Topic: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova  (Read 6105 times)

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Rod O'neal

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5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« on: June 05, 2004, 10:14:01 pm »
Thanks to Starforce for hosting them and, of course, Desty for making them. The dreadnought, heavy battlecruiser, new heavy cruiser, destroyer, and frigate have been added. That rounds out the major hull classes for the Seltorians. You can get them  HERE!

Tholian carriers are on their way next .  



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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2004, 10:26:22 pm »
Cool looking stuff!  Glad he's still at it!

J. Carney

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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2004, 11:05:37 pm »
What a coincidence... my module C3 just came in the mail Wednesday... PERFECT TIMING!!!

Great work!


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2004, 11:07:47 pm »
Kick azz !!! Excellent ships for my fleet. Thank you Desty Nova sir.



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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2004, 11:40:50 pm »
Got a question about the site whats with the zip files that have a [1] brackets at the end of them. His is the only site I see that with. Is that just something the site needs when you upload a file to it.


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2004, 11:45:28 pm »
wow... those r bad ass!

Rod O'neal

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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2004, 12:03:51 am »
Starforce doesn't know why this happens. Anyhow, just delete the [1] or paste the shortcut into your browser. Getright doesn't add the [1] for some reason, just the windows DL manager does.


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2004, 11:27:14 am »
Great news!

Thanks Desty!

Bump back to page 1


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2004, 01:06:31 pm »
Awesome, thank you! Got them all burnt to CD safe and sound  

Rod O'neal

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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2004, 10:16:23 pm »
Figured that I'd give this a bump since it was posted late last night. Just in case anyone missed it.  

J. Carney

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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2004, 11:24:43 am »
Bumping it up as I just finished making specs for all the Selts and now need a PF model so as I can finish putting them in-game!


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2004, 12:15:08 pm »
Not to mention a tender for said PFs LOL

Actually, now that I think of it, Desty hasn't done any PFTs that I can remember. BTW Did the Selts have their own fighters or did they buy off the Klinks like everyone else?

J. Carney

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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2004, 01:35:04 pm »
I just have the basic 11 classes and PF's that they had in Module C3- I don't know about any fighters. In fact, it says that they didn't ever use fighters in the rules under R15.1B.

So I guess that they didn't buy their fighters from the Klingons after all. Now, they did buy a squadron of PF's from the Klingons to see how to make the little devils; but after that they made their own.

I personally don't use special Tender ships, but that is just a conceit to keeping the size of my models folder under control   .

Rod O'neal

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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2004, 05:28:16 pm »
Module J2 "Advanced Fighters" gives them carriers and, in keeping with their "arms dealers to the galaxy" tradition, Klingon fighters.  

J. Carney

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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2004, 07:21:26 pm »
That's too bad, though. It was kinda nice to have another race that didn't follow the latest trend (like the Feds that refused to have PF's).

If you could PM me the specs for JUST THE SELT CARRIER, I would be most grateful, as I have all the other ships inmy copy of SFC and would like that one as well. Not the SSD (that would be cheating ) , just the shipedit file, if you could, sir?


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2004, 08:06:59 pm »
So many little allowance...  

J. Carney

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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2004, 08:20:07 pm »
True that, Merlin... true that.

And I just got the Prime Directive RPG...


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2004, 01:00:13 am »
Thanks for your interest, guys. I don't post here very much but rest assured that I am busily working behind-the-scenes to produce all these hundreds of little ships. If your favorite ship or one you're merely interested in hasn't come up yet, don't worry, it will.

J. Carney

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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #18 on: June 10, 2004, 02:35:35 am »
  HE SPEAKS, HE SPEAKS- and he promises MORE!!!

*And there was much rejoicing in the Dominion of the Taldrenites*  


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #19 on: June 10, 2004, 07:54:07 am »

 *And there was much rejoicing in the Dominion of the Taldrenites*  

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! (from Monty Python and the Holy Grail)
Great to hear form you Desty Nova sir,thank you for all the great ships.


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #20 on: June 10, 2004, 08:53:55 am »

Thanks for your interest, guys. I don't post here very much but rest assured that I am busily working behind-the-scenes to produce all these hundreds of little ships. If your favorite ship or one you're merely interested in hasn't come up yet, don't worry, it will.  

You know...

Now that you mention it...

I would like some Early Years ships, like the F-YDN or somesuch. I'm making some in the mod I'm in and models are quite scarce. More Andromedans are always welcome, particularly the Conquerer type hypothetical designs. That really got my creative juices going. This would all be after J. Carney's Selts, of course.

Maybe a how-to guide for us wanna-be's? lol

The ships you make are top-notch. They are beautiful, and that ain't easy considering that the Selts are cockroaches.

Take care, be well,



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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #21 on: June 10, 2004, 10:29:21 am »
As far as the Andromedans go I wanna see the Devastator battleship, that'd really make you require a change of underwear if you saw one of them on the viewscreen.

I'm actually really interested in seeing more ISC, the Star Cruiser is one of my fav SFB designs and I hope Desty can make the others stand out aswell (the Battleship is the only other 'official' design that really differs from the Cruiser and it didn't even exist (in the historical campaign)

Rod O'neal

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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #22 on: June 10, 2004, 10:54:16 am »
Funny you should mention the Devestator. It's not quite yet available, but  HERE'S  a look at it's screen shot page. It's definately big and bad. Lot's of green glowies on it too.  


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #23 on: June 10, 2004, 10:59:39 am »
Oooh..I like that double hull look.

Rod O'neal

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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #24 on: June 10, 2004, 11:06:42 am »
It's not real noticable in the pic, but the engines and the area where they connect to the hull has some real nice details. Lots of PA's and weapons HP's as well. I especially like that he actually models the weapons. A lot of models just have them textured on, if they are there at all.  

J. Carney

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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #25 on: June 10, 2004, 11:39:47 am »

I count 22 Phaser 2's and 5 Heavy Tractor-Repullsor Beams.

Fvadt, kllhe'mnhe, imirrhlhhse!!!

I hope to never see one of those in my viewscreen... cause it'll be the last thing you ever see there.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by J. Carney »


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #26 on: June 10, 2004, 02:31:06 pm »

You know...

Now that you mention it...

I would like some Early Years ships, like the F-YDN or somesuch. I'm making some in the mod I'm in and models are quite scarce. More Andromedans are always welcome, particularly the Conquerer type hypothetical designs. That really got my creative juices going. This would all be after J. Carney's Selts, of course.

Maybe a how-to guide for us wanna-be's? lol

Actually, early years fed ships have the same hulls as their General War counterparts. It's just, as technologies advanced, they managed to stuff more systems and weapons inside the same-sized hull. So an early years Fed DN would look the same as a GW one, just with fewer weapons.

As for more Conqueror-esque oddities, there aren't really any more like that in SFB. It was basically a bad guess by the galactics. However, eventually ADB is going to release a module for SFB called "The Andromedan Threat File", which will consist entirely of 'bad guesses'.   When that comes out, you better believe I'm gonna make all those ships!

As for a guide, what sort of things would you want me to discuss in this guide if i were to write it?

Thanks again for your interest, guys.  


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #27 on: June 10, 2004, 05:23:58 pm »


You know...

Now that you mention it...

I would like some Early Years ships, like the F-YDN or somesuch. I'm making some in the mod I'm in and models are quite scarce. More Andromedans are always welcome, particularly the Conquerer type hypothetical designs. That really got my creative juices going. This would all be after J. Carney's Selts, of course.

Maybe a how-to guide for us wanna-be's? lol

Actually, early years fed ships have the same hulls as their General War counterparts. It's just, as technologies advanced, they managed to stuff more systems and weapons inside the same-sized hull. So an early years Fed DN would look the same as a GW one, just with fewer weapons.

As for more Conqueror-esque oddities, there aren't really any more like that in SFB. It was basically a bad guess by the galactics. However, eventually ADB is going to release a module for SFB called "The Andromedan Threat File", which will consist entirely of 'bad guesses'.   When that comes out, you better believe I'm gonna make all those ships!

As for a guide, what sort of things would you want me to discuss in this guide if i were to write it?

Thanks again for your interest, guys.  

No difference? Even the Warp-Refitted cruisers? OK. What about the national fleets, could you do those?

Also, does that principle hold for the other races?

And that threat file looks great .

As for what I'd like to see in your guide is a basic how-to: You just got MilkShape and all the plugins and you want to start out with a shuttle and bild your way up in skill to making origional designs. I'm head of the Andromedans in the TNG mod, and a lot of the ideas I've found on the internet and have bopping around my head are...well origional--no model to go with it. Particualrly the TNG era Andro's, nobody has even considered that, except for WickedZombie, who did a nice job of modernizing the Andro's.

But beyond that, nothing. So I'd like to make some of my own models to go with the specs(much further down the line of course, maybe Part 8 or 9).

Where should I go, what should I read, where should I start? If you can answer those questions in a post, that would be great, if you need to write a whole article or guide, that would be great, as long as it doesn't impact your schedule too much(I don't want to be responsible for taking you away from your WONDERFUL creations).

Maybe such a thing already exists somewhere?

I really like your models Desty. It's a great thrill to a SFB player like me .

Take care,

« Last Edit: June 10, 2004, 05:27:02 pm by Merlinfmct87 »


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #28 on: June 10, 2004, 05:30:48 pm »


I count 22 Phaser 2's and 5 Heavy Tractor-Repullsor Beams.

Fvadt, kllhe'mnhe, imirrhlhhse!!!

I hope to never see one of those in my viewscreen... cause it'll be the last thing you ever see there.

That's why the Darwin had to get could not be stopped.

But you will see it in your viewscreen.

*let's panic sink in*


One thing I should mention...

You'll be in a Galaxy class when you do .  

J. Carney

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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #29 on: June 10, 2004, 05:32:39 pm »
Merlin, the CL is a warp-refitted cruiser. Here is the SFB pic, just in case...

From Desty Nova's page :
  Fed (Old) Light Cruiser
The Warp-refit version just had weaker engines.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by J. Carney »


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #30 on: June 10, 2004, 05:43:01 pm »

Merlin, the CL is a warp-refitted cruiser. Here is the SFB pic, just in case...

From Desty Nova's page :
  Fed (Old) Light Cruiser
The Warp-refit version just had weaker engines.

THAT'S IT!!!!!

Are Bases/Docks the same principal? Just bigger and bulkier technology filling the same hull? If so, that makes my life a LOT easier . But if it's not, I don't want to pull a fast one on the SFB players in the mod audiance.

Best wishes to you all, you are helping me out so much. I can't say how that makes me feel,


J. Carney

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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #31 on: June 10, 2004, 05:56:30 pm »
Nope, there were no Starbases in the Early Years, only a kind of 'super FRD' that was armed to the teeth (even heavier than some starbases, the Rom one had 4 plas-R's).

Base and Battlestations, as far as I know (which ain't far) were pretty much the same as in the General War perod.


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #32 on: June 10, 2004, 08:47:42 pm »

No difference? Even the Warp-Refitted cruisers? OK. What about the national fleets, could you do those?

Also, does that principle hold for the other races?

Well, the warp refitted ships were different. They, and the national fleets, were designed in the non-tactical warp (aka sublight) period, so their hulls weren't optimized for the new technology. The Fed OCL was robust enough that it served through the General War however (this was due to extensive structural strength because the ship was an ironclad cruiser), mostly as specialized variants and support ships.

Most races had ships similar to the Fed OCL designed before tactical warp, most of these were retired however. Some still exist in various forms however. The Klingons still operate D4s as penal ships, and the Kzinti tug's hull is actually based off of their old ironclad cruiser. And obviously, the Romulans still have tons of old sublight ships.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Desty_Nova »


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #33 on: June 10, 2004, 09:07:28 pm »
Yes, sublight ships that can go faster than light, hmm. That's about as hackneyed as Voyager's 'Super-subspace' The space above the space below space, wouldn't that be erm, space!? ROFL. ADB Just couldn't bear to admit that Balance of Terror was a screwup and that the Roms had to have had warp. All other things aside the F-OCL is fugly.


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #34 on: June 10, 2004, 09:20:31 pm »
Well, I personally would rather have a rationalization as to how the Romulans can have and maintain an interstellar empire with out having to spend hundreds of yeards crossing it.  


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #35 on: June 10, 2004, 09:24:42 pm »
see, the way that i imagined it is that they do indeed have warp drive, its just they didnt have M/A reactors - which are the traditional reactors for Warp Drive...the ran off of fusion...they later got M/A reactors from the klingon ships, and then they went into Quantum Singularity power sources during TLE.


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #36 on: June 10, 2004, 09:29:06 pm »
Aah, you've been reading the Starfleet Museum haven't you? LOL That's the explanation that I accept, Scotty's impulse power remark could be a reference to their reactor being a fusion reactor which attains warp speeds, not just sublight. Obviously such a reactor would be hideously underpowered and a real gas-guzzler compared to a more advanced M/AM reactor.


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #37 on: June 10, 2004, 09:35:24 pm »
The way it goes in SFB is that in the early years, many races had warp drive, but it slow by modern standards and incapable of tactical warp. That is, fighting at warp. They could not generate a field stable enough that didn't horribly destroy itself and the ship when interacting with weapons energy. Once most races invented tactical warp, the Roms were left in the dust, technologically. This was because the political system of great houses in the Romulan government invloved alot of infighting and power plays and basically totally f&*^ed their ability to advance. The Klingons were even considering conquering them for awhile since they were so technologically backwards.  


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #38 on: June 10, 2004, 09:41:35 pm »
Hmm, yes well that's the cover story they made up, originally they took it for granted that the Romulans couldn't move faster than light. Besides which that would mean that the Lyrans and Kzinti should not have tactical warp as they seemed to have far worse infighting and political problems than the Romulans.

J. Carney

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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #39 on: June 10, 2004, 10:08:10 pm »
OK, here's the scoop... from one of us Birdies no less (and I'll take a King Vulture over anything else in that BPV range).

Those lizards staged several raids during  the closing years of our 4th Gorn War. During these raids, they destroyed one of a pair of thechnological breakthroughs that we had perpared to introduce into the fleet- tactical warp capibilities. This would allow our ships to fight at warp speeds without turning into pretty balls of fire in space, which can ruin your whole fvadt day. These cursed lizards were so successful, that they distroyed the whole station and all the research that that particular House had never bothered to share with anyone else (so that their tactical warp ships could escort THEIR candidate for rhiyrh (emperor)  to ch'Rihan.

As a result ofthis, we were left with only one of the technologies that our scientests had developed to help us conquer Thhaei (Vulcan), the cloaking device. This allowed us to hold our own, but only barely.

Prehaps that will help you understand why we were so long in attaining tactical warp.


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #40 on: June 10, 2004, 10:18:12 pm »
So now you're blaming the Gorn for not having tactial warp.


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #41 on: June 10, 2004, 10:52:25 pm »

Yes, sublight ships that can go faster than light, hmm. That's about as hackneyed as Voyager's 'Super-subspace' The space above the space below space, wouldn't that be erm, space!? ROFL. ADB Just couldn't bear to admit that Balance of Terror was a screwup and that the Roms had to have had warp. All other things aside the F-OCL is fugly.  

If you have that big of a problem with Romulans I have a simple solution:

Don't watch Star Trek or play SFB/SFC.

And if your jumping on the oh-so-hip bandwagon of bashing Voyager, all I can say is you don't know what your missing. "Super-subspace" probably means--and this is a guess without having seen the episode you are referring to-- the area of space-time that is between subspace and normal space, thereby implying it takes less energy to make the change--just more precision--and therefor more energy can be dedicated to movement at a more effecient rate.

And Warp Drive is not just a huge rocket, it's a space distortion field--one of the earlier terms for it was "Space Warp" so "sublight" ships being refitted with warp nacells is not suprising, you don't have to reinforce the hull because there is no strain on the hull--just a warp field distorting the space around it.

In other words, you could take a feather, put some tiny warp nacells on it, and it would survive the process. The reason "tactical" warp was so hard to achieve is not because the hulls were fragile, it was because they could not stabalize the warp field enough to withstand turning(Remember Voyager? "When at high warp, no left or right"?) much less enemy fire. The Warp field would destabalize, .the ship would take the full brunt of the inerta and fly apart.

And if you don't like Old ships, there's another simple solution.

Don't fly them. Better yet, don't download the mods that have them. I don't like the ISC. So I don't fly them. Simple as that.  


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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #42 on: June 11, 2004, 05:18:56 am »

If you have that big of a problem with Romulans I have a simple solution:

Don't watch Star Trek or play SFB/SFC.

I don't have a big problem with the Romulans, they are my favourite adversary race in Trek, I do not, however, like ADB's interpretation of their history, I can watch Star Trek without dealing with that so I'm fine really in that regard.


And if your jumping on the oh-so-hip bandwagon of bashing Voyager, all I can say is you don't know what your missing. "Super-subspace" probably means--and this is a guess without having seen the episode you are referring to-- the area of space-time that is between subspace and normal space, thereby implying it takes less energy to make the change--just more precision--and therefor more energy can be dedicated to movement at a more effecient rate.

Re: super-subspace, my mistake it is actually even more annoyingly named 'hyper-subspace' or upper-lower-space in plain english. It has nothing to do with movement of ships it's just some annoying technobable they made up in the episode Pathfinder - the one set on earth with the hilarious Barclay and very sexy Troi (even though the character of Troi is pointless in general). I'm not a Voyager basher, it's what got me into Trek in the first place but to me the other 3 series are in general much better and more consistently good (maybe TOS isn't so consistent...)


And Warp Drive is not just a huge rocket, it's a space distortion field--one of the earlier terms for it was "Space Warp" so "sublight" ships being refitted with warp nacells is not suprising, you don't have to reinforce the hull because there is no strain on the hull--just a warp field distorting the space around it.

We have, however clearly seen, numerous times that traveling at warp places at least some structural strain on the ships, most noticeably the BoP in STIV which nearly flew apart trying to do warp 8 (old scale)


In other words, you could take a feather, put some tiny warp nacells on it, and it would survive the process. The reason "tactical" warp was so hard to achieve is not because the hulls were fragile, it was because they could not stabalize the warp field enough to withstand turning(Remember Voyager? "When at high warp, no left or right"?) much less enemy fire. The Warp field would destabalize, .the ship would take the full brunt of the inerta and fly apart.

Yeah I remember Voyager, every week they have pitched battles at high-warp with whatever alien-of-the-week. I'm sorry that this has got you so riled up but I just don't accept ADB's version of events - no fighting at warp till the later years, As you say below, if you don't like it ignore it, that's what I do.


And if you don't like Old ships, there's another simple solution.

Don't fly them. Better yet, don't download the mods that have them. I don't like the ISC. So I don't fly them. Simple as that.  

I never said I don't like old ships, just the rules surrounding them. I don't like the Fed OCL in particular because I find it aesthetically speaking, hideous. If Desty makes any other old-style ships or national fleets then ofcourse I'll download them if they don't look like the OCL.

Cheers for the chat, later,



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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #43 on: June 11, 2004, 01:14:05 pm »


If you have that big of a problem with Romulans I have a simple solution:

Don't watch Star Trek or play SFB/SFC.

I don't have a big problem with the Romulans, they are my favourite adversary race in Trek, I do not, however, like ADB's interpretation of their history, I can watch Star Trek without dealing with that so I'm fine really in that regard.


And if your jumping on the oh-so-hip bandwagon of bashing Voyager, all I can say is you don't know what your missing. "Super-subspace" probably means--and this is a guess without having seen the episode you are referring to-- the area of space-time that is between subspace and normal space, thereby implying it takes less energy to make the change--just more precision--and therefor more energy can be dedicated to movement at a more effecient rate.

Re: super-subspace, my mistake it is actually even more annoyingly named 'hyper-subspace' or upper-lower-space in plain english. It has nothing to do with movement of ships it's just some annoying technobable they made up in the episode Pathfinder - the one set on earth with the hilarious Barclay and very sexy Troi (even though the character of Troi is pointless in general). I'm not a Voyager basher, it's what got me into Trek in the first place but to me the other 3 series are in general much better and more consistently good (maybe TOS isn't so consistent...)


And Warp Drive is not just a huge rocket, it's a space distortion field--one of the earlier terms for it was "Space Warp" so "sublight" ships being refitted with warp nacells is not suprising, you don't have to reinforce the hull because there is no strain on the hull--just a warp field distorting the space around it.

We have, however clearly seen, numerous times that traveling at warp places at least some structural strain on the ships, most noticeably the BoP in STIV which nearly flew apart trying to do warp 8 (old scale)

But that was Warp 8. The equivalent of 175 MPH in a standard car. Not to mention the fact that Klingons aren't the brightest engineers in the galaxy. In the example I was showing above the feather was going at a steady Warp 1. Mankind has been doing that since 2063 by the Star Trek timeline.

And I thought Troi was a ditz from the start. MECH. Broccolli wasn't much better. In fact, the whole TNG cast was rather dull until First Contact. Voyager shined above the others because the characters had flaws.

Warp 8 puts a lot of strain on the hull, sure. it puts strain on everything, the engines, warp field, space itself, and the hull. The warp is not as perfect as it is at lower speeds--so the strain is going to be greater.



In other words, you could take a feather, put some tiny warp nacells on it, and it would survive the process. The reason "tactical" warp was so hard to achieve is not because the hulls were fragile, it was because they could not stabalize the warp field enough to withstand turning(Remember Voyager? "When at high warp, no left or right"?) much less enemy fire. The Warp field would destabalize, .the ship would take the full brunt of the inerta and fly apart.

Yeah I remember Voyager, every week they have pitched battles at high-warp with whatever alien-of-the-week. I'm sorry that this has got you so riled up but I just don't accept ADB's version of events - no fighting at warp till the later years, As you say below, if you don't like it ignore it, that's what I do.

Think about that: Your comparing technology that is effectively -1X(One level BELOW SFB technology) to tech that is about 100 years other words, 4 tech levels above SFB, 5 levels above Early Years. So there are going to be some improvements/differences.



And if you don't like Old ships, there's another simple solution.

Don't fly them. Better yet, don't download the mods that have them. I don't like the ISC. So I don't fly them. Simple as that.  

I never said I don't like old ships, just the rules surrounding them. I don't like the Fed OCL in particular because I find it aesthetically speaking, hideous. If Desty makes any other old-style ships or national fleets then ofcourse I'll download them if they don't look like the OCL.

Cheers for the chat, later,


Cheers for the chat right back at you!



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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #44 on: June 11, 2004, 06:30:33 pm »

But that was Warp 8. The equivalent of 175 MPH in a standard car. Not to mention the fact that Klingons aren't the brightest engineers in the galaxy. In the example I was showing above the feather was going at a steady Warp 1. Mankind has been doing that since 2063 by the Star Trek timeline.

Not exactly, the Enterprise we are led to believe can got above warp 10 if sufficient power is available.


And I thought Troi was a ditz from the start. MECH. Broccolli wasn't much better. In fact, the whole TNG cast was rather dull until First Contact. Voyager shined above the others because the characters had flaws.

Excuse me? Voyager's characters were so 2 dimensional if you put them on their side they'd disappear. Barclay is a very flawed character, you can't say a guy who's addicted to what is effectively a computer game of the future doesn't have character flaws.


Warp 8 puts a lot of strain on the hull, sure. it puts strain on everything, the engines, warp field, space itself, and the hull. The warp is not as perfect as it is at lower speeds--so the strain is going to be greater.

The warp isn't as perfect? How do you know? No one's ever mentioned such a degradation before in Trek, you got a source for that I haven't seen?


Think about that: Your comparing technology that is effectively -1X(One level BELOW SFB technology) to tech that is about 100 years other words, 4 tech levels above SFB, 5 levels above Early Years. So there are going to be some improvements/differences.

You brought up the voyager comparison not me.


Cheers for the chat right back at you!




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Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #45 on: June 11, 2004, 07:17:29 pm »


But that was Warp 8. The equivalent of 175 MPH in a standard car. Not to mention the fact that Klingons aren't the brightest engineers in the galaxy. In the example I was showing above the feather was going at a steady Warp 1. Mankind has been doing that since 2063 by the Star Trek timeline.

Not exactly, the Enterprise we are led to believe can got above warp 10 if sufficient power is available.

True, and some cars can go at 200 MPH, especially if you hot-rot it to death. It doesn't mean that you can do that every day and espect the car to stay in mint condition



And I thought Troi was a ditz from the start. MECH. Broccolli wasn't much better. In fact, the whole TNG cast was rather dull until First Contact. Voyager shined above the others because the characters had flaws.

Excuse me? Voyager's characters were so 2 dimensional if you put them on their side they'd disappear. Barclay is a very flawed character, you can't say a guy who's addicted to what is effectively a computer game of the future doesn't have character flaws.

??? WTF? Are we watching the same series? They argued with each other. They had flaws. They disobeyed orders. They, in short, thought for themselved. TNG was just a bunch of robots with one guy who had a reasonable excuse and another who knew about it.



Warp 8 puts a lot of strain on the hull, sure. it puts strain on everything, the engines, warp field, space itself, and the hull. The warp is not as perfect as it is at lower speeds--so the strain is going to be greater.

The warp isn't as perfect? How do you know? No one's ever mentioned such a degradation before in Trek, you got a source for that I haven't seen?

This one is rather simplistic...the ship was falling apart. So the warp field was unstable.



Think about that: Your comparing technology that is effectively -1X(One level BELOW SFB technology) to tech that is about 100 years other words, 4 tech levels above SFB, 5 levels above Early Years. So there are going to be some improvements/differences.

You brought up the voyager comparison not me.

In a narrow instance to demonstrate that Voyagner knew some things. Also that the core principle of "tactical" warp existed...thats why SFB limits you to speed 31, any faster and you lose the ability to manuver or take hits.



Cheers for the chat right back at you!



<S> to you mate



  • Guest
Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #46 on: June 11, 2004, 07:20:15 pm »
To get this back on track thanks for the ships. Got them added to my collection


  • Guest
Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #47 on: June 12, 2004, 03:37:28 am »
You're welcome. I got a buttload of Tholians, Kzintis, and Gorns coming up soon as well.  


  • Guest
Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #48 on: June 12, 2004, 03:39:21 am »
Cool But need more ISC and Pirates as well


  • Guest
Re: 5 new Seltorians from Desty Nova
« Reply #49 on: June 12, 2004, 03:43:05 am »
Yeah, I know.   However, I decided to try and finish up the races I have more of already. THe ISC and Orions currently stand at only one ship each, whereas the Kzintis, Gorns, and Tholians have several each and I want to round out their fleets first.  

And anyway, the SFB fans will hit the roof when you guys see the Kzinti BB.   One of my favorites so far.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2004, 03:44:15 am by Desty_Nova »