Ok I'm a little curious about what the legal status is of SFC versus Star Trek and who owns the rights toward producing the game. Also does (or did) Interplay have any play in this at all as the publisher (of SFCII/OP)?
Also what is Amarillo up to as far as SFB goes? Can they make any more games? Expansions? Can someone make games off of those expansons?
My understanding is that Paramount now owns all Start Trek intellectual property....perhaps all of it by now including TOS. They have allowed or leased or whateveer gaming rights to Activision.
But now I see a game like Federation and Empire out there. How do they get away with that? Even though it is only sa strategic game wouldn't they have to get permission from Paramount to produce it? Or does Amarillo still kick in to this?
So my question is are there any rights to buy? Maybe we could bid on SFC OP at auction and then get permission to sell it. Coiuld we subcontract taldren out to create and expanion to OP?