Moggy, thanks for the insight. I have to admit I haven't played EAW D2 much since the parts were "fixed." On the other hand, shouldn't a larger ship be able to repair more systems, having more capacity for repair crews and parts? Have any D2 campaigns used high-priced repair parts, so it would be costly to fly around with 20 spare parts, making pilots choose between saving prestige for new ships or spending it to keep their current one in top shape during a battle? I'd at least like the option for server admins to be able to set the parts to full or the 8-part limit. After all, 8 is pretty arbitrary, no? I mean, an FF that can only get up to 4 parts is in the same situation you describe vs. a CL that can carry 8.
FS, making the pirate layer neutral only causes empires to hurt their own defense values when running successful missions in their own hexes. Since political settings don't allow for neutral to be treated differently on the cartel map vs. the empire map, the settings tweaks available are limited. Even so, if you set neutral as allied to all empires, having the neutral cartel layer creates problems when enemies engage each other on the empire map -- if you win, you are hurting the enemy hex DV, but also "winning" for the neutral cartel underneath. It gets really confusing, because the DV effects depend upon not only the mission results and politics, but also the DV status of the cartel layer, which is invisible.