Topic: OP Patch Status?  (Read 36764 times)

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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #100 on: March 16, 2003, 06:32:21 pm »
Heh. I'm not too particular who I start with, Toasty. I just want to hear more than I'm hearing, and am about ready to rip out entrails. OP with the 'fix it all' patch, and the D2 fix patches, and the Firesoul/Dave work missionwise, is everything that SFC should be, in terms of being like SFB. Getting the big bugs out of it, and getting word out to stores that the big bugs have been patched, and that the game is viable again, and playable offline or on, well, would probably make sales go back up. Last time I looked, there were still copies on the shelf in the computer games store. And its a good game for not requireing system resources out the ass to use, for a long time, with lots of strategy and complication to it.


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #101 on: March 16, 2003, 06:45:34 pm »





Will there be an updated new release of the OP Scripting API with the new patch?  


Why not?  

One wasn't needed that was worth the trouble.
.. it's really troublesome to update the API since you have to recompile ALL of the missions.

-- Luc  

Well, once the patch process for OP (or EAW or SFC3) is finished, the only recourse left then to the player to be able to have any influence at all from a coding point of view, is through mission scripting. A really good API (with as many methods working correctly), then would seem to be the next logical step in order to leave as much to the players that can be done themselves post patch process.
Also, will OP be getting a SQL server kit?  

I'm not as sure about all this as FireSoul, but I feel pretty certain the SQL facelift is fairly unlikely...then again, you and I both know how much these guys at Taldren truly like OP. So the idea of one of the guys kicking a SQL interface for OP out the door is not beyond the realm of possibilities.

You and Luc are far more familiar with coding and scripting than I am, but so far, from this hobbyist's corner I don't see where the need to recompile the scripts in the light of a new API is a valid reason for not considering a new API.

If adjusting the API addresses some of the issues then it should be on the table of things to consider in our quest to make OP a better, fullly rich gaming environment.

For what it is worth, some food for thought and all that humble jazz.



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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #102 on: March 16, 2003, 08:01:06 pm »
I would agree that an API upgrade with fixes would .. immensely.. improve the game.

- being able to set drones
- mSetFighters that works on Human played ships
- a "mGetFighters(ship, baynum)" would be great.
- mGetShuttles(ship) for the current number of shuttles on a ship would also be good.
- mRandomFighters(ship) .. would set fighters on ship, based on current era data. .. if the ship carries fighters of course.

.. but I seriously doubt any attention will be paid to these ideas since the API hasn't been improved in SFC:EAW either. .. having said that, SFC:EAW *does* have a SQL system in place. That system CAN be ported to SFC:OP if the effort is applied to enhance it for a pirate map and extra races.

.. I think SQL will make it.

-- Luc


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #103 on: March 16, 2003, 08:11:20 pm »
Well, if the OP API will have working methods for, in particular fighter, PF, and shuttle loadouts, as well as drones, and the OP server gets a SQL kit that works efficiently without bugs or errors, and, the client-side bug fix proves to be better than the current state of EAW, I predict that OP will make a dramatic comeback.
Now, if the Andromedans could get more than just the TR beams (a Displacement Device and P/A panels as well), and throw in a Web Generator/Web Caster for the Tholians... (ok, I'm just thinking wishfully here of course), demand for OP is going to be very high and will prompt a lot of people to create mods, mission scripts, SQL server work for it, etc.
I put it to you, those who wish OP to be the success it could be, to take that little bit of extra effort and time to add/improve as much as you can to it, because your investment in the long wrong will far outweigh the cost. Now is your chance.


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #104 on: March 16, 2003, 08:15:45 pm »
I know.. I know.. I agree with all of the above. It's a great wishlist.


.. Taldren is a business, and there's no money to be made with SFC:OP anymore, AFAIK.
.. .. .. No money, no candy.

-- Luc


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #105 on: March 16, 2003, 09:12:42 pm »
Hey, is it just me or is the USS Australia in Tracey's latest sig image right-side-up?
I would've expected the bridge to be down-under myself.
<-- runs away now


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #106 on: March 17, 2003, 01:09:08 am »
and that is what is taking so long...people keep finding more things they want fixed and the delay on the patch keeps dragging on.  


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #107 on: March 17, 2003, 01:48:15 am »
How much longer would it take for a better API with some of the added suggestions of the forumites, Satyr? I'd hope not terribly long. But it'd probably mean having to test all the recompiled missions under it. eep. I guess it just depends on how much more they want for the script editing, to make OP more fun for all.

If the people making OP into everything it could be, above and beyond EAW, want the API updated, I'll wait longer for the patch and play EAW until then

Now while you're pondering that,  Fix the single player(client-side) D2 so I can run conquest properly. Or give whoever is working that a nice poke, to find out if they've made headway with it or not.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Carrie »


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #108 on: March 17, 2003, 06:12:22 am »

Hey, is it just me or is the USS Australia in Tracey's latest sig image right-side-up?
I would've expected the bridge to be down-under myself.
<-- runs away now  

Actually... if you try looking at it from the front... yes, that's right, put yourself right in front of it... can you see the photon torpedoe tubes yet? You can? Excellant!
<makes a secret signal to the weapons officer>


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #109 on: March 17, 2003, 06:19:23 am »

and that is what is taking so long...people keep finding more things they want fixed and the delay on the patch keeps dragging on.  

I have:
Microsoft Visual Studio v6.0 SP5
Both the EAW and OP API.
Written Mission Scripts (from scratch) for EAW that work.
All the source code to all the EAW and OP mission scripts (except the Starbase Construction mission)
I'm in my 3rd year of a double degree in Computer Science at university and have completed all the C++ requirements (in fact, I got an 'A' average in 1st year).

If the only problem is recompiling OP scripts for a new API, then please, give me a NDA to sign and I'll do it myself...  


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #110 on: March 17, 2003, 09:40:46 am »

I have:
Microsoft Visual Studio v6.0 SP5
Both the EAW and OP API.
Written Mission Scripts (from scratch) for EAW that work.
All the source code to all the EAW and OP mission scripts (except the Starbase Construction mission)
I'm in my 3rd year of a double degree in Computer Science at university and have completed all the C++ requirements (in fact, I got an 'A' average in 1st year).

If the only problem is recompiling OP scripts for a new API, then please, give me a NDA to sign and I'll do it myself...    

So would I.
I *have* signed an NDA long ago, andI would recompile them all too if a new API came out. I would also have to recompile the CoopAce script, btw.

.. there will be no new OP Scripting API in this patch. That's what I meant by 'no'. The reason is .. the patch is pretty much completely ready as it is, unless someone finds a bad bug. Testing continues. There won't be anything else added at this time (at all) to the current patch.

-- Luc


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #111 on: March 17, 2003, 09:46:46 am »

All the source code to all the EAW and OP mission scripts (except the Starbase Construction mission)

It's in Taldren OP sources.. and I have no doubt it could be compiled within EAW without too many problems.


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #112 on: March 17, 2003, 03:18:53 pm »
Yes, its 'in testing' again. And you should be testing it instead of posting on the forum so much, to get it out faster

Because I don't believe statements to 'watch the announcements', I'm certain a post over here will announce in all fanfare that the OP patch is up.. And then I will go back to waiting for the clientside Dyna patch, so I can play singleplayer with your and NuclearWessels' stuff, and have just as fun as I'd have online, and even maybe try playing online again.


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #113 on: March 17, 2003, 04:09:14 pm »

Yes, its 'in testing' again. And you should be testing it instead of posting on the forum so much, to get it out faster

Because I don't believe statements to 'watch the announcements', I'm certain a post over here will announce in all fanfare that the OP patch is up.. And then I will go back to waiting for the clientside Dyna patch, so I can play singleplayer with your and NuclearWessels' stuff, and have just as fun as I'd have online, and even maybe try playing online again. sound soooo...ummm....happy.



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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #114 on: March 17, 2003, 04:19:52 pm »

Yes, its 'in testing' again. And you should be testing it instead of posting on the forum so much, to get it out faster

Because I don't believe statements to 'watch the announcements', I'm certain a post over here will announce in all fanfare that the OP patch is up.. And then I will go back to waiting for the clientside Dyna patch, so I can play singleplayer with your and NuclearWessels' stuff, and have just as fun as I'd have online, and even maybe try playing online again.  

I'm done testing. I'm happy with it and gave my "good to go" this weekend.
.. that and the fact that I play with Strafer and others at a Lan party every weekend with my latest works, and we always brought along the latest test patch. (with permission)

.. so what was said is accurate: watch for the announcement.
-- Luc



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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #115 on: March 17, 2003, 08:08:56 pm »
And they all said 'good to go', hmm?

I'll be watching then. And even more grumpy every day it doesn't show up


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #116 on: March 17, 2003, 08:19:33 pm »
Someone did find a bug after all, but it's D2 related.  (it's in the readme.txt but never got coded)
We'll see what Taldren decides to do about it.

-- Luc


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #117 on: March 17, 2003, 08:24:02 pm »
D2 related? /single player/ D2 related, and possibly involved with the single player problems I've been having trying any conquest campaigns? I'll wait in that case.


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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #118 on: March 17, 2003, 08:44:04 pm »

Someone did find a bug after all, but it's D2 related.  (it's in the readme.txt but never got coded)
We'll see what Taldren decides to do about it.

-- Luc  


Watch Luc test. Test, Luc, test....yadda yadda yadda....blah blah blah...and all that jazz.



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Re: OP Patch Status?
« Reply #119 on: March 17, 2003, 08:53:57 pm »

Watch Luc test. Test, Luc, test....yadda yadda yadda....blah blah blah...and all that jazz.

Hey. I might've been responsible for some of the delays (because I found problems) .. but this one wasn't mine!
-- Luc