Topic: ISC kitbashes from Multyplayer Italia return!  (Read 1183 times)

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ISC kitbashes from Multyplayer Italia return!
« on: June 06, 2004, 09:33:03 am »

For those of us who use the Taldren models to play the ISC, these were a highly useful set of downloads. As the Italia site requires registration for access to these models here is my answer to that. I'll use my little bit of webspace to make them available again without that nonsense.

This is an nine for one deal. Get nine models in one download of about 3.1 Meg! From the readme...

(My own contribution to these models is this. Since many of the
textures are common to these models it occured to me that they
could be copied into a single folder and used in that way. There
were many textures that were unused and discarded. It was also
discovered that of the textures used many had had the color depth
increased with no benefit to the quality of those textures. These
have been replaced with the standard Taldren Textures and in some
cases with the larger version of that bitmap that a higher resolution of
that texture is used. The end result is that this set will have a lower
load on the video processing. Also some of the problems with darkened
textures has been solved because of overlapping textures.)

It is unknown to me who to credit for kitbashing this set. I believe that person to be Skinman but I could be mistaken. The download can be found through the link in my signature. I would post a direct link but have experienced problems with that. So... clicky, clicky - >      

*Edit, the Flamberge has been added to this set by the courtesy of Kestrel. The man took the time to forward a copy of that model so that this set is now complete.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2004, 06:18:29 pm by Rogue »


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Re: ISC kitbashes from Multyplayer Italia return!
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2004, 02:31:47 pm »
The modles were done by crysom(I think thats how you spell it )
He had a site called the junk yard back when P81 ran the DOM site


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Re: ISC kitbashes from Multyplayer Italia return!
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2004, 03:15:35 pm »
yeah more ISC ships,thank you    


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Re: ISC kitbashes from Multyplayer Italia return!
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2004, 04:01:33 pm »
LongTooth: Could you mean crymson? If so are you confident enough in that for me to reasonably update the read me? I just want to give credit where credit is due. I remember the Scrapyard. I downloaded one of my favorite set of Gorn from that website. It might be a good idea to make that set available to the SFC model community as well.

Terradyhne: Dude, you are most welcome. If that brings a little bit of a model thrill your way then it was worth uploading it. BTW, I'm jazzed about that Klingon you are modeling and look forward to including it in my SFC universe. It's models like that that add a certain something to this game.  


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Re: ISC kitbashes from Multyplayer Italia return!
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2004, 06:22:35 pm »
As I noted in the original post, the Flamberge has been added to this set of models. That increases the count to nine and covers all of the models that were available from Multiplayer It.    


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Re: ISC kitbashes from Multyplayer Italia return!
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2004, 07:26:39 pm »

LongTooth: Could you mean crymson? If so are you confident enough in that for me to reasonably update the read me? I just want to give credit where credit is due. I remember the Scrapyard. I downloaded one of my favorite set of Gorn from that website. It might be a good idea to make that set available to the SFC model community as well.

Thats it I got them all from when they were first released (I got a load of his other mods on disk some where)
Skin man did do re textures of some of them but the colours did not look like isc(more like dragon scales if that makes any sense)


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Re: ISC kitbashes from Multyplayer Italia return!
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2004, 04:12:51 pm »
Thank you. I'm going to go with Crymson to credit for these kitbashes then.    


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Re: ISC kitbashes from Multyplayer Italia return!
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2004, 03:41:05 am »
one or two of them are mine and hollies.j.wood did the fighter one


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Re: ISC kitbashes from Multyplayer Italia return!
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2006, 02:06:33 am »
Yep most of those ISC ships are my old kitbashes but dark matrix is correct a few are not.  I'm not much of a stickler for credits though I'm just happy to see someone is still getting some use out of them.