Topic: OP Patch Status?  (Read 36773 times)

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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #200 on: February 28, 2003, 01:01:14 am »

Hex interactions haven't, and won't, be fixed in the upcoming OP patch, because they are D2 issues. All D2 work has been handed off to ArticFire, who is not ready to release any fixes.

At least that's the last I heard.  

I heard, sadly, that Articfire was swallowed whole by a polar bear while on a beer run...



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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #201 on: February 28, 2003, 01:08:57 am »

Please don't forget about the request to have a look at the D2 problem with viewing the Cartel DV's in the first patch (if it is a simple fix of course).  

Cartel DV's are a D2 issue being delt with by ArtifcFire and will not be in the first atch...


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #202 on: February 28, 2003, 01:09:48 am »
Im late in jumping in on this but I hope the supply bug has been fixed or will be.



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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #203 on: February 28, 2003, 02:33:54 am »


Please don't forget about the request to have a look at the D2 problem with viewing the Cartel DV's in the first patch (if it is a simple fix of course).  

Cartel DV's are a D2 issue being delt with by ArtifcFire and will not be in the first atch...

I live in hope.  


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #204 on: February 28, 2003, 02:34:08 am »


Hex interactions haven't, and won't, be fixed in the upcoming OP patch, because they are D2 issues. All D2 work has been handed off to ArticFire, who is not ready to release any fixes.

At least that's the last I heard.  

I heard, sadly, that Articfire was swallowed whole by a polar bear while on a beer run...


Ouch! That's not good. Oh well. I suppose I can live with fighting for my hexes. Damned pirates. There is a way in some ini or .gf file to disable any org you don't want to exist, right? I can shut them off there, if someone reminds me what it is.

I'm more interested to hear that I can buy SBs in late/advanced, so I can still keep things when I do shut the pirates off.


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #205 on: February 28, 2003, 07:22:39 am »

Because---we care enough for the game and have
Uber-hopes --- that in the end we will emerge victorious, therefore we
Must--- against all hopes, biases and fears, trust the Testers and Taldren to do a fine job. So, Peace Out and
Play out!



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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #206 on: February 28, 2003, 07:54:57 am »
Carrie, you could remove pirate cartels through various modifications, but you can't take out the pirate map layer. In fact, it seems to do more harm when the pirate map is neutral than when it is populated.

Whoever brought up the supply issue -- what exactly are you referring to? I'm just curious. Personally, I'd like to see spare parts available in D2 go by the ship specs and not be limited to just 8 -- EAW was fixed in this way, so why isn't OP?


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #207 on: February 28, 2003, 08:16:31 am »
Doug, the spare parts above 8 is simply crap. It penalises low crunch races - ie saber dancers; when you are fighting say a CVA with a BCH, and that CVA has 40 spare parts, it means the CVA can just repair its engines and leave, even though you may have pounded it to high heaven  (been there, done that, got the t-shirt). I'd rather OP stick to 8 then go to the excessive and ridiculous amounts that appeared in EAW.


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #208 on: February 28, 2003, 08:21:06 am »

Carrie, you could remove pirate cartels through various modifications, but you can't take out the pirate map layer. In fact, it seems to do more harm when the pirate map is neutral than when it is populated.

.. what does it do with neutral only hexes? (no economy)
-- Luc


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #209 on: February 28, 2003, 09:09:20 am »

Carrie, you could remove pirate cartels through various modifications, but you can't take out the pirate map layer. In fact, it seems to do more harm when the pirate map is neutral than when it is populated.

Hrm... Would it help if I stuck all the cartels allied to each other and to all the main races (or just the one being played)? I'm wondering now if that might not be able to fool the system into letting me keep hexes I take....


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #210 on: February 28, 2003, 09:15:27 am »
Moggy, thanks for the insight. I have to admit I haven't played EAW D2 much since the parts were "fixed." On the other hand, shouldn't a larger ship be able to repair more systems, having more capacity for repair crews and parts? Have any D2 campaigns used high-priced repair parts, so it would be costly to fly around with 20 spare parts, making pilots choose between saving prestige for new ships or spending it to keep their current one in top shape during a battle? I'd at least like the option for server admins to be able to set the parts to full or the 8-part limit. After all, 8 is pretty arbitrary, no? I mean, an FF that can only get up to 4 parts is in the same situation you describe vs. a CL that can carry 8.

FS, making the pirate layer neutral only causes empires to hurt their own defense values when running successful missions in their own hexes. Since political settings don't allow for neutral to be treated differently on the cartel map vs. the empire map, the settings tweaks available are limited. Even so, if you set neutral as allied to all empires, having the neutral cartel layer creates problems when enemies engage each other on the empire map -- if you win, you are hurting the enemy hex DV, but also "winning" for the neutral cartel underneath. It gets really confusing, because the DV effects depend upon not only the mission results and politics, but also the DV status of the cartel layer, which is invisible.


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #211 on: February 28, 2003, 09:19:27 am »
Carrie, feel free to try everything you can think of. I can only tell you what testing results I came up with in the past. If a cartel is allied to two opposing empires, in some cases it seemed as though a win for one side hurt their enemy, but also helped their allied cartel, resulting in a net change of zero. Again, combinations of settings, the missions used, and the cartel layer DV status could change things, but in the end, it is very unreliable.

We do need more people to test their ideas on this. Even if I didn't find success with some of these methods, it doesn't mean you or someone else won't find a new wrinkle that fixes some of the problems.

Good luck.


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #212 on: February 28, 2003, 09:27:59 am »


Carrie, you could remove pirate cartels through various modifications, but you can't take out the pirate map layer. In fact, it seems to do more harm when the pirate map is neutral than when it is populated.

Hrm... Would it help if I stuck all the cartels allied to each other and to all the main races (or just the one being played)? I'm wondering now if that might not be able to fool the system into letting me keep hexes I take....  

.. maybe only 1 cartel for that layer, all over the map, allied to everyone?
-- Luc


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #213 on: February 28, 2003, 09:30:05 am »

FS, making the pirate layer neutral only causes empires to hurt their own defense values when running successful missions in their own hexes. Since political settings don't allow for neutral to be treated differently on the cartel map vs. the empire map, the settings tweaks available are limited. Even so, if you set neutral as allied to all empires, having the neutral cartel layer creates problems when enemies engage each other on the empire map -- if you win, you are hurting the enemy hex DV, but also "winning" for the neutral cartel underneath. It gets really confusing, because the DV effects depend upon not only the mission results and politics, but also the DV status of the cartel layer, which is invisible.  

See above suggestion?
-- Luc
EDIT: .. fine.. previous page then!
-- Luc
« Last Edit: February 28, 2003, 09:31:12 am by FireSoul »


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #214 on: February 28, 2003, 10:05:01 am »

Moggy, thanks for the insight. I have to admit I haven't played EAW D2 much since the parts were "fixed." On the other hand, shouldn't a larger ship be able to repair more systems, having more capacity for repair crews and parts? Have any D2 campaigns used high-priced repair parts, so it would be costly to fly around with 20 spare parts, making pilots choose between saving prestige for new ships or spending it to keep their current one in top shape during a battle? I'd at least like the option for server admins to be able to set the parts to full or the 8-part limit. After all, 8 is pretty arbitrary, no? I mean, an FF that can only get up to 4 parts is in the same situation you describe vs. a CL that can carry 8.

Doug, I have no qualms about having a reasonable stepped progression of spares based on ship size being implemented. But what we have now in EAW is nothing like that. If it were based on ship's damage control rating, then that would be fine, but it's not. A DN/CVA can carry 40 magic screws. Enough to almost completely repair its warp engines. Doesn't that sound a little over the top?

I'll try and go into more detail of the battle that made me realise what was finally happening. On AOTK I, in a KCR, engaged a player in a Mirak CVA. By saberdancing with phasers, and the occasional plasma hit, I had reduced all his shields down to bare red, and was mounting the internals up on him. Phaser volley after phaser volley ripped into him, and yet he still managed to disengage from the battle. The after battle report showed him to have taken in excess of 200 internals, and yet he could still make top speed. What kept him at that speed were the magic screws.

Raising the price of magic screws just leads to players taking them off enemy ai with transporters.

Yes, 8 is pretty arbitrary. I would have no objections to 2 x Damage Control rating, but frkkn 40 is obscene, ridiculous and penalises saber dancing.

The final comment on a FF with 4 v a CL with 8, I don't really get. It certainly is not the same situation from where I'm sat lol. In fact, I'd be much happier in that instance as the FF, as there is a huge difference between 8 magic screws and 40 lol.


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #215 on: February 28, 2003, 10:52:25 am »
FS, if you mean the suggestion to use one cartel blanketing the map instead of all neutral, there are similar problems -- if it is allied to all, the net change of zero situation comes up. If it an enemy to all, players hurt their own empire DVs, but not until the cartel underneath is flipped neutral. What I'd like to see tried is having an all-neutral cartel layer that is actually NEUTRAL. The way the .gf settings work for politics makes this a little difficult, since all relationships are calculated as percentages. I've always said a much better political tension assignment would be strict values, so 500 is neutral, 1000 is mortal enemy, 0 is long-term ally, and anything either side of 500 is an increasing friendship or enemy relation to the extreme points of 0 and 1000. Of course, we don't have that system, and won't, so what to do? With careful manipulation, we could get truly neutral neutrals, I think, so it's at least worth a shot. I'm skeptical about how successful this would be, but at least it is something else to try.

Moggy, I totally agree with you -- the parts system should be reasonably regulated, and double the damage control rating seems fair. I was under the impression the parts ARE determined by the damage control value. If not, what IS controlling it? We all know where 8 came from (number able to be shown in the repair screen), but can someone explain to me how any given ship's parts limits are calculated?

According to my specs, a Z-CVA has a damage control of 9 in OP. Assuming that's right, how many does it get in GSA (and thus would get if OP D2 received full spares capacity)? If we doubled these figures, the CVA would end up with 18 possible spares. An L-FF with a damage control of 3 would get 6 possible spares -- what does it get now?

You're right about the costs of spares -- mission hosts would be able to "steal" spares off of AIs, but nobody else would be able to do so (or has the host-only transporter display bug been squashed?). At least if everyone could do it, it would make for an interesting little mini-game within the battle. Also, small ship captains would have less prestige to throw into buying spares.

Unfortunately, we're never going to get rid of this poor repair system, so can anyone come up with a way to improve it within the limitations? For instance, can we somehow use the ship damage control specs to force a ship size class-based stepping of spare parts? A DD could get 4, a CA 8, a BCH 12, a DN 16, a BB 20, or somesuch. I still don't like that a large ship gets penalized by the spare part limit. Still, if I had to choose between penalizing big ships and penalizing small ones, I'd choose the former -- those small ships need as much help as possible when the big-ship nutters dominate a campaign.


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #216 on: February 28, 2003, 11:17:54 am »
Doug, there's a thread in which Chris Lee did some testing, although some anomalies were also discovered. It's something we're stuck with in EAW, and I sincerely hope that it doesn't get put into OP. If it does then it kills the saber dance as a viable tactic in OP imho. May as well fly a droner and just overload their repair ability with bucketloads of type IV drones - how varied that will be, sigh.


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #217 on: February 28, 2003, 11:22:16 am »
Moggy, thanks for the reference. I'll check it out.

A little bird tells me this fix may already be in place somewhere in testing -- you might want to petition Taldren directly for reversion or an alternate system (or fix). If it's causing that much trouble in D2 missions, it really should be examined more closely.


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #218 on: February 28, 2003, 11:49:28 am »
Doug, if it's already in then I very much doubt that they'd take it out, especially as the player base is split between wanting low numbers and high numbers of magic screws.

Not to worry, Freelancer is proving to be an extremely enjoyable, addictive and playable experience, with continuous space, more than 6 people in battles etc.


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #219 on: February 28, 2003, 12:05:59 pm »
Well, I'm unnerved by the fact that nobody appears to be able to figure out exactly how the ships get the number of maximum spares they do. Even that thread didn't come up with anything difinitive. It makes it difficult to tell if a thing is working right or balanced if there is no calculation we can use to check the results.