style ships or national fleets then ofcourse I'll download them if they don't look like the OCL.

Cheers for the chat, later,


Cheers for the chat right back at you!



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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #44 on: June 11, 2004, 06:30:33 pm »

But that was Warp 8. The equivalent of 175 MPH in a standard car. Not to mention the fact that Klingons aren't the brightest engineers in the galaxy. In the example I was showing above the feather was going at a steady Warp 1. Mankind has been doing that since 2063 by the Star Trek timeline.

Not exactly, the Enterprise we are led to believe can got above warp 10 if sufficient power is available.


And I thought Troi was a ditz from the start. MECH. Broccolli wasn't much better. In fact, the whole TNG cast was rather dull until First Contact. Voyager shined above the others because the characters had flaws.

Excuse me? Voyager's characters were so 2 dimensional if you put them on their side they'd disappear. Barclay is a very flawed character, you can't say a guy who's addicted to what is effectively a computer game of the future doesn't have character flaws.


Warp 8 puts a lot of strain on the hull, sure. it puts strain on everything, the engines, warp field, space itself, and the hull. The warp is not as perfect as it is at lower speeds--so the strain is going to be greater.

The warp isn't as perfect? How do you know? No one's ever mentioned such a degradation before in Trek, you got a source for that I haven't seen?


Think about that: Your comparing technology that is effectively -1X(One level BELOW SFB technology) to tech that is about 100 years other words, 4 tech levels above SFB, 5 levels above Early Years. So there are going to be some improvements/differences.

You brought up the voyager comparison not me.


Cheers for the chat right back at you!




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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #45 on: June 11, 2004, 07:17:29 pm »


But that was Warp 8. The equivalent of 175 MPH in a standard car. Not to mention the fact that Klingons aren't the brightest engineers in the galaxy. In the example I was showing above the feather was going at a steady Warp 1. Mankind has been doing that since 2063 by the Star Trek timeline.

Not exactly, the Enterprise we are led to believe can got above warp 10 if sufficient power is available.

True, and some cars can go at 200 MPH, especially if you hot-rot it to death. It doesn't mean that you can do that every day and espect the car to stay in mint condition



And I thought Troi was a ditz from the start. MECH. Broccolli wasn't much better. In fact, the whole TNG cast was rather dull until First Contact. Voyager shined above the others because the characters had flaws.

Excuse me? Voyager's characters were so 2 dimensional if you put them on their side they'd disappear. Barclay is a very flawed character, you can't say a guy who's addicted to what is effectively a computer game of the future doesn't have character flaws.

??? WTF? Are we watching the same series? They argued with each other. They had flaws. They disobeyed orders. They, in short, thought for themselved. TNG was just a bunch of robots with one guy who had a reasonable excuse and another who knew about it.



Warp 8 puts a lot of strain on the hull, sure. it puts strain on everything, the engines, warp field, space itself, and the hull. The warp is not as perfect as it is at lower speeds--so the strain is going to be greater.

The warp isn't as perfect? How do you know? No one's ever mentioned such a degradation before in Trek, you got a source for that I haven't seen?

This one is rather simplistic...the ship was falling apart. So the warp field was unstable.



Think about that: Your comparing technology that is effectively -1X(One level BELOW SFB technology) to tech that is about 100 years other words, 4 tech levels above SFB, 5 levels above Early Years. So there are going to be some improvements/differences.

You brought up the voyager comparison not me.

In a narrow instance to demonstrate that Voyagner knew some things. Also that the core principle of "tactical" warp existed...thats why SFB limits you to speed 31, any faster and you lose the ability to manuver or take hits.



Cheers for the chat right back at you!



<S> to you mate



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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #46 on: June 11, 2004, 07:20:15 pm »
To get this back on track thanks for the ships. Got them added to my collection


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #47 on: June 12, 2004, 03:37:28 am »
You're welcome. I got a buttload of Tholians, Kzintis, and Gorns coming up soon as well.  


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #48 on: June 12, 2004, 03:39:21 am »
Cool But need more ISC and Pirates as well


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #49 on: June 12, 2004, 03:43:05 am »
Yeah, I know.   However, I decided to try and finish up the races I have more of already. THe ISC and Orions currently stand at only one ship each, whereas the Kzintis, Gorns, and Tholians have several each and I want to round out their fleets first.  

And anyway, the SFB fans will hit the roof when you guys see the Kzinti BB.   One of my favorites so far.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2004, 03:44:15 am by Desty_Nova »