The Alexander class is my favorite FDN. DarkMatrix did a great job with it overall. This is the second version he made.
IIRC the problem with the TMP USS Federation (not P81's 'custom' Federation or his take on Franz Joseph's USS Star League) and USS Ascension was that the third warp engine strut was not 100% accurate, the neck structure supporting the warp pylon was too small compared to the diagram. [See Ascension or Federation listing at]
Now, if we can get the retextured USS Churchill's LOD textures to MATCH in game when veiwed from a distance I'll be very happy with my Federation fleet. That is available at: BTW: I've never thought of the Churchill as a carrier, I have always thought of it as the replacement class for the Excelsior as a result of the political fallout over the failed Transwarp drive... I digress about my alternate Trek Universe...
Now the Holy grail for us non-federation fans is getting Thulls' Romulan Sparrowhawk and Captain KoraH's Neutral Zone Cormorant [think STOCK OP RBC with Thulls Romulan engines] with Ganymad's Romulan textures on them. Its beyond me as I've been trying for months, LOL.