You got a point there. I think D-Day is considered so important because nothing on that scale had been tried before (and probably since). Whilst you can say every other battle is important and none should be forgotten, the whole invasion of Normandy I guess was/is considered 'the begining of the end' as far as the West is concerned.
Whilst El Alemein was certainly important for the British (and associated armies), it was part of a series of significant battles in North Africa that included Operation Torch, when the US invaded French colonies in North Africa.
As for the entire Russian front, that certainly has to have been some of the bloodiest fighting, Russian soldiers being sent forward in pairs, one with the gun and the other with the ammo

Stalingrad in particular was fierce because both Hitler and Stalin were obsessed with obtaining/keeping it. For Russia, the battle ot Prokhorovka (known as the Battle of Kursk) was certainly more significant that Starlingrad (tactically, if not for morale) as 800+ Russian tanks took on 600+ German tanks. Whatever side won would pretty much be open to push on into enemy territory. German tanks were better, but the greater number of Russian tanks won at the end of the day. Some Russian tank drivers took to ramming enemy tanks because they couldn't penetrate the armour on the Panthers and Tigers!! I think the Russians are a bit mad really

but if it works....
As far as invading elsewhere, Italy to me would seem a bit of a bottle neck and there are a big range of mountains in Northern Italy which would probably further hamper invasion efforts. Also, would there have been a sympathetic populous to the Allied cause as there was in France? As for other areas of France, it probably would have been impossible to maintain the element of surprise if several thousand ships go sailing around the coast, someone would notice
But as you say, D-Day was important, but not the be all and end all, just the most prominent moment of WW2 in our minds at the moment given the anniversary. I'm sure that'll change on VE day and VJ day

(spending to much time watching the History channel)