Topic: If I wanted to live with this kind of weather I would move to the south!  (Read 8278 times)

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 Is it like that all summer? Im totally serious, I would freez my butt off.  

Only when the wind is out of the east to northeast so it comes off of the lake. Even in the hottest summers Lake Superior has an average water temperature of 39 degrees and only in protected coves does it ever get above 70.  

Dash Jones

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I've always 100% humidity...shouldn't you drown?  

I think that just means at that point that there is precipitation falling.  I believe I've seen 100% humidity several many times...

Clark Kent

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I had an NCO when I was stationed at Ft. Benning GA who asked what we did in MN, I told him that we did alot of the same things everyone else in the country does.  Eventually I came accross the topic of swimming.  he asked where we swam, I told him in the lakes.  This blew his mind- he thought everything was frozen over year round up here.  After some considerationhe asked, "how can you swim in the lakes with the gators?"
For those of you that don't know, there are no gators up in this neck of the woods.
Duluth is unique, being on the largest freshw ater lake in the world, and I personally have never figured out its weathere compared to the rest of MN, but for the most part the summers up this way are warm, if not hot.  However, I've never known  the humidity to be worse here than the good ol' land of dixie.  Can't complain about the incessant heat and humidity more than there, so generally I don't.


P.S.  I like Latinas...
....And apparently Asian ladies as well...


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100% humidity means that the air is saturated with water vapor and can hold no more. Which in turn means that water doesn't evaporate and the sweat stays on you making it very sticky and uncomfortable.


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Go to Korea.


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100% humidity means that the air is saturated with water vapor and can hold no more. Which in turn means that water doesn't evaporate and the sweat stays on you making it very sticky and uncomfortable.  

Gee sounds like Hawaii when the Trade Winds are nil and the air gets so close and hot you can hardly stand to move let alone breathe.  Thank the gods for central air!  wOOt!