Topic: SFC3 Freighters all Fed  (Read 1775 times)

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SFC3 Freighters all Fed
« on: June 05, 2004, 10:04:12 pm »
Hello all.  Got a little bug.I made 9 race map and all works well but the Freighters show up as Fed. for the new races
(8472,RK,Pirate,Ferengi). Got them listed in Loadout as each seperate race and corresponding  classname in the Core,
set all races as enemies,tried different model for each,can't figure it out.I rearranged the Core and Loadout to match
Racenames.GF and set each ship by class order(SH,F,FF etc.)Weird thing is,Cardassians work.Original races work also.
Just a small thing but would like to fix Hail Convoy if I could.  Thanks for any help.
  PS.  Posted earlier about Pirates defend all Bases -  added shields to shuttles  and it fixed itself somehow.
                    Figure that one out !