Hey glad to have you along!
Just add us to your friends list and also keep your eye out for people that have <-OSS-> next to their name. They would be in our guild. They should be able to help or at least help get us in contact with you. Just mention our names.

Or just look me up (neijon) and I will try to help you out. I am usually on Sun-Wed noon-2pm PST and then Midnight-6am PST
Thurs-noon-2pm PST then Midnight- till like whenever. Sorry, I am in Japan so my times are wacked compared to the states.
But I will do what I can.
Hopefully you can start playing too storm. It would be fun.
Just shoot me a tell or an email and lemme know.
---->edit> I would post some pics but I don't have a server to put it on. If you would be willing to host it for a lil bit let me know.