Topic: I need a name for this Lyran DN TNG era  (Read 1212 times)

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I need a name for this Lyran DN TNG era
« on: June 02, 2004, 12:14:04 pm »
Any suggestions? It has to be Lyran as that is what inspired it. There are other influences as well. If your really bored, I could go into it in detail.     Prefer names that sound like it could kick azz. I will say that I read Lyrans constuct ships using moduals. Enabling them to use the same parts on various hulls. They also have many clans, I believe that lends itself to leeway on textures, thoguh I like the gold/brown.  

 Lyran DN gallery  


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Re: I need a name for this Lyran DN TNG era
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2004, 01:43:36 pm »
Very good.        
I look forward to d/l it.


(Sorry, but I can't help with the name.)
« Last Edit: June 02, 2004, 01:44:07 pm by MarianoDT »


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Re: I need a name for this Lyran DN TNG era
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2004, 02:13:07 pm »
How about  . . .   Smilodon , its the actual name for Sabre Tooth Tiger . .

After it modular and ahs what looks like "fangs" on the wings . sort of a smile for the enemy!    


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Re: I need a name for this Lyran DN TNG era
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2004, 05:06:49 am »
 Bast Class  Bast is the Eygyptian Cat God.Early Egyptians worshipped the lion headed goddess Bast.  It was not until about 1000 BC that she was represented with a cat's head and the domestic cat also became an object of reverence.
In ancient Egypt murdering a cat resulted in a guaranteed death sentence for the human offender.  
The worship of Bast in Egypt began about 2890 B.C.  (if not earlier) and lasted for about 3000 years. Bast is one of several names  known as the "Eye of Ra", this title denotes a protector, destroyer or avenger. She was a daughter of the sun god Ra and her initial role as the king's protector eventually spread to include children and pregnant women. She then became a symbol of maternity and fertility.  

Mau Class Eygyptian male cat
 Mait Class Eygyptian female cat

 Artemis Class  The Greeks identified Bast with Artemis. Artemis (or Diana) often appeared in cat form. The legend of cats having nine lives probably stems from Artemis as the mother of the nine muses or from the nine primal great Deities of Egypt; a male and female pair for each of the 4 elements plus their mother.

 If you want more I have several other names of different cat gods.But please loose the Rom/Kling wing texture Red.


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Re: I need a name for this Lyran DN TNG era
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2004, 10:24:52 pm »
Hmm- I didn't like Smilodon at 1st, but its growing on me. I like the Egyptian referances as well. Only thing is why would an Alien race name a class after Earth beliefs?  Unless part of Earth culture came from the Lyrans. I am mulling this over  
I'd be interested in the other Egyptian names. Learning history in the model forum  

Oh MP those textures are just slapped on. The reason I do that is a bitmap helps bring out the shadows so I can visulize the design better. Using that map as the colors are at least in the ball park. I am going to keep adding on to this mesh and it will be about 9000 polies. Thats the goal anyway. It will become the Lyran BB and cause the Hydrans a few headaches perhaps.  

I been looking at Lyrans and then this design. The one thing about Lyrans ships is that they were longer than they were wide. This ship is opposite that. Though I reaaly like the swept wings. Nothing is finalized yet. I just sleep on it a while.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by red_green »

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: I need a name for this Lyran DN TNG era
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2004, 05:53:17 am »

Hmm- I didn't like Smilodon at 1st, but its growing on me. I like the Egyptian referances as well. Only thing is why would an Alien race name a class after Earth beliefs?  Unless part of Earth culture came from the Lyrans. I am mulling this over  
I'd be interested in the other Egyptian names. Learning history in the model forum  

I had an EX-fiance that was REALLY into Ancient Egyptian history/mythology. I swear she thought she was an avatar of Bast and Sekhmet, LMAO! Sekhmet was a lioness headed deity who wanted to kill all mankind and in her lust for blood, was tricked into drinking red wine. Sekhmet got drunk and fell asleep thus mankind was saved from her wrath temporarily...

You are correct about the aliens not using Earth names. However, if you go with SFB terminology you find it is we who sue Earth names for ships of other races [like the Gorn]. I doubt the Gorn call thier battleship the Tyrannosaurus Rex. There is a similar precedent on Earth IIRC in the real world, US Navy called the Russian ships by designations other than their Russian names?

Keep those ships coming.



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Re: I need a name for this Lyran DN TNG era
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2004, 06:08:26 am »
I like that idea Red , maybe the Egyptians had visitors.

Quick scenario...................
Lyran ship passing through our solar system way back when developes a warp core breech .The survivors are forced to abandon ship.They crash land on earth.
The Egyptians see the explosion in space,they see the fire come crashing to earth ( the escape pod ).They discover the survivors,humanoids with cat heads, and percieve them as gods.Due to the explosion which lit the night sky like it was day,the Egyptians beleive Ra there sun god has something to do with it. The Lyrans eventually rescue the survivors and leave earth.The Egyptians immortalize them as gods. The Lyrans have long since forgotten that singular moment in time.We just percieve it as Egyptian religion. But hey ya never know right ?

Here's some good reading..... Cat Headed Beings

And as for the ship.....I dig it man,it's ferocious.It gives the Lyrans some real claws.
If you want a "wing texture" try this......

egyptian solar wing symbol

And finally this link has pictures and interesting reading.It also shows how the egyptians linked "wings" to the sun.It ties into my little scenario quite nicely and has some cool art that might yield a new wing like texture for you.......



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Re: I need a name for this Lyran DN TNG era
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2004, 02:50:20 pm »
The Egyptian angle is good but along that line she could be a Sphynx,

As for Smilodon, yes a Federation/Starfleet reporting name for that class of ship, much as was pointed out above.  The Gorn do not use earth dinosaur names, I believe its mentioned somewhere that the Gorn find the names used by starfleet for their ships to be asmusing.

Also, I believe as far as NATO goes Russian and before that Soviet ships where reported by the ship class name when or where it was known followed by a designation to mark "what production" run it was.  example Grisha II, second mark of the Grisha class which I think is a smaller (coastal) sub hunter.

Another parrel is the reporting names of Soviet/Russian fighters, NATO calls the Mig 21 the Fishbed and so on.

hmmm Lyrn cats in egypt   .. .  this before or after Ra?(stargate) ok conflicting Sci-Fi but . .


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Re: I need a name for this Lyran DN TNG era
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2004, 12:52:08 pm »
Hmm well work has slowed on this ship while I work on the game mod. I did make it 50% longer and that helped it. MP I think wing textures may be staying. Now that its longer this ship does resemble a bird. I'll see if I can get the Egyptian wing scheme going without losing the Lyran colors.

This one may end up being Smilodon. But hopefully I will have other ships to use some Egyptian names