Topic: A Small Request  (Read 902 times)

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A Small Request
« on: June 07, 2004, 08:31:04 am »
ive recently had a thought after looking at the new Distant Future Mod could someone make some ships that have been smashed to bits you know with huge jaggered holes and some parts missing with bent deck plates jutting up out of the hull and little bits of debres floating around them which really have the detail to look the part.
because im going to ask in the script room if someone could make a script that would allow you to enter an area of these abandoned ships and you have to scan each one untill you find something you have to send an away team over to pick up (for instance if your in a borg wreak you need to get the data nodes) and beam them back while an enemy ship is flying around looking for the same wreak as you.
there could also be ways of working out the situation peacefully with the enemy commander using the hailing ability giving you 1 of a possibale 3 out comes
1 you salvage the item you want and beam back your team before the enemy ship finds you (you win)
2 the AI salvages the item you want (you lose)
3 you destroy the enemy ship and get the item (draw due to the curcumstances)

This could also be used to duplicate the old pegasus hunt with the enterprise d and a romulan war bird.



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Re: A Small Request
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2004, 10:49:04 am »
that vewwy good , i have 2 wreck ship one tos and one tmp, but the tmp is kinda hugly, so  if sone one do make ship wreck for op tell me so i could add them to the meteorite, your scrip sound verry good also.


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Re: A Small Request
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2004, 12:09:59 pm »

that vewwy good , i have 2 wreck ship one tos and one tmp, but the tmp is kinda hugly, so  if sone one do make ship wreck for op tell me so i could add them to the meteorite, your scrip sound verry good also.  

thanx i wont be doing this idea for Op (i havent got it and i want to give sfc3 a bit more than just going in and blowing up your enemy)but if someone wants to they are welcome to it the best thing i have managed to do was apply lots of damage textures to a nebula  and use the mod file as an asteroid and to be honest it didnt look right there needed to be more glows and some parts floating around it (ie a nacell which has been blown off spinning around near the ship)

The whole idea behind this was for a mod which i want to do for an enterprise era which would have about 7 ships for each race (the reason for so few ships would be for quicker loading times and more attention to detail on the main ships in the show) the romulans would be replaced by the sulibon and the borg would be the xindi leaving the klingons and Starfleet i will also be removing the shields for the fed as there were none but to give them a chance they would have stonger hulls that might regerate thanx to the new patch that allows borg armour to repair.
this mission inparticular would be based upon after a major battle the enterprise or which ever ship you are using would be looking for some spare parts to make repairs and come across a debers field.

other missions will be modified from other scripts (which mean i need to learn what to do) as for movies in the campaign mode i would use small clipets from the show enterprise for instance the opening movie will be enterprise launching and reciving orders to get into the expance and stop the xindi ect ect its just a thought that im working with and if anyone wants to help they are welcome to because i have no idea how to handle this scale of a project all i can do is give vision and help with textures  


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Re: A Small Request
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2004, 08:29:01 am »
Here's a TMP wreck for ya to work your magic on F_W



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Re: A Small Request
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2004, 12:36:24 pm »

Here's a TMP wreck for ya to work your magic on F_W


sorry to tell you but forturecity say it doesnt exsist could you send it my way on if its not too much trouble


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Re: A Small Request
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2004, 05:21:38 am »


Here's a TMP wreck for ya to work your magic on F_W


sorry to tell you but forturecity say it doesnt exsist could you send it my way on if its not too much trouble  

That's wierd because I just used the above link to get the ship   anyway it's in the mail my friend


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Re: A Small Request
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2004, 06:31:21 am »
i got it thanx i think i know why i cant get a few links up my firewall is been a major pain as normal but thanx again it looks ok i think its going to have a complete overhaul in the way ot textures