Topic: OP Patch Status?  (Read 37743 times)

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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #240 on: March 11, 2003, 08:17:39 am »
I'll be posting this elsewhere, but I thought this thread might be a good place to offer some results of a small sampling of OP D2 missions. These focus on the problems with defense value (DV) changes to hexes apparently due to the problems between the cartel and empire map interactions. In the test server, all cartels were either friendly/allied or at worst "distrusted" by the empires (meaning two enemy empires can have a common friendly cartel). Neutral space was considered "friendly" by the empires.

Feel free to add your own experiences (in the main thread for these results) for the benefit of any testers, developers, or ArticFire, who is supposed to be working on the D2 issues according to Taldren.

1. Neutral cartel under an empire hex still causes DV drops upon win. This happens even if neutral is considered "friendly" (and thus appears unfixable via the existing settings options). If you drop the hex all the way, instead of it going neutral on the empire map, you get a hex taken by your race message in news, which resets it to the default DV restore percentage. I can't be certain about PvP results, but it seems like a offense/defense battle in a cartel-neutral hex can only result in a loss for the defender.

2. Some missions appear to have no effect on the hex health as reflected by the News showing no post-battle hex notices. These tend to be missions against non-cartel Orions (why are they even IN the game anymore?), which frankly are more common than missions vs. empire AIs so far.

3. Under the current settings, where every empire considers all cartels as either friendly/allied or at worst distrusting (marginally on the enemy side of neutral), I could not cause a cartel to lose a hex by attacking it as an empire player (more testing would be helpful). However, I also could not BOOST my empire hexes even with a friendly cartel underneath, presumably because whoever I beat in the mission was also friendly with that cartel, or at least non-antagonistic. This means you can't get normal DV boosts (may be a couple missions that break the trend, but they aren't the standard
patrols/assaults/defenses) without having cartels you're allied to being enemies of your enemies. We're stuck with needing cartel players to capture the same hexes as their allied empires to help them boost their defenses in those hexes. They also need to have the same starting hexes to avoid having players hurt their own territory.

4. With an allied Prime cartel AI (map-based) on my wing while flying Klingon, I was able to flip a cartel-neutral hex to Prime control with a win against a monster. I'm not sure how the monsters relate politically, and with only one mission to go on, it is hard to make broader conclusions.

5. In an Ambush the Enemy mission as Klingon with a map-based Klingon AI ally vs. a map-based Fed AI, I was not able to boost my own hex that had a friendly cartel underneath. I'm not sure if this is the canceling-out of the politics of all factions involved, or a problem with the mission script.

So, I can see no improvements in the cartel/empire map DV interactions. That's to be expected since nobody has really worked on them. I had hoped the friendly cartels and neutrals would have helped the empires, but it doesn't seem to work any better than it did a year-plus ago when I did my more extensive tests for the Rook's Tavern 3 campaign. At this point, no matter how solid the client app is, the single-player campaigns and D2 will not allow for proper give-and-take of territory with DV boosting. This makes the game essentially a PvP match service in D2 and kills any serious attempt to run a strategic map conquest game.


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #241 on: March 13, 2003, 10:48:07 pm »
Sounds like we're getting closer.........bump to the front.  


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #242 on: March 15, 2003, 03:08:55 pm »
Bump to the top, because I smell a patch release soon.


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #243 on: March 15, 2003, 08:15:17 pm »
Gotta keep the faith.  


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #244 on: March 15, 2003, 11:37:20 pm »
In this matter, I don't need faith.


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #245 on: March 16, 2003, 12:48:18 am »
Yes, but you are on the inside loop. Us poor peons just have to look up at the house on the hill and wait for somebody on a horse to ride down and tell us what's going on every so often. Now I'll get back to my magic wombats and sacrifical chickens.  


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #246 on: March 16, 2003, 12:58:24 am »
Yeah, what he said.

So, anything you can tell us poor peons, then? Or are we stuck in the blind for a little longer?


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #247 on: March 16, 2003, 02:34:21 am »
Wellllll....keep an eye on the announcements section...cause we may be getting real close now.  


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #248 on: March 16, 2003, 03:58:49 am »
Will there be an updated new release of the OP Scripting API with the new patch?


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #249 on: March 16, 2003, 05:29:39 am »

Will there be an updated new release of the OP Scripting API with the new patch?  



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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #250 on: March 16, 2003, 07:10:15 am »
That has been said before, Satyr.

It is not reassuring. It makes me an infuriated little mushroom, still fed bull and kept in the blind due to the NDAs and such. Guess I'll have to capture an employee or tester, and torture information out of them then.

*starts sharpening the knives*
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Carrie »


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #251 on: March 16, 2003, 07:31:53 am »

That has been said before, Satyr.

It is not reassuring. It makes me an infuriated little mushroom, still fed bull and kept in the blind due to the NDAs and such. Guess I'll have to capture an employee or tester, and torture information out of them then.

*starts sharpening the knives*

I hear Firesoul is into that kinda thing--start with him.  



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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #252 on: March 16, 2003, 07:32:53 am »


Will there be an updated new release of the OP Scripting API with the new patch?  


Why not?


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #253 on: March 16, 2003, 11:59:47 am »



Will there be an updated new release of the OP Scripting API with the new patch?  


Why not?  

One wasn't needed that was worth the trouble.
.. it's really troublesome to update the API since you have to recompile ALL of the missions.

-- Luc


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #254 on: March 16, 2003, 05:54:26 pm »




Will there be an updated new release of the OP Scripting API with the new patch?  


Why not?  

One wasn't needed that was worth the trouble.
.. it's really troublesome to update the API since you have to recompile ALL of the missions.

-- Luc  

Well, once the patch process for OP (or EAW or SFC3) is finished, the only recourse left then to the player to be able to have any influence at all from a coding point of view, is through mission scripting. A really good API (with as many methods working correctly), then would seem to be the next logical step in order to leave as much to the players that can be done themselves post patch process.
Also, will OP be getting a SQL server kit?


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #255 on: March 16, 2003, 06:32:21 pm »
Heh. I'm not too particular who I start with, Toasty. I just want to hear more than I'm hearing, and am about ready to rip out entrails. OP with the 'fix it all' patch, and the D2 fix patches, and the Firesoul/Dave work missionwise, is everything that SFC should be, in terms of being like SFB. Getting the big bugs out of it, and getting word out to stores that the big bugs have been patched, and that the game is viable again, and playable offline or on, well, would probably make sales go back up. Last time I looked, there were still copies on the shelf in the computer games store. And its a good game for not requireing system resources out the ass to use, for a long time, with lots of strategy and complication to it.


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #256 on: March 16, 2003, 06:45:34 pm »





Will there be an updated new release of the OP Scripting API with the new patch?  


Why not?  

One wasn't needed that was worth the trouble.
.. it's really troublesome to update the API since you have to recompile ALL of the missions.

-- Luc  

Well, once the patch process for OP (or EAW or SFC3) is finished, the only recourse left then to the player to be able to have any influence at all from a coding point of view, is through mission scripting. A really good API (with as many methods working correctly), then would seem to be the next logical step in order to leave as much to the players that can be done themselves post patch process.
Also, will OP be getting a SQL server kit?  

I'm not as sure about all this as FireSoul, but I feel pretty certain the SQL facelift is fairly unlikely...then again, you and I both know how much these guys at Taldren truly like OP. So the idea of one of the guys kicking a SQL interface for OP out the door is not beyond the realm of possibilities.

You and Luc are far more familiar with coding and scripting than I am, but so far, from this hobbyist's corner I don't see where the need to recompile the scripts in the light of a new API is a valid reason for not considering a new API.

If adjusting the API addresses some of the issues then it should be on the table of things to consider in our quest to make OP a better, fullly rich gaming environment.

For what it is worth, some food for thought and all that humble jazz.



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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #257 on: March 16, 2003, 08:01:06 pm »
I would agree that an API upgrade with fixes would .. immensely.. improve the game.

- being able to set drones
- mSetFighters that works on Human played ships
- a "mGetFighters(ship, baynum)" would be great.
- mGetShuttles(ship) for the current number of shuttles on a ship would also be good.
- mRandomFighters(ship) .. would set fighters on ship, based on current era data. .. if the ship carries fighters of course.

.. but I seriously doubt any attention will be paid to these ideas since the API hasn't been improved in SFC:EAW either. .. having said that, SFC:EAW *does* have a SQL system in place. That system CAN be ported to SFC:OP if the effort is applied to enhance it for a pirate map and extra races.

.. I think SQL will make it.

-- Luc


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #258 on: March 16, 2003, 08:11:20 pm »
Well, if the OP API will have working methods for, in particular fighter, PF, and shuttle loadouts, as well as drones, and the OP server gets a SQL kit that works efficiently without bugs or errors, and, the client-side bug fix proves to be better than the current state of EAW, I predict that OP will make a dramatic comeback.
Now, if the Andromedans could get more than just the TR beams (a Displacement Device and P/A panels as well), and throw in a Web Generator/Web Caster for the Tholians... (ok, I'm just thinking wishfully here of course), demand for OP is going to be very high and will prompt a lot of people to create mods, mission scripts, SQL server work for it, etc.
I put it to you, those who wish OP to be the success it could be, to take that little bit of extra effort and time to add/improve as much as you can to it, because your investment in the long wrong will far outweigh the cost. Now is your chance.


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #259 on: March 16, 2003, 08:15:45 pm »
I know.. I know.. I agree with all of the above. It's a great wishlist.


.. Taldren is a business, and there's no money to be made with SFC:OP anymore, AFAIK.
.. .. .. No money, no candy.

-- Luc