Topic: Whats Wrong With Trek Today...  (Read 1051 times)

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Whats Wrong With Trek Today...
« on: June 07, 2004, 12:37:43 pm »
Continuity is an obvious problem with Trek.  It always contradicts itself in every other episode.  I have been pondering the last couple of days, reasons and possibilities of how Trek could have been saved with continuity and proper explanations of events. I have asked questions to fellow Trekker that I know, but I still find ways of asking the same questions, because there is no logic in the answer.  An example?

The Federation and its allies are slowly being crushed by the might of the Dominion.  Fleet after Fleet is being destroyed and yet, the Federation?s Flagship is ?mediating territorial disputes? and doing ?archeological expeditions on Hanoran II?.  This is not the work for the newest, most powerful, Federation Sovereign Class Battlecruiser.  Riker mentions the Dominion, and that?s pretty much all for continuity in this TNG film.  He says that The Diplomatic Corps its busy with ?Dominion Negotiations?, but what negotiations would that be?  The Dominion?s unconditional surrender?  Yeah right, the Dominion is winning.  He really isn?t talking about the Federation?s surrender, any Commander would laugh at that idea, no matter how grim the situation.  It?s just too hard to imagine such a vessel, with an experienced Captain, doing small tasks that a smaller science vessel can do.  Now I heard the theory that perhaps Starfleet wanted some of the stronger ships in Federation space for defense.  But if the Enterprise was there for that reason, then why wasn?t she there to protect Earth from the Breen Task Force that nearly devastated Starfleet HQ and most of San Francisco?  Obviously from what the Enterprise did in Nemesis shows that a Sovereign class is a very powerful ship, she should have been on the front lines.

The same mistake can be seen in DS9.  Every battle shows nothing but outdated ships being destroyed left and right by fleets that seem to always out number them.  Never once, has a Sovereign or Prometheus class vessel been seen in Battle.  Its clear the Enterprise wasn?t there, but what of the USS Sovereign herself?  Berman said that he didn?t want a vessel like the Enterprise there, because people would assume it really is the Enterprise.  You shouldn?t care about details like that.  What you should care about is Continuity.  The Sovereign class was new, the Prometheus class was new, and the Intrepid class ships were new.  These vessels should have been used in battle, who cares if you might think it?s the Voyager or Enterprise?  More Defiant class ships should have been seen as well.  It?s clear that the USS Defiant isn?t the only one of her class.

 I believe a new series should be formed with Continuity in mind.  Events in Picard?s altered timeline in ?All Good Things?? have changed, but from what was seen in Voyager?s ?End Game?, not much really has.  The Enterprise-D may not have Three Nacelles, but the basic technology is the same, as well as their uniforms.  A new show should be created around that time.  It?s a little ahead of the time, but the main characters are still alive and retired, or promoted, (Admiral Riker and Janeway), but also, the Galaxy X Class could still exist as well as new Nova class ships.  There could be complications with the Klingons or Romulans like in TNG or something else could happen with the Borg or Dominion.  These are the things that should be looked into.  Not Prequels.


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Whats Wrong With Trek Today...
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2004, 12:37:43 pm »
Continuity is an obvious problem with Trek.  It always contradicts itself in every other episode.  I have been pondering the last couple of days, reasons and possibilities of how Trek could have been saved with continuity and proper explanations of events. I have asked questions to fellow Trekker that I know, but I still find ways of asking the same questions, because there is no logic in the answer.  An example?

The Federation and its allies are slowly being crushed by the might of the Dominion.  Fleet after Fleet is being destroyed and yet, the Federation?s Flagship is ?mediating territorial disputes? and doing ?archeological expeditions on Hanoran II?.  This is not the work for the newest, most powerful, Federation Sovereign Class Battlecruiser.  Riker mentions the Dominion, and that?s pretty much all for continuity in this TNG film.  He says that The Diplomatic Corps its busy with ?Dominion Negotiations?, but what negotiations would that be?  The Dominion?s unconditional surrender?  Yeah right, the Dominion is winning.  He really isn?t talking about the Federation?s surrender, any Commander would laugh at that idea, no matter how grim the situation.  It?s just too hard to imagine such a vessel, with an experienced Captain, doing small tasks that a smaller science vessel can do.  Now I heard the theory that perhaps Starfleet wanted some of the stronger ships in Federation space for defense.  But if the Enterprise was there for that reason, then why wasn?t she there to protect Earth from the Breen Task Force that nearly devastated Starfleet HQ and most of San Francisco?  Obviously from what the Enterprise did in Nemesis shows that a Sovereign class is a very powerful ship, she should have been on the front lines.

The same mistake can be seen in DS9.  Every battle shows nothing but outdated ships being destroyed left and right by fleets that seem to always out number them.  Never once, has a Sovereign or Prometheus class vessel been seen in Battle.  Its clear the Enterprise wasn?t there, but what of the USS Sovereign herself?  Berman said that he didn?t want a vessel like the Enterprise there, because people would assume it really is the Enterprise.  You shouldn?t care about details like that.  What you should care about is Continuity.  The Sovereign class was new, the Prometheus class was new, and the Intrepid class ships were new.  These vessels should have been used in battle, who cares if you might think it?s the Voyager or Enterprise?  More Defiant class ships should have been seen as well.  It?s clear that the USS Defiant isn?t the only one of her class.

 I believe a new series should be formed with Continuity in mind.  Events in Picard?s altered timeline in ?All Good Things?? have changed, but from what was seen in Voyager?s ?End Game?, not much really has.  The Enterprise-D may not have Three Nacelles, but the basic technology is the same, as well as their uniforms.  A new show should be created around that time.  It?s a little ahead of the time, but the main characters are still alive and retired, or promoted, (Admiral Riker and Janeway), but also, the Galaxy X Class could still exist as well as new Nova class ships.  There could be complications with the Klingons or Romulans like in TNG or something else could happen with the Borg or Dominion.  These are the things that should be looked into.  Not Prequels.


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Whats Wrong With Trek Today...
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2004, 12:37:43 pm »
Continuity is an obvious problem with Trek.  It always contradicts itself in every other episode.  I have been pondering the last couple of days, reasons and possibilities of how Trek could have been saved with continuity and proper explanations of events. I have asked questions to fellow Trekker that I know, but I still find ways of asking the same questions, because there is no logic in the answer.  An example?

The Federation and its allies are slowly being crushed by the might of the Dominion.  Fleet after Fleet is being destroyed and yet, the Federation?s Flagship is ?mediating territorial disputes? and doing ?archeological expeditions on Hanoran II?.  This is not the work for the newest, most powerful, Federation Sovereign Class Battlecruiser.  Riker mentions the Dominion, and that?s pretty much all for continuity in this TNG film.  He says that The Diplomatic Corps its busy with ?Dominion Negotiations?, but what negotiations would that be?  The Dominion?s unconditional surrender?  Yeah right, the Dominion is winning.  He really isn?t talking about the Federation?s surrender, any Commander would laugh at that idea, no matter how grim the situation.  It?s just too hard to imagine such a vessel, with an experienced Captain, doing small tasks that a smaller science vessel can do.  Now I heard the theory that perhaps Starfleet wanted some of the stronger ships in Federation space for defense.  But if the Enterprise was there for that reason, then why wasn?t she there to protect Earth from the Breen Task Force that nearly devastated Starfleet HQ and most of San Francisco?  Obviously from what the Enterprise did in Nemesis shows that a Sovereign class is a very powerful ship, she should have been on the front lines.

The same mistake can be seen in DS9.  Every battle shows nothing but outdated ships being destroyed left and right by fleets that seem to always out number them.  Never once, has a Sovereign or Prometheus class vessel been seen in Battle.  Its clear the Enterprise wasn?t there, but what of the USS Sovereign herself?  Berman said that he didn?t want a vessel like the Enterprise there, because people would assume it really is the Enterprise.  You shouldn?t care about details like that.  What you should care about is Continuity.  The Sovereign class was new, the Prometheus class was new, and the Intrepid class ships were new.  These vessels should have been used in battle, who cares if you might think it?s the Voyager or Enterprise?  More Defiant class ships should have been seen as well.  It?s clear that the USS Defiant isn?t the only one of her class.

 I believe a new series should be formed with Continuity in mind.  Events in Picard?s altered timeline in ?All Good Things?? have changed, but from what was seen in Voyager?s ?End Game?, not much really has.  The Enterprise-D may not have Three Nacelles, but the basic technology is the same, as well as their uniforms.  A new show should be created around that time.  It?s a little ahead of the time, but the main characters are still alive and retired, or promoted, (Admiral Riker and Janeway), but also, the Galaxy X Class could still exist as well as new Nova class ships.  There could be complications with the Klingons or Romulans like in TNG or something else could happen with the Borg or Dominion.  These are the things that should be looked into.  Not Prequels.