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Topic: I hate weekends almost as much as I hate things I hate more then weekends  (Read 4656 times)

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  • Guest
Seriously, I am a ball full of hate right now.

I have missed 4 Fridays in a row, last wnesday and Thursday were half days, which means half my money for those two days is gone. I make $9 a hour, I work about 9 hours a day, that means I lost $81 a day, $405 in this last month before taxes. Normally, on a 88 hour paycheck, after paying taxes, rent, utilities, setting aside $60 for two weeks gas in car, $150 for 2 weeks food etc, I have $20 extra to my name.

Now add in that taking a day off is boring as all hell. The last two days this has been my days off.

Friday, Woke at 6am ( normal wake time is 3-6am ) and sat here on the computer until 5pm with NOTHING to do.
Saturday, woke at 7am because I was feeling lazy,  been sitting here for what seems like about 12 hours but its really been only 4 1/2 hours.

Internet porn has lost its charm, everyone I know is at work or wont come out of their coffins until 5pm or so or out of town having fun that I cant have because I have no extra money.

I, at one point was seriously tempted to start selling drugs to supliment my income but then I relized you NEED money to MAKE money, so that blew that idea out the window. My only other option to make a bit of cash is to donate plasma but then I will get sick which means I would miss work and in turn screw myself in my arse.

God, this job is so frustrating. I go to sleep as my friends get off work so I can barely hang with them, I have no money to do anything when I can stay up late to do stuff and I spend most my waking time working and nothing else to show for it. I still cant afford my new amp or to go out and play paintball.

 I am pondering quitting my job but I doubt with this job market I would find anything near $9 a hour at 9 hours a day or more because thats what I need to survive. cruel world, why do you torment me so.


  • Guest
Dont quit till you find anotherone, dought if you get much from unemployment as you have not been there for long correct.


  • Guest
on the 15th I will have been there for 3 1/2 months. My problem is I dont make enough money, I dont see my friends and my weekends are about as happening as a retirement home, hell I think they get more enjoyment out of life then me. As it is right now, I have $.26 to last me until the 15th because I got F'd on my last weeks hours and this weeks hours is the same. I was expecting a check from my dad yesterday and I checked the mail today and it has not arrived. Working all week, busting my arse, being sore all the time and cut up and I have nothing to show for it but constant boredom and being home by myself while everyone else I know can afford to go out and do things or stay up late enough to go out and do stuff. I have the bed time of a 6 year old, I am normally asleep by 8pm every night for work, my friends come out about 7:30pm.

this is not a life. I had more of a life when I had no job.


  • Guest
Hey EE,

They'll give you 3 hots and a cot in Jail, bud. Then you don't need to make money.  


  • Guest

incidently, i could put a word or three in for you at several of the hospitals down in SoCal. I have some small pull in the parent organization.

Robert F. Kennedy Medical Center
4500 West 116th Street
Hawthorne, CA 90250
Phone: (310) 973-1711
Website: http://www.robertfkennedymedctr.org/

St. Francis Medical Center
3630 East Imperial Highway
Lynwood, CA 90262
Phone: (310) 900-8900
Website: http://www.stfrancismedicalcenter.com

St. Vincent Medical Center
2131 West Third Street
Los Angeles, CA 90057-0992
Phone: (213) 484-7111
Email: info@stvincentmedicalcenter.com
Website: http://www.stvincentmedicalcenter.com



  • Guest
That's a very nice thing for you to do Chris. I know EE is having a hard time of It. I doubt that $9.00 / Hour is much of a wage in California.


Dash Jones

  • Guest

on the 15th I will have been there for 3 1/2 months. My problem is I dont make enough money, I dont see my friends and my weekends are about as happening as a retirement home, hell I think they get more enjoyment out of life then me. As it is right now, I have $.26 to last me until the 15th because I got F'd on my last weeks hours and this weeks hours is the same. I was expecting a check from my dad yesterday and I checked the mail today and it has not arrived. Working all week, busting my arse, being sore all the time and cut up and I have nothing to show for it but constant boredom and being home by myself while everyone else I know can afford to go out and do things or stay up late enough to go out and do stuff. I have the bed time of a 6 year old, I am normally asleep by 8pm every night for work, my friends come out about 7:30pm.

this is not a life. I had more of a life when I had no job.  

Hmm, shelter...food...

You seem to be doing alright...

Who needs to spend money to have fun?

Enjoy walking, running, exercise...etc.  Many things to do that don't take money.  Sounds like your friends either got really lucky with their jobs...don't work...or have a strange endurance to party late...and wake up early...or else their jobs have different hours than yours.


  • Guest
All of those are pretty far away. About a hour to 2 hours, maybe longer depending on the time. A little farther then I can currently afford, hell I dont even have car insurance, cant afford it. Thanks for the offer man. If I get a raise real soon then I will be set, that will give me an extra $88 every two weeks ( before taxes ) which will help me out a ton. I am going to stick it out a while longer and hope I get a $1 hr raise.


  • Guest
$9 is not too bad. My problem is that after ALL my bills I have $20 extra every 2 weeks for fun and well, if I miss just 1 day, I am screwed and then have to pull money from other area's like food and food to survive. The only good thing is I have not drove much in the last 2 weeks so that helps me with about $45 every two weeks in extra income to put into area's that need the cash.


  • Guest


on the 15th I will have been there for 3 1/2 months. My problem is I dont make enough money, I dont see my friends and my weekends are about as happening as a retirement home, hell I think they get more enjoyment out of life then me. As it is right now, I have $.26 to last me until the 15th because I got F'd on my last weeks hours and this weeks hours is the same. I was expecting a check from my dad yesterday and I checked the mail today and it has not arrived. Working all week, busting my arse, being sore all the time and cut up and I have nothing to show for it but constant boredom and being home by myself while everyone else I know can afford to go out and do things or stay up late enough to go out and do stuff. I have the bed time of a 6 year old, I am normally asleep by 8pm every night for work, my friends come out about 7:30pm.

this is not a life. I had more of a life when I had no job.  

Hmm, shelter...food...

You seem to be doing alright...

Who needs to spend money to have fun?

Enjoy walking, running, exercise...etc.  Many things to do that don't take money.  Sounds like your friends either got really lucky with their jobs...don't work...or have a strange endurance to party late...and wake up early...or else their jobs have different hours than yours.  

Shelter I have, food is top ramin. I just went to one of those pay check advance places because I was broke heh. The downward spiral beguins.

As for exercise, thats all I do at work. Toolbelt with tools and 2 extra bags full of metal that I need to do my job, constantly up and down ladders for 8-10 hours a day.

As for my friends, yeah they are, some still live at home while making $2,000 a month or more, some have $80,000 a year jobs etc. They also have the endurance to stay out late because their jobs generally dont start until 8-9am in the morning, my day starts at 3-6am and does not end until 3-5pm usually ( wake time to home time ).

Its all good, I need a good vent which what the post was. well, off to watch calgary win the cup


  • Guest

That's a very nice thing for you to do Chris. I know EE is having a hard time of It. I doubt that $9.00 / Hour is much of a wage in California.


<S> Stephen! Nice to "see" you again bud. Hope all's well.

I've watched lots of good people on these boards get screwed by downsizings, corporate crap, etc...myself included. I'm lucky I'm back in the saddle making money, so if I can help anyone, I will.


  • Guest

$9 is not too bad. My problem is that after ALL my bills I have $20 extra every 2 weeks for fun and well, if I miss just 1 day, I am screwed and then have to pull money from other area's like food and food to survive. The only good thing is I have not drove much in the last 2 weeks so that helps me with about $45 every two weeks in extra income to put into area's that need the cash.  

Dude $9 an hour? WTF? I know those hospitals are a ways, but a facilities tech starts at like $18 or $20.



  • Guest
problem is I dont think I have the skills for that. I have been an electrician for 3 1/2 months and most my other skills are self taught, like computer repair, car repair etc. I am sure they would want someone with some experince, which I dont have at the moment. I could put a plug in, put in a ceiling fan or a flush light but thats about it heh.

I ended up hitting the payday advance place for $100 so I should be good to go until the next paycheck. So all is fine for now. Still hoping the boss says I get a $1 hr raise this pay period, that will set me up to have extra cash and I will be happy.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by EE »


  • Guest
This is going to sound weird, but they pay forklift driver's $14 per hour in Fort Smith, AR. If you're looking to move.

Secondly, if you want to make some real money, deliver pizza in a college or Tourist Area.  I used to have driver's making 500-700 dollars a week delivering when I managed the Papa John's in Conway, AR.  The driver's are making in excess of 1000 per week in Branson, MO during the season and around 300-500 per week during the off-season.  


  • Guest
Cant move. All my friends are here.

As for delivering Pizza, I tried getting a job doing that and could not get hired. I am scum heh


  • Guest
Have you considered a exciting carrer as a hired goon or evil hencemen? Sure you may get killed by the evil Dr. Naughty when you are the unfortunate one to tell him that Dames Blond escaped his trap with ease...but I hear it's a really good dental plan.


  • Guest
I hate weekends almost as much as I hate things I hate more then weekends
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2004, 01:28:32 pm »
Seriously, I am a ball full of hate right now.

I have missed 4 Fridays in a row, last wnesday and Thursday were half days, which means half my money for those two days is gone. I make $9 a hour, I work about 9 hours a day, that means I lost $81 a day, $405 in this last month before taxes. Normally, on a 88 hour paycheck, after paying taxes, rent, utilities, setting aside $60 for two weeks gas in car, $150 for 2 weeks food etc, I have $20 extra to my name.

Now add in that taking a day off is boring as all hell. The last two days this has been my days off.

Friday, Woke at 6am ( normal wake time is 3-6am ) and sat here on the computer until 5pm with NOTHING to do.
Saturday, woke at 7am because I was feeling lazy,  been sitting here for what seems like about 12 hours but its really been only 4 1/2 hours.

Internet porn has lost its charm, everyone I know is at work or wont come out of their coffins until 5pm or so or out of town having fun that I cant have because I have no extra money.

I, at one point was seriously tempted to start selling drugs to supliment my income but then I relized you NEED money to MAKE money, so that blew that idea out the window. My only other option to make a bit of cash is to donate plasma but then I will get sick which means I would miss work and in turn screw myself in my arse.

God, this job is so frustrating. I go to sleep as my friends get off work so I can barely hang with them, I have no money to do anything when I can stay up late to do stuff and I spend most my waking time working and nothing else to show for it. I still cant afford my new amp or to go out and play paintball.

 I am pondering quitting my job but I doubt with this job market I would find anything near $9 a hour at 9 hours a day or more because thats what I need to survive. cruel world, why do you torment me so.


  • Guest
Dont quit till you find anotherone, dought if you get much from unemployment as you have not been there for long correct.


  • Guest
on the 15th I will have been there for 3 1/2 months. My problem is I dont make enough money, I dont see my friends and my weekends are about as happening as a retirement home, hell I think they get more enjoyment out of life then me. As it is right now, I have $.26 to last me until the 15th because I got F'd on my last weeks hours and this weeks hours is the same. I was expecting a check from my dad yesterday and I checked the mail today and it has not arrived. Working all week, busting my arse, being sore all the time and cut up and I have nothing to show for it but constant boredom and being home by myself while everyone else I know can afford to go out and do things or stay up late enough to go out and do stuff. I have the bed time of a 6 year old, I am normally asleep by 8pm every night for work, my friends come out about 7:30pm.

this is not a life. I had more of a life when I had no job.


  • Guest
Hey EE,

They'll give you 3 hots and a cot in Jail, bud. Then you don't need to make money.  


  • Guest

incidently, i could put a word or three in for you at several of the hospitals down in SoCal. I have some small pull in the parent organization.

Robert F. Kennedy Medical Center
4500 West 116th Street
Hawthorne, CA 90250
Phone: (310) 973-1711
Website: http://www.robertfkennedymedctr.org/

St. Francis Medical Center
3630 East Imperial Highway
Lynwood, CA 90262
Phone: (310) 900-8900
Website: http://www.stfrancismedicalcenter.com

St. Vincent Medical Center
2131 West Third Street
Los Angeles, CA 90057-0992
Phone: (213) 484-7111
Email: info@stvincentmedicalcenter.com
Website: http://www.stvincentmedicalcenter.com



  • Guest
That's a very nice thing for you to do Chris. I know EE is having a hard time of It. I doubt that $9.00 / Hour is much of a wage in California.


Dash Jones

  • Guest

on the 15th I will have been there for 3 1/2 months. My problem is I dont make enough money, I dont see my friends and my weekends are about as happening as a retirement home, hell I think they get more enjoyment out of life then me. As it is right now, I have $.26 to last me until the 15th because I got F'd on my last weeks hours and this weeks hours is the same. I was expecting a check from my dad yesterday and I checked the mail today and it has not arrived. Working all week, busting my arse, being sore all the time and cut up and I have nothing to show for it but constant boredom and being home by myself while everyone else I know can afford to go out and do things or stay up late enough to go out and do stuff. I have the bed time of a 6 year old, I am normally asleep by 8pm every night for work, my friends come out about 7:30pm.

this is not a life. I had more of a life when I had no job.  

Hmm, shelter...food...

You seem to be doing alright...

Who needs to spend money to have fun?

Enjoy walking, running, exercise...etc.  Many things to do that don't take money.  Sounds like your friends either got really lucky with their jobs...don't work...or have a strange endurance to party late...and wake up early...or else their jobs have different hours than yours.


  • Guest
All of those are pretty far away. About a hour to 2 hours, maybe longer depending on the time. A little farther then I can currently afford, hell I dont even have car insurance, cant afford it. Thanks for the offer man. If I get a raise real soon then I will be set, that will give me an extra $88 every two weeks ( before taxes ) which will help me out a ton. I am going to stick it out a while longer and hope I get a $1 hr raise.


  • Guest
$9 is not too bad. My problem is that after ALL my bills I have $20 extra every 2 weeks for fun and well, if I miss just 1 day, I am screwed and then have to pull money from other area's like food and food to survive. The only good thing is I have not drove much in the last 2 weeks so that helps me with about $45 every two weeks in extra income to put into area's that need the cash.


  • Guest


on the 15th I will have been there for 3 1/2 months. My problem is I dont make enough money, I dont see my friends and my weekends are about as happening as a retirement home, hell I think they get more enjoyment out of life then me. As it is right now, I have $.26 to last me until the 15th because I got F'd on my last weeks hours and this weeks hours is the same. I was expecting a check from my dad yesterday and I checked the mail today and it has not arrived. Working all week, busting my arse, being sore all the time and cut up and I have nothing to show for it but constant boredom and being home by myself while everyone else I know can afford to go out and do things or stay up late enough to go out and do stuff. I have the bed time of a 6 year old, I am normally asleep by 8pm every night for work, my friends come out about 7:30pm.

this is not a life. I had more of a life when I had no job.  

Hmm, shelter...food...

You seem to be doing alright...

Who needs to spend money to have fun?

Enjoy walking, running, exercise...etc.  Many things to do that don't take money.  Sounds like your friends either got really lucky with their jobs...don't work...or have a strange endurance to party late...and wake up early...or else their jobs have different hours than yours.  

Shelter I have, food is top ramin. I just went to one of those pay check advance places because I was broke heh. The downward spiral beguins.

As for exercise, thats all I do at work. Toolbelt with tools and 2 extra bags full of metal that I need to do my job, constantly up and down ladders for 8-10 hours a day.

As for my friends, yeah they are, some still live at home while making $2,000 a month or more, some have $80,000 a year jobs etc. They also have the endurance to stay out late because their jobs generally dont start until 8-9am in the morning, my day starts at 3-6am and does not end until 3-5pm usually ( wake time to home time ).

Its all good, I need a good vent which what the post was. well, off to watch calgary win the cup


  • Guest

That's a very nice thing for you to do Chris. I know EE is having a hard time of It. I doubt that $9.00 / Hour is much of a wage in California.


<S> Stephen! Nice to "see" you again bud. Hope all's well.

I've watched lots of good people on these boards get screwed by downsizings, corporate crap, etc...myself included. I'm lucky I'm back in the saddle making money, so if I can help anyone, I will.


  • Guest

$9 is not too bad. My problem is that after ALL my bills I have $20 extra every 2 weeks for fun and well, if I miss just 1 day, I am screwed and then have to pull money from other area's like food and food to survive. The only good thing is I have not drove much in the last 2 weeks so that helps me with about $45 every two weeks in extra income to put into area's that need the cash.  

Dude $9 an hour? WTF? I know those hospitals are a ways, but a facilities tech starts at like $18 or $20.



  • Guest
problem is I dont think I have the skills for that. I have been an electrician for 3 1/2 months and most my other skills are self taught, like computer repair, car repair etc. I am sure they would want someone with some experince, which I dont have at the moment. I could put a plug in, put in a ceiling fan or a flush light but thats about it heh.

I ended up hitting the payday advance place for $100 so I should be good to go until the next paycheck. So all is fine for now. Still hoping the boss says I get a $1 hr raise this pay period, that will set me up to have extra cash and I will be happy.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by EE »


  • Guest
This is going to sound weird, but they pay forklift driver's $14 per hour in Fort Smith, AR. If you're looking to move.

Secondly, if you want to make some real money, deliver pizza in a college or Tourist Area.  I used to have driver's making 500-700 dollars a week delivering when I managed the Papa John's in Conway, AR.  The driver's are making in excess of 1000 per week in Branson, MO during the season and around 300-500 per week during the off-season.  


  • Guest
Cant move. All my friends are here.

As for delivering Pizza, I tried getting a job doing that and could not get hired. I am scum heh


  • Guest
Have you considered a exciting carrer as a hired goon or evil hencemen? Sure you may get killed by the evil Dr. Naughty when you are the unfortunate one to tell him that Dames Blond escaped his trap with ease...but I hear it's a really good dental plan.


  • Guest
I hate weekends almost as much as I hate things I hate more then weekends
« Reply #32 on: June 05, 2004, 01:28:32 pm »
Seriously, I am a ball full of hate right now.

I have missed 4 Fridays in a row, last wnesday and Thursday were half days, which means half my money for those two days is gone. I make $9 a hour, I work about 9 hours a day, that means I lost $81 a day, $405 in this last month before taxes. Normally, on a 88 hour paycheck, after paying taxes, rent, utilities, setting aside $60 for two weeks gas in car, $150 for 2 weeks food etc, I have $20 extra to my name.

Now add in that taking a day off is boring as all hell. The last two days this has been my days off.

Friday, Woke at 6am ( normal wake time is 3-6am ) and sat here on the computer until 5pm with NOTHING to do.
Saturday, woke at 7am because I was feeling lazy,  been sitting here for what seems like about 12 hours but its really been only 4 1/2 hours.

Internet porn has lost its charm, everyone I know is at work or wont come out of their coffins until 5pm or so or out of town having fun that I cant have because I have no extra money.

I, at one point was seriously tempted to start selling drugs to supliment my income but then I relized you NEED money to MAKE money, so that blew that idea out the window. My only other option to make a bit of cash is to donate plasma but then I will get sick which means I would miss work and in turn screw myself in my arse.

God, this job is so frustrating. I go to sleep as my friends get off work so I can barely hang with them, I have no money to do anything when I can stay up late to do stuff and I spend most my waking time working and nothing else to show for it. I still cant afford my new amp or to go out and play paintball.

 I am pondering quitting my job but I doubt with this job market I would find anything near $9 a hour at 9 hours a day or more because thats what I need to survive. cruel world, why do you torment me so.


  • Guest
Dont quit till you find anotherone, dought if you get much from unemployment as you have not been there for long correct.


  • Guest
on the 15th I will have been there for 3 1/2 months. My problem is I dont make enough money, I dont see my friends and my weekends are about as happening as a retirement home, hell I think they get more enjoyment out of life then me. As it is right now, I have $.26 to last me until the 15th because I got F'd on my last weeks hours and this weeks hours is the same. I was expecting a check from my dad yesterday and I checked the mail today and it has not arrived. Working all week, busting my arse, being sore all the time and cut up and I have nothing to show for it but constant boredom and being home by myself while everyone else I know can afford to go out and do things or stay up late enough to go out and do stuff. I have the bed time of a 6 year old, I am normally asleep by 8pm every night for work, my friends come out about 7:30pm.

this is not a life. I had more of a life when I had no job.


  • Guest
Hey EE,

They'll give you 3 hots and a cot in Jail, bud. Then you don't need to make money.  


  • Guest

incidently, i could put a word or three in for you at several of the hospitals down in SoCal. I have some small pull in the parent organization.

Robert F. Kennedy Medical Center
4500 West 116th Street
Hawthorne, CA 90250
Phone: (310) 973-1711
Website: http://www.robertfkennedymedctr.org/

St. Francis Medical Center
3630 East Imperial Highway
Lynwood, CA 90262
Phone: (310) 900-8900
Website: http://www.stfrancismedicalcenter.com

St. Vincent Medical Center
2131 West Third Street
Los Angeles, CA 90057-0992
Phone: (213) 484-7111
Email: info@stvincentmedicalcenter.com
Website: http://www.stvincentmedicalcenter.com



  • Guest
That's a very nice thing for you to do Chris. I know EE is having a hard time of It. I doubt that $9.00 / Hour is much of a wage in California.


Dash Jones

  • Guest

on the 15th I will have been there for 3 1/2 months. My problem is I dont make enough money, I dont see my friends and my weekends are about as happening as a retirement home, hell I think they get more enjoyment out of life then me. As it is right now, I have $.26 to last me until the 15th because I got F'd on my last weeks hours and this weeks hours is the same. I was expecting a check from my dad yesterday and I checked the mail today and it has not arrived. Working all week, busting my arse, being sore all the time and cut up and I have nothing to show for it but constant boredom and being home by myself while everyone else I know can afford to go out and do things or stay up late enough to go out and do stuff. I have the bed time of a 6 year old, I am normally asleep by 8pm every night for work, my friends come out about 7:30pm.

this is not a life. I had more of a life when I had no job.  

Hmm, shelter...food...

You seem to be doing alright...

Who needs to spend money to have fun?

Enjoy walking, running, exercise...etc.  Many things to do that don't take money.  Sounds like your friends either got really lucky with their jobs...don't work...or have a strange endurance to party late...and wake up early...or else their jobs have different hours than yours.


  • Guest
All of those are pretty far away. About a hour to 2 hours, maybe longer depending on the time. A little farther then I can currently afford, hell I dont even have car insurance, cant afford it. Thanks for the offer man. If I get a raise real soon then I will be set, that will give me an extra $88 every two weeks ( before taxes ) which will help me out a ton. I am going to stick it out a while longer and hope I get a $1 hr raise.


  • Guest
$9 is not too bad. My problem is that after ALL my bills I have $20 extra every 2 weeks for fun and well, if I miss just 1 day, I am screwed and then have to pull money from other area's like food and food to survive. The only good thing is I have not drove much in the last 2 weeks so that helps me with about $45 every two weeks in extra income to put into area's that need the cash.


  • Guest


on the 15th I will have been there for 3 1/2 months. My problem is I dont make enough money, I dont see my friends and my weekends are about as happening as a retirement home, hell I think they get more enjoyment out of life then me. As it is right now, I have $.26 to last me until the 15th because I got F'd on my last weeks hours and this weeks hours is the same. I was expecting a check from my dad yesterday and I checked the mail today and it has not arrived. Working all week, busting my arse, being sore all the time and cut up and I have nothing to show for it but constant boredom and being home by myself while everyone else I know can afford to go out and do things or stay up late enough to go out and do stuff. I have the bed time of a 6 year old, I am normally asleep by 8pm every night for work, my friends come out about 7:30pm.

this is not a life. I had more of a life when I had no job.  

Hmm, shelter...food...

You seem to be doing alright...

Who needs to spend money to have fun?

Enjoy walking, running, exercise...etc.  Many things to do that don't take money.  Sounds like your friends either got really lucky with their jobs...don't work...or have a strange endurance to party late...and wake up early...or else their jobs have different hours than yours.  

Shelter I have, food is top ramin. I just went to one of those pay check advance places because I was broke heh. The downward spiral beguins.

As for exercise, thats all I do at work. Toolbelt with tools and 2 extra bags full of metal that I need to do my job, constantly up and down ladders for 8-10 hours a day.

As for my friends, yeah they are, some still live at home while making $2,000 a month or more, some have $80,000 a year jobs etc. They also have the endurance to stay out late because their jobs generally dont start until 8-9am in the morning, my day starts at 3-6am and does not end until 3-5pm usually ( wake time to home time ).

Its all good, I need a good vent which what the post was. well, off to watch calgary win the cup


  • Guest

That's a very nice thing for you to do Chris. I know EE is having a hard time of It. I doubt that $9.00 / Hour is much of a wage in California.


<S> Stephen! Nice to "see" you again bud. Hope all's well.

I've watched lots of good people on these boards get screwed by downsizings, corporate crap, etc...myself included. I'm lucky I'm back in the saddle making money, so if I can help anyone, I will.


  • Guest

$9 is not too bad. My problem is that after ALL my bills I have $20 extra every 2 weeks for fun and well, if I miss just 1 day, I am screwed and then have to pull money from other area's like food and food to survive. The only good thing is I have not drove much in the last 2 weeks so that helps me with about $45 every two weeks in extra income to put into area's that need the cash.  

Dude $9 an hour? WTF? I know those hospitals are a ways, but a facilities tech starts at like $18 or $20.



  • Guest
problem is I dont think I have the skills for that. I have been an electrician for 3 1/2 months and most my other skills are self taught, like computer repair, car repair etc. I am sure they would want someone with some experince, which I dont have at the moment. I could put a plug in, put in a ceiling fan or a flush light but thats about it heh.

I ended up hitting the payday advance place for $100 so I should be good to go until the next paycheck. So all is fine for now. Still hoping the boss says I get a $1 hr raise this pay period, that will set me up to have extra cash and I will be happy.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by EE »


  • Guest
This is going to sound weird, but they pay forklift driver's $14 per hour in Fort Smith, AR. If you're looking to move.

Secondly, if you want to make some real money, deliver pizza in a college or Tourist Area.  I used to have driver's making 500-700 dollars a week delivering when I managed the Papa John's in Conway, AR.  The driver's are making in excess of 1000 per week in Branson, MO during the season and around 300-500 per week during the off-season.  


  • Guest
Cant move. All my friends are here.

As for delivering Pizza, I tried getting a job doing that and could not get hired. I am scum heh


  • Guest
Have you considered a exciting carrer as a hired goon or evil hencemen? Sure you may get killed by the evil Dr. Naughty when you are the unfortunate one to tell him that Dames Blond escaped his trap with ease...but I hear it's a really good dental plan.

