Topic: SFCOP TNG+ The Universe At War - Spanning All Eras of Trek OPEN BETA..  (Read 3428 times)

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Chris Jones

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This is it - 2 FILES instead of 6, get's you the entire mod with AUDIO already installed! There's not a server yet - this is an OPEN BETA

The 1st file is near 600 meg.


From a fresh OP install do this..

Fresh OP install from CD
Patch to 2552
Install Firesoul's OP+3.3 (Models version)
These two files.

You'll end up with some batch files on your desktop. Thier function will be obvious.  2552, 3.3, or Part7 Beta. The batch files will copy either 2552 files, 3.3 files, or this mod's files into your game. No need for multiple installs of OP.

This is now a Multi-Era mod - and uses portions of Firesoul's OPPLUS 3.3 for early and mid eras. You need to have that installed first.

If you get the original 6 Parts and the Part 7 Beta you'll be complete. 8)

Whatever else you have installed up to now (after the original 6 parts) -get this and you'll be complete!

This has many, many changes from the first six parts.

New Weapon Graphics
New Sounds - Borg & Dominion Taunts - lots more
New Ships (Andromedans, Aliens, Early ships, Playable Doomsday Machine, etc..)
Federation PFs (no more Raven III's - no more Fed Fighters at all)
Romulan and Klingon specs to equal the BPV of the Federation. - Balance? - We are doing it!

Known Bugs:

There are still some ??? you'll see in the game. Getting rid of them is a monumental task and an ongoing process for a mod this big.

Any bugs you come across please post here and thanks!

Many thanks to RTJustice, Merlin, Hoggie, and Pride from Races of Honour for help with various parts of the Shiplist. Many thanks to the people from the various fleets that have been beta testing this all along. We are not finished!

I'll see you on GSA -

 - Chris
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Chris Jones »


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Chris Jones

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Lotsa People playing this mod - The OP room on GSA has overtaken the EAW room...


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OK I installed evrything, load up the OP+3.3, then the 6 pt, then the 7 beta...start the game and when I click to start a single player campaign, it goes to my desktop, no game. What did I do wrong?  

Chris Jones

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Try a few single player skirmishes and let me know if they work.

What race were you trying to start a campaign on?

On your desktop should be a batch file for tngfull. Run it.

Gorn is Borg
Lyran would be Dominion
Hydran is Breen
Mirak is Cardassian

Gorn Lyran Mirak and Hydran are now cartel races, in favor of TNG being in the 8 main race slots.

See the race breakdown on my site linked below, on the front page.

It is possible the campaigns need adjusting given the current shiplist.  I have not adjusted them from Part 6.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Chris Jones »


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What I have is:
OPTNG-Part 6
OPTNG Part 7 Beta

I didn't get far enough to pick a race, as soon as I clicked campaign under singleplayer, it went to the desktop.

I installed the files to the Program Files\Taldren Software Inc\Starfleet Command: Orion Pirates folder...should I have put them elsewhere?  

Chris Jones

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Re: SFCOP TNG+ The Universe At War
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2004, 03:21:10 pm »
You don't have all the parts.

You need Parts 1-6 and the Part 7 update


The Single File install and the Part 7 update. (both files listed above)

2 ways to  do it..

1.  OP install
2. patch to 2552
3. OPPLUS 3.3 Models version
4. 1st six parts of my mod AND the Part 7 beta. 1st six parts here:

For the six parts scroll to 'SFC 2 OP - The Next Generation Part 1' parts 2 & 3 are below it, Parts 4,5,6 next page. You do not need to download the audio files you see there.


1.  OP install
2. patch to 2552
3. OPPLUS 3.3 Models version
4. The two files listed above.

Let me know..

You did install to the right folder.  



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Re: SFCOP TNG+ The Universe At War
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2004, 04:58:47 pm »
what i want to know if what fed ship you have in tos era and in  tmp era.


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Chris. First off thanks for all the effort you put into this monster. My question is. Since the Gorn Lyran Mirak and Hydran  are now in the Cartel. Are they using cartel voices or did you swap thier specific voices over to those cartel slots. Cause I really enjoy the unique voice overs for those SFB races and hearing pirates say red alert just wouldn't be the same.

In all honesty it may be a bit before I play this as I am busy on a mod for SFC3 (working on it secretly-oops slip up  )

btw do my Hydran ships make an appearance?  Hope they didn't get left out due to budget cuts or anything  


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Re: SFCOP TNG+ The Universe At War
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2004, 02:13:15 am »

You don't have all the parts.

You need Parts 1-6 and the Part 7 update


The Single File install and the Part 7 update. (both files listed above)

2 ways to  do it..

1.  OP install
2. patch to 2552
3. OPPLUS 3.3 Models version
4. 1st six parts of my mod AND the Part 7 beta. 1st six parts here:

For the six parts scroll to 'SFC 2 OP - The Next Generation Part 1' parts 2 & 3 are below it, Parts 4,5,6 next page. You do not need to download the audio files you see there.


1.  OP install
2. patch to 2552
3. OPPLUS 3.3 Models version
4. The two files listed above.

Let me know..

You did install to the right folder.  


Well, I d/l'd and installed the big 700mb one at the top of the page...isn't that the 6 pts in one? I found the TNGFULL batch in the SFC:OP would I do it with that? Thanx for the help...I love your work and REALLY want to play this.  

Chris Jones

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Hydrans - Batch Files - Asteroids
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2004, 03:12:34 pm »

Chris. First off thanks for all the effort you put into this monster. My question is. Since the Gorn Lyran Mirak and Hydran  are now in the Cartel. Are they using cartel voices or did you swap thier specific voices over to those cartel slots. Cause I really enjoy the unique voice overs for those SFB races and hearing pirates say red alert just wouldn't be the same.

In all honesty it may be a bit before I play this as I am busy on a mod for SFC3 (working on it secretly-oops slip up  )

btw do my Hydran ships make an appearance?  Hope they didn't get left out due to budget cuts or anything    

I have the red alert -  taunts - shield damage - and some other audio converted over. It is a monumental task - but eventually it will be all done. Your Hydrans didn't make this round. But I'm not finished. Would you mind if I changed hardpoint numbers in the models? - just so OP handles them better. I have 3ds max, and won't alter anything else.

Sandman - thanks for the kind words. I believe there's a model or two of yours in the mod.

If you have the big file installed, along with the Part 7 beta - then you should have a Part 7 beta batch file on your desktop. Double click it and watch the files copy into the game. That shortcut refers to the tngfull batch file. You could double click that as well.

Asteroids - I have made brk models for each of the asteroids. They don't break apart when they are in an asteroid field but they will break apart if I use them as Alien ships. A race of Alien Asteroids, lol.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Chris Jones »


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Re: Hydrans - Batch Files - Asteroids
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2004, 05:17:16 pm »
snip it-

 Your Hydrans didn't make this round. But I'm not finished. Would you mind if I changed hardpoint numbers in the models? - just so OP handles them better. I have 3ds max, and won't alter anything else.


Thats cool. Change whatever you want. I tested a couple and thought it looked funny having the fusion beams fire from where the g phasers should be. Be sure to add your name to the readmes for the hard point conversions.  


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OK, I can play a skirmish, but it still goes to desktop as soon as I hit campain under single player. Think I should re-install evrything?